South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

Update has just been uploaded. LiveSplit should download it automatically. The Windows 10 April update broke it. I expect this will keep happening with each semi-annual release.

ProjectJungle и Sheepmetal нравится это
South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

I think I've seen something similar on other machines, namely laptops, using full screen mode. If the game is minimized during a save or while just running you can teleport long distances. Aleck47 either demonstrated this or just mentioned it during his RPG Limit Break run, and I've seen another example before too.

I don't really know how to handle it as far as timing or rules are concerned. As the timer is programmed now, minimizing the game will make the timer start back up because the game is no longer in focus. I don't remember how right clicking on the game's Title Bar affects the timer. I know I've accidentally right clicked it during runs since I use mouse movement a lot.

This is obviously banned in Glitchless, but I don't know about Any%. I don't think we need to require runners to play in fullscreen mode. The game comes with a config tool (swconfig.exe) in the install directory that was used by the original release to put it into windowed mode. The Steam release doesn't seem to honor all of that tool's options, so we have allowed runners to force windowed mode by editing their ini file.

We may need to reconsider this stance if it becomes a larger issue. I'd like to hear other runner's stance too, so feel free to state your opinion. Should this be banned in Any%? Should runners be forced to play in Fullscreen? Should alt-tabbing be allowed while your character is moving?

South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

Basically, I think you're not mashing hard enough. For me, I start mashing quick load immediately after pressing quick save the last time. As long as you don't mash both at the same time, you shouldn't encounter the issue of loading a save in progress.

But if it's easier for you, you can do the "safe" buffer instead - clicking the options menu icon at the top right and manually loading by pressing enter, enter, up, enter. (I think that's the sequence.) Doesn't lose much time once you get used to it.

Sheepmetal нравится это
South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

Huh... Not sure how we forgot to try that..... lol ..... this will eventually irritate me until I try to improve the record again. This and the other improvements you've come up with. Good work, Sheepmetal!

Sheepmetal нравится это
South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

Sorry, I've been busy and forgot to investigate the issue over the weekend. I'll make the time to check tonight, and hope to get a fix out tonight as well.

Sheepmetal нравится это
South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

No worries about the DM stuff. I guess they think we all just use Twitter, lol.

I'll try to check it tonight, but I haven't updated my win10 laptop in ages. If it's broken again, then I'll try to get a fix published later this week.

kyo нравится это
South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

lol, you didn't need to do that Sheepmetal. I appreciate that you gave information and examples.

kyo нравится это
South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

Your chance to hit is determined by your attack roll. To hit the target, your attack roll must be equal or greater than the target's defense.Your attack roll is 1d20 + (STR/DEX) + base attack bonus + extra modifiers.

STR and DEX are your modifiers (+1, +2, etc) for the strength and dexterity attributes. STR is used for all melee weapons, but lightsabers will use DEX if that modifier is higher. DEX is used for all ranged weapons.

Your base attack bonus depends on your class, but for Soldier and Guardian it is equal to your level. Other classes have a slightly lower bonus.

A character under attack will compare your attack roll to their defense, which is calculated as 10 + armor bonus + DEX. The DEX bonus to defense may be capped by your armor.

The damage dealt is determined by your weapon's damage roll. Damage is only calculated if you hit, and it uses the damage range of the weapon to calculate it. Sheepmetal gave the example of a short sword, which uses 1d6 for its base damage to which you add STR because it's a melee weapon. Ranged weapons do not get a bonus to damage from STR or DEX, so they can easily be outpaced by melee weapons.

One final thing to note is if you roll a 20 on your attack, it's an automatic hit. If you roll a 1, however, it will be an automatic miss.

For your example, Trask uses power blast with his Blaster Pistol. He has 14 dexterity for a DEX of +2. If he's only using one blaster, I believe he'll have another +1 to attack from his Dueling feat, and as a level 3 soldier he has a +3 base attack bonus. This gives +6 in total. Attacking with power blast imposes a -3 penalty to attack, so he only has a +3 bonus. Against a sith with defense of 11, he just needs to roll 8 or higher on his d20 to hit.

When he hits, he rolls the 1d6 for the blaster damage and adds the bonus damage from power blast (+5). That means his damage range for this attack is 6-11.

kyo нравится это
South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

Without loads tracks your time with saving and loading removed. This is done in an attempt to equalize the playing field across different types of PC hardware. Otherwise, people who payed for better equipment (solid-state drives, top of the line graphics cards) might have a distinct advantage over those who didn't.

You can verify the load time remover is working by doing the following.

