houseparty4207 years ago

after scrolling over the video is even says the run time xD but it's off that 2 seconds like ROMaster2 said so it's 2 seconds better than that

houseparty4207 years ago

@ROMaster2 - The time is from when you control isaac till when you stop. the video on pc is roughly 4mins52sec.

@SliceableEagle - - I never faked a time, i talked to the old WR holder who cheated and that's what he told me. Don't call me a cheater and liar because you dunno shit. I'm happy you're starting to run the game but you already know my time regardless. So until you get WR time then you can talk about it. My run time is utter shit.

houseparty4207 years ago

I remember now, he told me he sent his video in to people who manage the load times of each chapter as you take that time out as well. That's why it's like that. Once again, feel free to lower my time by 4mins53secs.

There's also not enough runners to maintain more categories.

houseparty4207 years ago

the only reason my time is like that is because the old WR holder who refused to answer how he got raw movement with mouse did that with his time too, i watched it and questioned it. you can swap my time 4mins53secs lower than my finish time if u want. i'm bout to start running the game again anywas.

houseparty4207 years ago

K imma delete his video, He just refuses to give link on how to have full mouse control for the past 2 weeks now as i've already been asking on youtube prior to this.

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houseparty4207 years ago

I've asked for a link for making the mouse as smooth as Dead Space 2. Still refuses to link. If you would link it, I would test the mouse myself and can confirm since i'm currently 2nd place with a controller. YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME BUT THE MOUSE MOVEMENT IS JUST WTF.

houseparty4207 years ago

I'll have to watch his Dead Space 2 run and compare it to his Dead Space 1 run and see if his aiming is shittier in Dead Space 2 because if so, it's confirmed he's scripting of some sort.

I love Dead Space 1 but with shitty mouse support it just questions me how his aim is so precise.

Prior of cheating before I just wonder why he's still eligible to run the Dead Space series.

Do you know any location of where I can enhance my mouse movement for Dead Space 1 because he has enhanced his no doubt about it. I wish to do so myself.

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houseparty4207 years ago

I need answers on how his movement is so precise when this game has the worst support for using a mouse.

Not only does his shots insta-lock onto a speeding necromorph, there are more Aim-lock things in his run but i'm not rewatching it.

At 1:46:32 he just instalocks onto an enemy when the mouse control is utter shit.


He's hating on my run because I play the game with a controller. Otherwise, his record would've been destroyed by now if there was ANY SUPPORT FOR MOUSE AND KEYBOARD. But we all know there is shit support for that.

I want answers on this. If not, his run needs to be taken down.

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