Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo2 years ago

yay me

Deux, starsmiley и 6 другие нравится это
Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo2 years ago

im looking for new music to listen to

Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo2 years ago

For those who dont know the UnusAnnus ARG I'm referring to its an ongoing ARG with the goal of figuring out who runs the @UnusAnnus account. I thought it would be fun to log all the evendence in one place, so this is all of the evidence that I know of.

Thread: Unus Annus link: https://www.speedrun.com/talk/thread/k5qlb

This thread doesn't tell us much besides this hint "HE is a FAIRLY active member of sr.c..."

there's a lot of speculation in the comments so for more evidence go check those out

Thread: hi, I'm out link: https://www.speedrun.com/talk/thread/49okg

In this thread @UnusAnnus seems to be calling for help, he also say he has to post the thread before "he" finds out

"but i mea- oh god, hes coming, quick. i have to post this before he finds out"

following this is a link to a google drive contents: Help.txt James.txt Run.wav Unkown.wav UnusAnnus missing persons case

Link to google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eJzH0uyru2i5FMc55Q9A9gFemQLzbnoe

so going throue these one at a time its is what we find

Help.txt: @UnusAnnus talks about being stuck in a loop. "Im stuck in a endless loop, i cant get out"

they also say that there only possession is a picture of there cat "greg" "all i have on me are pictures of my beloved cat, greg"

above that is some morse code that translates to HTTPS://SITES.GOOGLE.COM/VIEW/HELPMEPLEASEIMINDANGER/HOME MAYBE

I fiddled around with it for a while but I couldn't get the link to go any where

James.txt: the only thing in the text file is "come back 9/20/21" so... yeah

Run.wav and Unkown.wav: these are just noises @Dare suggested that the noises could be ran through a spectrogram "The audio probably needs a spectrogram." so if anyone knows how to do that, there you go

UnusAnnus missing persons case: this seems to suggest that UnusAnnus is a person who has gone missing we also hear about there cat "greg" again

"Unus "James" Annus has gone missing as of 9/9/2021, he was last seen online browsing 4-chan, he has gone missing from his home for several months, a cat with the nametag of "Greg" was found in the household, he looked very polite."

weeeeellll that's all the stuff from the google doc

Thread: aopz pz h jhss mvy olsw. Link: https://www.speedrun.com/talk/thread/6r122

lastly this thread has a message incoded with a ceaser cypher it translates to

"this is a call for help

help me, they took everything i have, my house, my cat, my computer. and they will soon take away my life.

i regret everything, this was a mistake.

run. run while you still can. w-w-wait! i wasnt doing anything! 551436 13371599410622 1760 0685 3896 3106 64443 324506 29 14272328 05492822 55024328

  • Unus "James" Annus"

once again we hear that all of UnusAnnus's things have been taken from them we still don't know who the "they" there refuring to is (probably related to the "he" in the Hi, I'm out thread)

side note: I have tried everything but I for the life of me can not figure out what the numbers mean.

also through out there run submissions and there comments they mention Merl_ a lot (probably unraleted)

And thats it, i would like end by thanking @UnusAnnus for a few hours of fun.

MrMonsh и Merl_ нравится это
Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo3 years ago

I just wanted to remind you all of the inevitable https://www.speedrun.com/talk/thread/swyik

Merl_ нравится это
Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo3 years ago

share your thoughts please

Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo3 years ago

01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01100100 01101111 01100011 01110011 00101110 01100111 01101111 01101111 01100111 01101100 01100101 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 00101111 01100100 01101111 01100011 01110101 01101101 01100101 01101110 01110100 00101111 01100100 00101111 00110001 01100010 01101111 01001010 00110001 01101001 00111001 01100111 01000111 01010100 01100110 01111000 00110100 01001011 01010010 01000101 01000011 01010000 01010111 01010101 01100011 01000001 01010101 01110000 00110011 01010111 01010000 01101010 01000011 01101000 01010100 01010101 01010101 01110110 01010010 01111001 01011010 00110001 01110100 01001000 01001111 01001110 01001000 01101111 00101111 01100101 01100100 01101001 01110100

Gaming_64 нравится это
Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo3 years ago

the title kinda explains its self

Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo3 years ago

two weeks ago in the thread below i said that i would take every world record on the site in one week but i have decided to be generous and give you all one year to enjoy your world records before i take them all your welcome -teemo_extreamo


1234, Kentrap и 6 другие нравится это
Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo3 years ago

I was wondering what was your motivation to start speedrunning me personally I just thought it would be really fun

SuperAL1 и O.D.W. нравится это
Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo3 years ago

what why are you didn't you read the title of the thre- i mean no thread here go away

Kentucky, USAteemo_extreamo3 years ago

as the best gamer in all the world I am sad to say that within the next week I will hold all the world records on the site I am so very sorry but it must be done

TRLittleToaster, Xandre_ и 7 другие нравится это
О teemo_extreamo
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