New categories
7 years ago
Nova Scotia, Canada

Am I missing something with the new categories or is there just 2 leaderboards for NMG?

7xOr6 tycker om detta

We're in the process of restructuring the leaderboards, for now it shows 2 LB for NMG but please ignore this for a few days :)

Nova Scotia, Canada

Sounds like a good idea :D


A heads-up would've been nice perhaps, since all of the sudden getting e-mails about new WR is sending off an alarm. Thought it was hacked or that someone just validated its own times inappropiately.

7xOr6 tycker om detta
California, USA

i mean, Christos with a WR. SeemsGood FeelsHappyMan

ChristosOwen tycker om detta
United States

It looks like Jadin's 1:11-something All Dungeons run was removed from the leaderboards when the restructuring happened. Why was it taken down?

Ohio, USA

He removed all of his runs. Jadin's decision.