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Category: Pit of Eternal Sands

  • Time starts when the player gains control of Sargon after skipping the first cutscene, or after re-entering the game from rebinding controls. Time ends the first frame of entering the Pit of Eternal Sands.
  • The accessibility option “Platform Assist” is banned from being enabled.
  • Difficulty selection must remain as one of the default presets, without adjusting any of the customizable options.
  • Major glitches, exploits, and out-of-bounds tricks are prohibited for this challenge. If you need clarification about what is and is not allowed for the challenge, please visit this guide on the Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown leaderboard. https://www.speedrun.com/pop_tlc/guides/lbg57 Should you accidentally perform a banned strategy, you must go back to the previous checkpoint.
  • Moderators have the right to hold, or even reject, any run they deem contrary to the spirit of the rules, even if the grounds for such a rejection are not explicitly listed in these rules. For example, if a runner submits a run that contains a powerful, perhaps ‘boundary pushing’, trick that has not been shown to the wider community.
  • Full game recordings must start on the main menu or otherwise before a new game save is created.
  • If you need to adjust any of the settings that are locked behind save creation (e.g., Controls), you may do so, but it must be clearly documented in your recording. Start by creating a new save file, proceed to change the specified settings, return to the main menu, then resume the game and start your speedrun. Ensure that your recording captures this entire process for verification.
  • You may not use any kind of Trainer, Cheat Table, or any sort of Macro/Turbo during runs. A Macro could include automated actions assigned to a single binding, or multiple actions bound to a single binding.
  • Runs on the PC platform are required to use the LiveSplit load remover available within Livesplit under Edit Game so long as the game name is set as Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. You may download LiveSplit at http://livesplit.org/downloads/. Please note that your text language must be set to English for autosplitting to work, voice language can be whatever you would like though.
  • Game cannot be modified in any way, including by third party software, with the exception of patches provided by the developer.
  • Game audio must be audible in your submission, however you may disable dialog audio and/or music, just make sure the sound effects are audible in your video submission.
  • Run are timed via Game Time by usage of the load remover available in LiveSplit
  • Runs performed on pirated copies are automatically invalidated.
  • Modification of the game files is not allowed. This applies to any form of modification, such as texture swaps, model swaps, QoL changes, etc...
  • Intentionally lowering the in-game framerate, such as with the use of third-party software, is strictly prohibited. Changing the framerate via in-game settings, however, is perfectly acceptable.

We are following up today after yesterday’s $10,000 Speedrun Challenge announcement with some more even exciting news - we are super excited to announce that Ubisoft has not only sponsored this challenge with a whopping $10,000 prize pool, but an incredible 200 game keys for Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Deluxe Edition! Yes, you have read and understood that correctly. We will be giving away 200 PC copies of the game to the first 200 runners who submit a verified speedrun for the Pit of Eternal Sands category in the PoP:TLC $10,000 Speedrun Challenge!

Already have the Deluxe Edition? Feel free to give it away to a friend, or a fellow speedrunner!

We hope you’re all as excited about this as we are. Go follow the challenge, and be amongst the first 200 to snag your free copy by submitting a speedrun. Happy running everyone, stay tuned for more exciting updates! :)

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Utmaning Information
2024-01-16 00:00
2024-01-30 00:00
2 weeks
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Vad är en utmaning?

Utmaningar är tidsbegränsade speedrunning-tävlingar.

De fungerar mycket likt vanliga topplistor, förutom att det bara tillåts inskick av körningar under en bestämd tidsram.

Utmaningar kan ha unika teman, regler eller mål som skiljer sig från de vanliga kategorierna. De ger möjlighet att utforska olika aspekter av ett spel eller att fira specifika händelser, upptäckter eller gemenskapens milstolpar.

Vad är en tävling?

Tävlingar är speciella utmaningar som arrangeras av teamet på Speedrun.com som kan erbjuda prispengar och andra förmåner.