No% Step By Step guide.
No% Step By Step guide.
Uppdaterad 1 year ago av ToasterMate
  1. Open the case to your right and take the scissors out. (Code is GUTS)
  2. Go to the doll and cut the doll head off to take the batteries out.
  3. From an angle, you can both open the blabbot and put the batteries in. Do that.
  4. After doing that, go to the closet and put in the code 2862.
  5. Grab the bucket and put it under water.
  6. Throw it on the blabbot and wait to get the key out. (DO NOT SPAM MOUSE1, YOU CAN THROW AWAY THE KEY AND YOU LOSE EVEN MORE TIME)
  7. Open the box in the back of the room and get the tape out.
  8. Go to the TV and (IMPORTANT:) walk to the back of the table, this skips a cutscene which can save time.
  9. From here it should be self explanatory.