The fastest language is Korean
The fastest language is Korean
Uppdaterad 3 years ago av Strackel

Ok so i tried to figure out what is the fastest language for the game as they are 11 available and this is what i found: You can spam a button to skip textboxes quickly but it's longer if you have more textboxes.

So step 2: Count the textboxes in all languages. Here it is:

  • Korean: 128
  • Japanese: 149
  • Russian: 152
  • English: 154
  • Portuguese: 157
  • Simplified Chinese: 157
  • Traditional Chinese: 159
  • Spanish: 161
  • Italian: 164
  • French: 166
  • German: 174

These numbers are for the Any% route. They don't count textboxes in shops, but it's always 1 textbox for buying an item and 1-3 for saying hello to the merchant (will not change the fastest language even if we go on all shops).

For 100% we only speak to a few more PNJ to collect items so it will not change the fastest language.

By the way this will not save a lot of time but it's speedrun you know ;)

Thanks to Mugwort for helping me counting all this.

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Postad 3 years ago
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