secretlyasliver21 hours ago

That's incredible! I'm glad that you've done that. You definitely have the option of making your own game category here on SRC. I would be interested to see this leaderboard, I bet without the randomness, a lot of people would get a lot better times.

So that makes me ask...why haven't you tried to submit to the main ALTTP leaderboards? You certainly have WR level execution, it shouldn't take you too long to compete.

Oh, I see.

You're VOTETRUMP2024. You were banned I even need to say it? Not to mention on your streams as your previous incarnation, wqqqqwrt, you were reported multiple times to twitch for misogyny and racism. So I guess that explains the name change. I seriously hope that all of the tips you get are via cryptocurrency, as you insist.

From the bottom of my heart, there is nothing that I would like less than having your times back on any leaderboard. You used up that good will years ago. So I would ask you to politely go back to whatever hovel you crawled out from before the moderators of this board see this post. And if not, fine. I don't give a hair on a rat's ass about this board anyway. But I know people who do. And you are infecting them. This is a suggestion. Go back to whatever nazi hellscape is in your head where you are the specialest boy in existence and leave the rest of humanity alone.

О secretlyasliver
1 year ago
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