Categories/Norm/HC Suggestions
7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

It may be worth changing up the categories here because it doesn't seem like there's separation in the right places.The D3 leaderboards themselves don't separate whether the run was MP or not. Just that it was completed and who was included in the group.Whenever Blizz decides to include the Sprinter/Speed Racer Conquest.

It may be better to just add a 'Players' column to that and list them as being part of the same time. That said, the MP boards can be taken out.

As for HC, it represents a much more entertaining run as either NG or NG+ for obvious perma-death reasons. The classes really don't make much difference in NG+ because there's always a way to get a speed bonus through gear like Warzechian Armguards, Krelm's Buff Belt, Wreath of Lightning, and Boon of the Hoarder as examples.

Washington, USA

For NG, running it as HC vs non-HC made no difference whatsoever. Most of the runs I did are HC simply because it was the start of the season, and I gained extra loot after the run from doing them. :-P But, in NG, you basically can't die. If the actual difficulty was harder, it would make a huge difference.

For example, I also run Shadow Warrior 2, and we separate the game by difficulty. It has an extremely similar system of difficulty to this game, even including torment levels (called Insanity levels in that game). So, we have the runs all separated by if they played the game on Easy versus played it on Insane (Insanity 1 can be played as NG). I suggested something like this for this game a while ago, but people didn't like the idea.

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