Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

I think we should do this so that we can’t, for example, be abusing old bugs from three years ago. This would also ensure we’re actually speedrunning the common hoi4 known to everyone and that the strats don’t evolve so that they don’t make sense based on the current version. We don’t have to remove runs with old versions, just always play on the latest patch for a run

Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

Nice strat!

KilleDragon нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

@Marikh Cool, maybe this could be used in an extra TAS category

KilleDragon нравится это
тема: Celeste
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

Yes, try FramePerfect if you only have a phone

тема: Celeste
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

If you still want to keep everest, you can have two versions of the exe file, one with and one without, that is what I do

тема: Celeste
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

I think this is legal, and if not it should be

Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

@JWILD I was not attempting to name-call or attack you in any way, I was actually asking a question. When you said in your previous reply “I for one, think that the Princess' gratefulness is important“, I thought this was a joke based on the Princess liking Luigi instead of Mario, because the Princess’ gratefulness is not important at all in speedrunning IMO. That is why I believed this post to be a troll, and responded to you to clarify.

JWILD, KilleDragon и 2 другие нравится это
тема: Celeste
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

No, all you need is a youtube video. Enable the in game timer

Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

So was this entire forum post just a troll by you then @JWILD

DrunkGecko, KilleDragon, и WoofMasterArf нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

@roopert83 I see, didn't ignore that on purpose! :P

KilleDragon нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

Would RetroArch be allowed with specific settings that have to be set? I read in the thread you linked that 1 frame of input lag runahead comes close to what the actual console can output

KilleDragon нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

Also, if you check this thread ( it states that RetroArch on mobile is allowed due to it having a Nestopia core

KilleDragon нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

Is there any way of getting it allowed or is there just too much of a possibility of cheating using RetroArch?

KilleDragon нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

RetroArch has this run-ahead latency reduction that is supposed to reduce input lag, and so I’m wondering if it is allowed to be used as an emulator (using the Nestopia core)

KilleDragon нравится это
Los Angeles, CA, USAsam13704 years ago

Not sure how you would use a mouse to play SMB but yes

KilleDragon нравится это
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