рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3146 days ago

I have noted your run, but I will treat this like an accident. I'm not going to act like I know whether or not it was intentional, so you have my good faith.

Breadley01 нравится это
рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3143 months ago

Le'garde will always be dead when you find him in Hardmode.

рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3143 months ago

Very nice run! I love your efficient phase steps. I think if you'd love to know the areas in Ma'habre that take place inside generic buildings are all on the same one map, so you can phase step from different insides to the other.

About your submitted time, I adjusted its milliseconds because you submitted 089ms, when you actually have 890ms. Livesplit displays the fractional part in centiseconds, which is fucking weird tbh but whatever. This happens a lot so don't worry about it! Keep it in mind for your future submissions; thank you. <3

EgorDebushevskiy нравится это
рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3145 months ago

If you hold Page Down or W, standard RPG Maker controls should skip through the dialogue quickly. These two are bound by default to the PgDn instruction.

But PgDn and PgUp both also cycle through a couple of different menus, like the equipment menus. So look what the controls are configured to in the game settings and then experiment in different places with those less obvious keybinds.

Your keybinds are important in speedruns because as an example, you can bind Delete to Cancel for clearing the inputs faster while writing in empty scrolls. This strategy won the current ending E any% world record.

рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3145 months ago

Hi! thx for your submission I changed the run's category to Glitchless since you didn't use any glitches

рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3145 months ago

Hey there! Two things: Ihukne ended the timer later than he was supposed to and the timer you're referencing was the real world timer without load removal. We time with both Real Time Attack and Load Removed Time because doesn't let you exclusively pick out LRT as the record time.

When runners end timers too late, I just let it slide since they have the freedom to recalculate the overshot amount of time. But in the case that the runner does re-time it, I check it manually, frame by frame, to confirm or to correct their re-timing.

Hope that cleared it up for you.

рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3146 months ago


Canisu нравится это
рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3146 months ago

Hi DarkValky, the board provides resources that are allowed in Speedruns. Resources not provided on the board are not allowed. The resource used here is an old version of the Salmonsnake soul fix that was provided here. The Russian players can do this in their official Russian release of the game. As to why this fix is allowed, thus making it more fair for English release players. Hopefully I cleared this decision up for you!

DarkValky нравится это
рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3146 months ago

aideeKay introducing a new meta to mechanics? You love to see it!

aideeKay нравится это
рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3147 months ago

Nice work! Very tight record now

aideeKay нравится это
рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3147 months ago

Good run! :)

aideeKay нравится это
рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3147 months ago

Thanks for the submission! I adjusted the RTA to your LRT in your submission because you didn't run with load removal. This makes your in-game timer represent your real time, and not your load removed time. Your LRT and RTA are in this case both 6m 24s 780ms. Ty~

тема: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3148 months ago

Hi there! I'm excited to tell you guys that I compiled the modifications previously we agreed on into one compact patch.

The idea is to talk to each other about adding new additions to this patch. So as to grow it together, instead of sporadically throwing everything in the Resources section. This is by no means an attempt to filter mods / tools, but moreso centralize it and make it easier for runners to start / restart speedrunning with all the necessary tools. As an admin, I feel responsible for everything this board does so I want these things to go through me before they end up on the board.

I've mentioned it in the video guide for the 1.0 version of this patch, but I'll say it here again. Regarding autosplitting: hit me up on Discord! I'd be more than happy to actually learn about this and get it down into this patch. For 1.0 I've left Tegron's autosplitter resource up because I don't think it's fair to take something away I can't give back yet. So please talk to me about this in Discord, I promise you that I will not bite.

The patch can be found in the Resources section and as of this version includes:

  • Screen-freeze bugfix
  • Salmonsnake soul empty scroll oversight
  • Load-time remover plugin for LiveSplit, setup guide is linked in the patch's README.txt

Any questions regarding this are welcome down below or on Discord.

SuperRPGgamer нравится это
Belgiumjas3148 months ago

Raccoon, you're being a terrible host.

Not only do you ignore the wishes of the most active players, but you also wish to keep all the power to yourself. Then you write a huge paragraph trying to intimidatingly coax the entire community into thinking you're some kind of victim of our opinions on the state of this community. This hobby that I share with you is nothing else than providing a place for people to compete and communicate the way they'd like to with one another. When things as simple as this are getting this complicated, it is a sign that you're doing things wrong.

The new year has left us with an old you, and I hope you can leave this empty pride behind.

рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas31410 months ago

Thx for your submission! I set your LRT time to your RTA time because you didn't provide one. If you don't run with a load time remover, please put your RTA time in your LRT. Ty <3

SuperRPGgamer нравится это
тема: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas31411 months ago

Hi there!

Recently, Tegron has introduced us to a plugin for LiveSplit that removes load times from RPG Maker MV. We do not force you to use this plugin, but do however highly suggest using it as it can regularly save a fair amount of seconds, especially on lower end devices.

So what does this mean?

  1. The submissions will now be ranked according to LRT. RTA is still here because it's obligated in's system.
  2. Regarding the submissions prior to this introduction: D3LL and I have manually overriden the LRT of these runs to be the same as that of their RTA, which explains all the notifications some of you may have received today. If anyone spots any errors that came from this process, tell us in our mail or through one of our linked social media accounts. Please don't tell us in this thread.

If you have any other questions related to this matter, feel free to ask down here.

izanagifonfabre, D3LL, и Tegron нравится это
рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas31411 months ago

Hey, thanks for your submission! I filled in the milliseconds for you, since you forgot to do that. Have a nice day.

Skuttie нравится это
рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3141 year ago

Hi there! Your run was submitted to any%, though it featured no glitches. Thus I've moved it to the Glitchless category; you should do so as well. ;p

On another note, you ended your run far later than was required of you. This is no issue to the competition though and only to your own submission. Thought I'd let you know regardless. :)

рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3141 year ago

Nobody should ever seek after my respect, since I'm nobody else than just another player. You however, MortimerNova, regard me as a higher person than I actually am and ever tried to be. Blaming me for your own views on life. I will not act like I am such a figure, and share my honest opinion on a person's actions if I feel inclined to do so.

Your comparative semantics regarding my role as a moderator do not shake a single stone in my body at all.

My opinion envelopes no less or more than the fact that submitting a regular playthrough as an opportunistic grasp towards uncontested records is, simply put, pathetic. Especially because SinDarkFatez can do better, far better. They have shown to be a very skilled and determined player who can, dare I say, literally kill categories if they feel so inclined to. I wish to see more than the bare minimum from them in regards to this and the Enki S Glitchless' category.

рекорд: Fear & Hunger
Belgiumjas3141 year ago

The community will always come first. If they think this qualifies as a valid speedrun, then I will treat it like one. However, I think submitting your regular playthrough of Ragnvaldr S is insulting. I find your submission for Enki S glitchless just as invalid. The day you show up with a submission that respects this board, is the day I will show respect to you as a person.

lazu0 нравится это
О jas314
Hi, I'm Jaspie. I host and run on the Fear & Hunger speedrunning board. Refer to my Discord to contact me please.
1 year ago
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