Several Clarification Questions
2 years ago

I am just going to list all my questions in a bulleted list. •is there any rules on what cookies are allowed? • is there a specific level/star requirement? •does a run have to start from the beginning of the game? •how exactly should a run be timed? •does a run only need to be the boss fights, or should it have all the stages in it? •when should a run be considered "dead"? these are my only questions for now, but more might arise when I actually try the run.

Albany, NY, USA

I did a test run for this to show, in terms of cookies, since the run is quick and is extremely straightforward, currently no cookies are banned. You only need to be able to beat the world 8 boss for Boss Marathon (worlds 1-8) for you to be able to finish a run, however, all bosses must be done in the same sitting. Boss marathon is doing only the bosses, there will be more categories in the future for runs that want to be started from the beginning. Runs for boss marathon should be timed from the time you press "start/play/go" (before the loading screen loading into the level). Ends when the game slows down when you land the final hit. A "dead" run is really up to the runner. But I'd say slow menu navigation or dying, which shouldn't happen much depending on level.

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