United Statessquare_sr4 years ago

In the category rules it states: "All variants of Game Boy Tower have inaccurate emulation, and are therefore banned." But obviously you can still practice with the Pokemon Tower although I would guess that RNG manipulations will not work on it. If you are interested in trying the accepted emulator here is the link for the setup guide: To be clear though, runs done in the Pokemon Tower cannot be submitted.

тема: Introductions
United Statessquare_sr4 years ago

I don’t run doom, but ask this question in the doom forum or if they have a discord that would be an even better place. If no runs exists you can just do the run and link it within a forum post with a request for the category to be created. Works that way with pokemon speedrunning at least

United Statessquare_sr4 years ago

I do not have an answer, but try asking on the discord server. If you're not already on it follow the pinned thread or follow this link to take you to the post by Dabomstew: Edit: There is a spot in the discord to ask gambatte questions where you are more likely to get an answer in a timely manner.

infernitybum нравится это
United Statessquare_sr4 years ago

Setup tutorial is under guides or use this link to bring you there:

United Statessquare_sr4 years ago

While Pinkish is correct.... also set up a save state at the save point (preferably one you have pre-saved with no IGT). Proceed to execute the manip as best you can and make save states along the way. But you need to think about how you set up the state and how you load it:

e.g. if you are learning route 3 and want to practice the movement after grabbing the Water Gun TM. Make your save State at the start of the A-press that picks up the ball but before the jingle begins. When you load this state. Hold A before hitting the hotkey for load state and continue holding A until the jingle begins. Then promptly hold right and continue the manip from this point. For the 4-A press rooms before Mega Punch TM set up a save state immediately after walking down towards the ladder. That way you hold down before loading state and continue the manip from this point. Save states do not need to be tied to item balls but they do require you hold a direction or A as appropriate before loading the state. And require no IGT and for the manip to be done correctly up until that point.

IntegralDerivative, Viroda, и PsyMar нравится это
United Statessquare_sr4 years ago

This video by Alan is useful for setting up the emulator:

United Statessquare_sr4 years ago

Hey, so also a particularly useful guide by AlanSchweitzer for setup: https:/​/​www.​speedrun.​com/​pkmnredblue/​guide/​wf0la You can also just navigate to it under Guides for this category.

United Statessquare_sr4 years ago

Hey, so under regular Pokemon Red/Blue (not the category extension) there is info under the Resources Tab and this is a particularly useful guide by AlanSchweitzer for setup: Also join the PSR discord as an additional resource.

United Statessquare_sr4 years ago

On the 3ds virtual console (as far as I know) there is no way to hard reset--making manips impossible to execute. But if you're not using manips it should be fine. (Also, if there is a way to hard reset on 3dsVC, someone please let me know!) Edit: I stand corrected. Soft resetting on virtual console acts as a hard reset for manips. But yea excellent points below by Pinkish.

О square_sr
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