Québeckinghippo4237 years ago

On reflex, it's very close on if I would do _br7 or _br5. Both have their pros and cons but I really feel like _br5 a bit better because you're setting yourself for a nice horizontal blue and will clear the way for a future horizonatal red. If you play on reflex _rb7, try to make it _br7. The different is pretty significant on the prospect or having that garbabe blue fall down on the blue virus a bit lower in the future.

A good debate can be done on the next double blue if you should play _bb1, |bb1 or |bb2. This is where play style comes into play. My default is _bb1 but I've seen Acmlm plays vertically more often then not in those situation and I'm not sure why.

|rb5 has very good reasoning but without great RNG in the next 4-5 pills, you're bound to get problems, specially with the double blue where depending on the 3nd pill you should place that double blue vertical to create a spot for future red-blues.

Man those are fun to answer. I will find few spots from my last night runs.

Québeckinghippo4237 years ago

On that spot, it's tough and I'm sure there is more than one "good" way to attack this but my default play is hry7 and hbb1. The result is this

The reason why I don't like |yr3 is because you don't have a spot for red-yellows in the future and you will be face the same problem you have now in a different configuration. The only way to open up options for you is to place the next double blue on |bb6 which is pretty bad. Another good reason is |yr3 will make you lose 1sec by the forced pill dropping.

Maybe you can give me your reasoning behind your play.

|ry5 is never an option here. Putting a pill vertically like that is almost always a mistake. I'm quoting my pastebin here since it's the same situation :

""This is a general tip but have more consequences in the later levels I feel and I’ve seen it enough by newer player that it needs to be addressed first. Let’s say you don’t have a spot for a specific pill, it’s almost always a bad idea to place this bad pill vertically on the board. Let’s say you have a red-yellow and don’t have a spot for yellow yet, you might think placing the pill vertically on the board connecting the red part of the pill on a red virus. This looks like a good play but have too many downsides to be considered a good play. To clear that yellow efficiently, you will need double-yellows and a specific single-color pill comes 11% of the time. If you manage to clear the yellow with double-color pills, you will be forced to wait longer for the “garbage” part of the pills to fall down. And lastly, placing that red-yellow horizontally in the first place will create a spot for future red-yellows that will be given to you, that will make you clear the red virus and have 3 yellow in a vertical line ready to be cleared. Placing a bad pill horizontally will open more options on your board and that’s one of the more important things you need to think about while playing this game.""

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Québeckinghippo4237 years ago

Without the double yellow in the cue, vry8 is just too risky because you don't have a spot for blue-yellow anywhere. I would probably go with a safer play like hyr8 toward creating a spot for blue-yellow.

And as a sidenote, the reason why I place the next double red no matter that on vrr1 is because depending on the pill order, you might have a problem by having 3 columns with a top-red virus, which is a futur problem to think about.

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Québeckinghippo4237 years ago

With this exact setup, I do 100% of the times vry8 vyy5 for the yellow T. It's just too good. And after that you have spots for every type of pill including blue-yellow that wasn't the case before the T.

After that I try I hope to undig yellow asap. If the game gives you yellows too early, you breakeven on the play. If the game likes you, you just saved a good 2-3 seconds.

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Québeckinghippo4237 years ago

I agree with hyb2 there is no other choice that makes sense really. A red-yellow would have been a interesting choice between vry8 and hry4. Knowing the 3rd pill would be very usefuss to where to place that double yellow but without the knoeledge, I rather play the double yellow on vyy7. I want to keep alive the possible double yellow combo in column 5 and it create another spot for red-blues. The next double red needs to be placed at vrr1 at all costs.

What's your reasoning behind the vyy2 play? Clearing the yellow garbage as soon as possible?

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