Board updates!
3 years ago
Limburg, Netherlands

We're currently re-working the Escape mode for DbD seeing as a lot has changed in the game.

Please bear with us, this takes some time and it can cause some delays in how things are handled.

Old Escape is going to be moved into legacy mode, and a new board for the new patch will be added. Further, some of the rules and such will be looked over and adjusted so they're more clear.

Thanks for reading, and happy running!

UnleashedSoul och MommySciku gillar detta

Hi I'm new to speedrunning DBD and I had a question regarding the new updated boards. I went to submit a speedrun for Escape% KYF the match was a custom game with only me playing survivor and my friend playing killer but in the submission I had to list multiple players and 2 wasn't enough.

I saw the old escape% included runs like the one I wanted to submit and I just wanted to check if 1 survivor & 1 killer runs are now being submitted another way or if this is still something that's a work in progress with the recent updates to the board.

Sorry for the bother was just looking for some clarity.

Limburg, Netherlands

Oh that could have been an issue while transferring things. I'll double check everything and fix what was wrong. Thanks for bringing this up!