Trouble setting up LiveSplit component to speedup cutscene
11 months ago

Hi there !

I've saw that you can now speedrun cutscene in the game (insane :o) but i can't find how to install it ... I've went to the github page but i don't really know how this works. I've download the zip and put it into the LiveSplit file but there is no speedup parameter in the editsplit menu. Note that the component file from the zip is not authorized to be paste in LiveSplit.

Any help to setup this ? :)

Thx u <3


Oh nice i didn't found that one, your the best <3

Edit : uh i got the split sets now, but the cutscene are not speeding :( Am i missing something ?

Redigerad av författaren 11 months ago

you have to go into the autosplitter settings and enable cutscene speedup


Its working now, i think i had to restart my computer ! This is so much faster, praise the creator of this