тема: Maid of Sker
United Kingdomrunewinter3 years ago

Hi everyone!

I'd like to make this post to officially announce two new members of the Mod Team, Corayzy and xenojoe!

They'll be on a 3-month trial period as of today and should there be no issues in that time, they will join as Super Mods at the end of the trail time.

Both have offered to help out prior to the decision to add extra moderators and so were top of my list. This now means we have two differing timezones active to verify runs in a faster manner.

As with anything, if anyone has any issues with the way the board is run, please do not hesitate to contact me (or the new guys!) about it - please don't keep it to yourself or cause unnecessary discourse over something that can be talked through!

If the run continues to grow and there is a need for addition moderators, another announcement will be made for applications should you wish to help out.

Once again, welcome to our new moderators, and happy speedrunning <3

nyiddle, bloggsjoe, и Corayzy нравится это
тема: Maid of Sker
United Kingdomrunewinter3 years ago

Hi all, just a quick addition to the rules as of October 3rd 2020 (14:00 GMT) - Timer pauses (outside of the load remover) will invalidate runs. Pausing the game is fine, but the timer must stay running except for when the load remover does its thing. I apologize for not making this clearer earlier! Runs submitted before this rule have been verified and a note added to the description.

In addition to the timer pause rule, all categories, difficulties and endings now have a time cap for submission. Runs over 3 hours will be rejected, please do not submit playthroughs. For 100% on Hard, the time cap is currently 5 hours as the general runtime is unknown for that specific difficulty. This will be subject to change once we have more of an idea.

Thanks for reading, I apologize again for my lack of clarification on the above.

тема: Maid of Sker
United Kingdomrunewinter4 years ago

Hi! I discussed this a little with another runner and felt that having Easy and Hard was a good balance, normal doesn't change much from Easy (slightly more damage taken) but is still much easier than Hard so it doesn't really work as a good "in between" if that makes sense?

This can totally be up for debate if there's more runners demanding it but it seems a little arbitrary when it's so close to Easy, and I'm also basing it off other games that knocked out the "middle" difficulties when they don't offer as much. Hope this suffices, in the future if Normal is really wanted it can totally go up for a community vote or something!

Also, welcome <3

тема: Maid of Sker
United Kingdomrunewinter4 years ago

Welcome to the Maid of Sker SRDC leaderboard! Please have a quick read of the rules to save us all some time and hassle.

▹Please show the menu/difficulty selection at the start of your videos.

▹LiveSplit is required for timing using the autosplitter & load remover. Times on the board go by time without loads as priority timing.

▹Time starts on the first 'E' prompt of the game (on the train to pick up the first music sheet) and ends on the selection of the final dialogue option (to give the cylinders to Elizabeth, or to play the countersong). The stats screen must be shown at the end of the run.

▹ Once the timer has stopped on the last prompt, it's runners choice if they let the cutscene play at the end, or if they skip through to the final Stats screen.

▹Please make sure video quality is decent and that the game audio can be heard clearly.


It has been decided that Safe difficulty would not make for an interesting speedrun, as all enemies and RNG have been removed. Nobody really wants to watch a running sim, so runners have the option to choose Easy or Hard as per their preference.

If you have any questions regarding the rules, categories, sub categories (endings) or difficulties, feel free to message a moderator or ask here on the forum.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, please refer to the seperate categories for individual rules. Have fun!

October 3rd 2020 (14:00 GMT) - Timer pauses (outside of the load remover) will invalidate runs. Pausing the game is fine, but the timer must stay running except for when the load remover does its thing. I apologize for not making this clearer earlier! Runs submitted before this rule have been verified and a note added to the description.

In addition to the timer pause rule, all categories, difficulties and endings now have a time cap for submission. Runs over 3 hours will be rejected, please do not submit playthroughs. For 100% on Hard, the time cap is currently 5 hours as the general runtime is unknown for that specific difficulty. This will be subject to change once we have more of an idea.

wildfire011 нравится это
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