questions from someone interested to speedrun this game
10 months ago
Pennsylvania, USA

i have a couple questions for whoever can answer, how is the box ride implemented at the end of the run, what did you bind the jump button to, what are some things done through out the run that is hard to tell in the run footage, what are the differences from the the old and new engine runs, what some console commands that are allowed are used for? I know that is a lot to ask but there is barely any resources on running and I would like to learn this run.

Also I have been running into issues opening up dear esther through source unpack, would like to know what I'm doing wrong

Redigerad av författaren 10 months ago

@PatTheSeaMilk Sorry for the late answer, sucks at giving notifications on things. It would be easier to answer these questions in either SourceRuns Discord (deep knowledge on Source things) or Aizen House Discord (a lot more people who talk about HL2 mods just like this one).

To give some brief answers - Old Engine runs are typically scripted runs and I assume I bound my jump to space, although it seems like I am holding alt so it might be that as well. to wall climb, you spam +use and +jump as fast as you can.

New Engine is the newer version of Source Engine and doesn't have bhopping, but it has ahopping (accelerated hopping). Scripts are not allowed in new engine runs.

You can see allowed commands list in the Rules section, or more up-to-date version here - Old Engine should have a different list but seems like it's not the case here, although it does not really matter for the route that we are currently using for such a simple mod.

Your game not opening can be related to many things, so ask that in the Discord by providing screenshots and such.

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