Michigan, USApjplustwo3 years ago

Trimmed the fat a little bit.

  1. delete log 1
  2. create log 1 name: A sex: male MS: 8
  3. Buy 2 wings
  4. save at luisa and reset
  5. Change message speed to 5 on log2 (should already be on 5)
  6. continue log 1 (seed lock is loaded)
  7. walk to reeve (no encounters)
  8. wing to aliahan and save with Luisa
  9. reset
  10. Change message speed to 5 on log2, continue log 1
  11. Immediately wing to reeve and walk DOWN
  12. walk til you get a battle (black raven x1 and slime x1), attack and reset
  13. repeat 10-12 one more time for 2 total.
  14. change log 2 message speed to 3 and load log 1.
  15. wing to reeve, walk south til encounter (slime x1 and black raven x4), attack and reset
  16. delete log 1
  17. reset setup is complete, continue using "IF STARTING FROM A PREVIOUS RUN" section of the notes

This setup assumes you already have log files from previous runs, if you do not, use the previous post's setup.

Michigan, USApjplustwo3 years ago

You cannot achieve an empty RAM state with a cartridge that's been powered on and has a working battery. However an empty RAM state isn't necessary, your assumption was correct in you only need the correct discard counter. Here is a quick and dirty way to set your cartridge up for true any% runs:

  1. delete all saves and reset
  2. create log 1 name: A sex: male MS: 8
  3. Buy 2 wings
  4. save at luisa
  5. reset
  6. create log 2 name: E? sex: female MS: 5
  7. reset
  8. Change message speed to 5 on log2 (should already be on 5)
  9. continue log 1 (seed lock is loaded)
  10. walk to reeve (no encounters)
  11. wing to aliahan and save with Luisa
  12. reset
  13. Change message speed to 5 on log2 (same as above)
  14. continue log 1
  15. Immediately wing to reeve and walk DOWN
  16. walk til you get a battle (black raven x1 and slime x1), attack and reset
  17. repeat 13-16 one more time for 2 total.
  18. change log 2 message speed to 3 and load log 1.
  19. wing to reeve,walk south til encounter (slime x1 and black raven x4), attack and reset
  20. delete all log files
  21. reset

Step 1-15 are lax while steps 15, 16, 17, 19 are precise and any misstep or menu mistake requires a reset and try again

Michigan, USApjplustwo5 years ago

Hello pianistman

This board is for the NES version. I have contacted the board admin for gbc dw and will see about adding a dw2 category if there will be runs submitted for it. I'm not sure why there are no runs for dw2 gbc, I assume people rather run the JP SNES version instead, but that's just speculation.

Thanks for your post, hope this helps :)

pianistman нравится это
Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

Sure, no problem.

EDIT: Just to followup with anyone that may be having similar problems with a PowerPak, it turns out the PowerPak was still loading old saved data. In order to fix the problem a blank .sav file was loaded with the ROM and it corrected the problems. Ultimately it was an incorrect discard counter from the old save file causing the issues.

Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

Based on that I'm going to guess that it isn't the discard counter so don't worry about the save file on the powerpak. I followed you on twitch and will check out your setup and hopefully get this figured out.

RandomEffekt нравится это
Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

I use an everdrive and when you save a game it creates a file that is the saved SRAM. I would delete that file. TBH I do not know how to do this on the PowerPak and I am assuming its even possible in the first place. A quick and dirty test would be to put another DW3 rom on the powerpak with a different name that way it will create a new save file to accompany the renamed ROM.

Do you have a POWERPAK/SAVES folder? The saved SRAM might be in there.

Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

When you say you are loading with no files does that mean there was previous files? The discard counter lies in the area of SRAM that isn't affected by the log files so any use of a savefile can cause it to change even if you delete all the log files after and start again. For the TAS route you have to start with a blank SRAM file so try deleting the SRAM file on the PowerPak and see if that solves your problem.

As far as fixing the log loading order, I still don't know to this day and if I encounter it I just delete the savefile and start fresh.

Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

Hello RandomEffekt

I can think of 3 things that could be the problem:

  1. wrong seed loading
  2. wrong discard counter
  3. your field frame counter being off

If I had to guess it would be your seed is loading from slot 2 opposed to slot 3. DW3 has a very wacky log system and I have run into problems before with the wrong RNG seed getting loaded. You can check to see what seed is loading by creating the character, saving, resetting, and play log 1. Once you do that, walk out to the world map and if you don't get any encounters that means you're loading the seed lock and you need to erase the savefile and start fresh. However if you do get regular encounters its not the seed.

