Razor's Sandstorm Leap - It's Being Banned
7 years ago
United States

For players who aren't in the community, the leap being referred to (RazorJ) is a version of the 2nd leap which can be seen here:

After consideration, we have decided that Razor's Leap on Sandstorm (which is also called RazorJ or CheetahJ (I refuse to call it either of those regularly) will be banned for the following reasons:

  1. It appears to be heavily ping-biased, making it resort to either luck or ping manipulation, both of those being pretty bad for speedrunning.

  2. PlebJ (A version of the third leap in Skylands that is banned as well for the same reasons) was found to be an overall distance of .5 shorter than that of the Sandstorm Leap (~ 14.2 blocks vs. ~ 13.7 blocks). Since PlebJ is banned, we see no reason that one should be banned but not the other

If someone finds a way to make either / both of these leaps in a way that doesn't rely on your ping, please let us know, and we will consider it. But for now, the leap shall be banned, and all runs containing it will be removed with a notice in the comments of the video

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago
SkateOnIce och tiggz16 gillar detta

lol my disruptor run had less than 100 ping and my Leaper run was done with like 120 ping. Literally anyone can do that by going on their opposite home server. If I'm able to do those leaps I'm sure everyone else is. Also why the hell was Razors PlebJ banned anyways? Anyone can do those too lol

Oh ye salty de community ranting about it...thunder gets his way again

tac23tac23 tycker om detta

Now we're being biased to people who are literally so salty about not being able to make the leap.

If we're going to ban these leaps that are clearly possible, then why not just ban op leaps all together if they're so "ping biased?" If the leap is possible with 100 ping then I don't think either should be banned. If you want me to put on labymod then I will show you it's possible with fair ping.

Anyways, now we have a WR as Leaper that is very suspicious. ????????

tac23tac23 tycker om detta

I've got an idea how about you make a poll about it before the final decision?


Paris, they shouldn't poll it because majority of people can't or can barely make the leap


I leapt with an angle completely off and still made it... I make it more than starj, and the leap is much easier than plebj to leaves. I (with shit ping) fail plebj to leaves decently often but I made this leap first & second try.

You mods have to wait for people to figure out the angle, the timing, etc. You can't just ban a leap because you can't make it first try. Paris has already proven the leap is possible with good ping, I'm gonna try the next time I go to europe (idk when and ill probably forget to anyway)

It's like a long time ago when I couldn't make maniacj (because it's LITERALLY impossible with bad ping - or almost. If you take TIME to FREAKING LEARN how to make the leap LIKE HOW I DID you CAN MAKE SHORTCUTS THAT SEEM IMPOSSIBLE adklgjaldkokn,asm,fkksah,jnfsjfdkasldkas,mdasmlsaj,lasldkj,askfd,askkfsfjlas If u wanna know how basically just leap really low and a block early. Try not to get a god boost because your leap won't recharge in time. It's still really hard and if you overleap you have to catch your sprint. Kthxbai

Seriously, you can't ban the leap because you try it a few times and you can't make it. You could call this the equivalent of ij with weak leaps (idk kinda) because when leaps were weak shortcuts were a lot easier with good ping (but still possible with bad ping) except its the opposite now lol

Paris_Labrador tycker om detta

top kek. big gg. much salt.

Texas, USA

Let me explain this in a sentence, you CAN make it without shit ping, but you will make it a LOT more with shit ping.


Okay. We've banned a leap that is possible (and both leap WRs were held by me and I'm not a shed-ping Aussie) because its "ping biased" and yet anyone can just go on their opposite home server and get 100ms+ ping easily and Aussies get like 500 no matter what lol

Well how about these? I never fucking make these leaps without 90+ ping -RadioJ -PlebJ (at least efficiently) -PBay IJ -ITJ Exploit RazorJ -TommyJ

might as well ban em all too lol


Tristan, Idc if a lot of the people can or cant make the leaps, it still needs to be discussed.

Here's my logic

  1. I've already made the leap several times with lower than average EU ping for an American.
  2. The choice between Kitless and Leapless was a poll.
  3. Tiggz's moderation is currently a poll.
  4. We're banning this literally because "It's harder to make it without shit ping." Seriously, this map is fucking easy to being with I can complete it almost flawlessly every time without RazorJ so we might as well add a challenge aspect to it.
  5. What about leaps that are impossible for players who can't control their ping? ¤Cough ManiacJ¤
  6. I find this leap just as easy if not even easier than Leaf PlebJ
  7. I was the one at the time of the ban with both of the 2 leap WRs. If I can do it, it's possible.
Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago

Also it says "Please let us know if you find a way to make it w/o ping bias"


United States

As in a way that makes ping have 0 to very little factor on one's consistency and ability to do that leap. Not "Hey I can make it with high ping therefore ping isn't a factor".

Please read my post on your complaint post. That is basically the rest of what I have to say on the issue

Redigerad av författaren 7 years ago

Also Fatty, what about the argument that high-pingers can not only get more consistent leaps on PlebJ and CheetahJ, but what about gaining time on some of the flatter OP leaps like on Frost Run, Pirate Bay, and Time Travel? I think gaining time is more of an issue than a consistent leap.

United States

Please refer to your thread

Ontario, Canada

I average anywhere between 15-110 on EU (my opposite server), so I'd still be struggling greatly to make the leap (not that I would go for any Sandstorm WRs, like...ever)

Razors leap is clearly possible...

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