Since you're starting from a blank ram save file your discard counter should be 0 so that should be fine.

Finally the field frame counter will only be off with a mistake in movement or menuing. if both those are fine it won't be the FFC.

Sorry about being vague but unless I can see it I'm not 100% sure. I can also check the savefile of the ROM from the PowerPak to give you a more definitive answer.

Hope this helps and thanks for your interest.

тема: Dragon Warrior
Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

I personally had no problem with threesome% and understand the meme and why its called that. I also have no issue with what the category is named and I would have let the person who creates the category name it under normal circumstances. but ultimately my personal opinion isn't important. My actions are heavily weighted towards what's best for the community of the ACTUAL runners of the game itself. The reason for the name change is quite a few DW1 speedrunners who may run this category in the future pride themselves on having a PG channel. "Threesome%" in a twitch title is kinda counter intuitive to being PG. That's it, no other reason.

I appreciate and accept all opinions on the matter.

xenkaroshi нравится это
тема: Dragon Warrior
Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

Thank you for your input shikaroxen. I have taken what you said into consideration and changed the name of the category to something temporary for now. I agree using threesome% might be viewed as being tacky so I'm sure there won't be an issue with a change. We need a new category name to use so any suggestions from anyone would be appreciated.

тема: Dragon Warrior
Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

Thanks marth, I used your ruleset.

The category is live so please submit the run as soon as its uploaded.

тема: Dragon Warrior
Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

I will add any category if there are more than 1 runner for said category. I personally have no problem with meme categories however if there is an issue with it in the community I also have no problem not adding it.

I would also need the rules for the run defined if it's to be added.

Thank you for your interest.

Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

The RNG is not technically frozen, it is in a extremely short sequence. Short loops are commonplace in a LFSR and not a bug, glitch, or programming error/oversight.

A category with no seedlock but allow other savegame checksum manipulations could be created but until there are runs of it or runners showing interest in it, there is no reason to create more categories.

Any% - glitchless arguably might not be the most accurate and appropriate name but is done for the sake of simplicity. Until a new category is made that could be confused with the category in question, I see no reason to change it unless it is requested by others in the community.

Thanks for your interest.

From Vaxherd's RNG research: "there are two initial seeds which give an LFSR sequence length of just 2: $5FEA and $AFF5. This property itself is unavoidable in any LFSR equation.... Since the RNG algorithm clocks the LFSR 16 times per random n umber, this effectively means that if the seed is ever set to one of these two values, the RNG will simply return the counter plus a constant value."

тема: Dragon Warrior
Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

I personally feel any category outside of true any% should be no RNG manipulation. Naked% with manipulation would essentially be the same as the current any% with the only difference being an extended metal slime grind.

тема: Dragon Warrior
Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

afaik no one has made a step by step guide but here are a few things that might be helpful.

Original proof of concept video The last few pages of the SDA thread.

good luck :)

тема: The Site
Michigan, USApjplustwo6 years ago

Is the only way to get mod for a game from the series supermod If my game is moderated by the series mods only?

I contacted them via twitch but I'm not sure how long that will take. I'm worried they may have no idea who I am so I'm not 100% sure they will get my messages. how long is a reasonable amount of time to pass til you would consider mod? I'm sorry if I sound impatient, I just want my run posted. I appreciate the series mods but its almost been a month and I already have another run done and hopefully more to come.

Game Series The specific game I am requesting mod for

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
тема: The Site
Michigan, USApjplustwo7 years ago

Thank you for the reply @tocaloni1

I do not know who any of the current moderators are. I rarely use social media and I dont use discord that's why I came to this thread. I read the 1st post @speedyahtuan as I formatted my request the way they asked and personally I know of no way to contact these people since the only way to contact them is through 3rd party means. I am active on twitch and since they are not part of the DWIII speedrunning community this thread was my last resort. Thank you

Edit I found them on twitch.

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
тема: The Site
Michigan, USApjplustwo7 years ago

I would like to request taking over moderation of Dragon Warrior III I submitted a run for verification awhile ago and it has yet to be posted and new categories have been added but all times are still lumped in together in any% There is currently 3 runners for this game and the current set of mods do not and have never run this game,

Thank you

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
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