  • Make sure the game name is "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic", "Knights of the Old Republic", or "KotOR".
  • Activate the load time remover the splits page.
  • Switch to comparing against game time: right click LiveSplit -> Compare Against -> Game Time.
  • Now the timer should pause whenever you save or load while playing KotOR.

I look forward to seeing your run. Good luck!

JohnSpeedruns нравится это
South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

If you run it, I'll add the category. That'll be fun to watch!

South Carolina, USAglasnonck6 years ago

Sorry for being away for so long. I was on vacation out of the country. Thanks for pointing that out that DDDA got a XBOne and PS4 release. Those consoles have been added for future submissions.

pop_gamer-89, I have updated your run to show that it was done on PS4. I also trimmed a few seconds off your real time since I stop that when you die from using the godsbane. Game time wasn't changed. Nice job on the run!

LiquidBlight, nice run of NG+ Bitterblack. I cut a few seconds off your real time because I think time should be called when Daimon's death triggers the cutscenes, not afterwards. Does that sound right to you?

LiquidBlight нравится это
South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

If you're running a single mission (campaign or otherwise) then you could start an RTA timer when you click the start mission button or maybe use the in-game mission timer. I currently don't have any IL leaderboards, but I could add them if needed. Campaign ILs might be harder to set up, but the training ILs might be a good fit. If you're running a specific campaign, it would make more sense to start the timer when you start the campaign after selecting the difficulty and era.

Which missions count would depend on how an All Missions category is defined. The categories for each campaign currently only require that you successfully complete each campaign specific mission. The extra missions you encounter, such as Pirates! or Escort Duty, can be skipped (exit mission through menus) or failed (warp out of the area without completing the mission). I believe a few campaign missions can be skipped without you being kicked out of your "Clan" (for Lyran), but I decided against it when making the category.

I'm open to having more categories or variables if you find a different way you'd like to run the game.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

Done. Sorry for the slow response. I look forward to seeing your runs!

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

I had thought about that, but wasn't willing to run it myself. What would you like to call the category? Greatest Stuntman?

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

The question of verification by screenshot was brought up in a run submission. I'd like to pose the question to those who are interested to inform my position.

I believe video proof should be required for all of this game's current categories, except perhaps Speedrun Mode since the run's final time is provided on an after credits splash screen. This would make it easier to fake a run in Speedrun Mode, so I think there should be a point at which video proof is required. Should the requirement be based on leaderboard placement (1st - 3rd) or in-game time (30 minutes or less)?

In the meantime, I'll verify runs in Speedrun Mode by screenshot as long as they are longer than 30 minutes. I chose that time because all of the runs faster than that already have video proof.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

I have encountered this glitch a few times in different places (Endar Spire and Taris, mainly). Below is a post I made on SDA where I mentioned it. We still don't know what causes it, and as such we don't have a real name for the glitch -- likely more known as a loading zone glitch. Unfortunately, I don't remember if we have a video of this glitch occurring. [quote=glasnonck]While creating practice/safety saves for the new route, I experienced another example of the Displaced Loading Zone glitch. This is not a new glitch; it's just one that is not understood. The potential of this glitch is unknown but promising, so I'd like to document what I had done prior to the glitch. Unfortunately, I don't have any video proof of this glitch occurring.[/quote] [quote]I was going through Taris along the current route, and rescued Bastila. At this time, I believe the adrenal glitch was active on both Alacrity and Strength. When I was returned to the hideout, I did a save buffer to skip the reunion conversation. I then interacted with the door to leave the hideout, forgetting to make a hard save before doing so. I tried to cancel, but the game wouldn't let me. I proceeded to leave and use the transit warp to skip the conversation outside. I then loaded the quick save that I used to skip the reunion, and saved over the game in slot 5. Once again I left the hideout, and transit warped to the Upper City South.[/quote] [quote]I headed across the way to enter the Cantina. I waited outside the door for a second or two, only half paying attention to the run, and then entered. After talking with Canderous, I left the Cantina and headed to the Upper City North. I then walked to Janice Nall's droid shop, and as I approached it the game loaded me into the sith base, alone. I had not yet purchased T3-M4. I don't remember if I made it far enough to open the door to the shop, either. Once I was inside the base, KotOR's memory usage was 640 MB, which isn't too outlandish.[/quote] [quote]Unfortunately, when I tried it again, nothing happened. I have seen this glitch occur in a few other locations, but most notably is on the Endar Spire. I have seen a few accounts of using this glitch to bypass the majority of Trask's section of the Endar Spire and leave the Endar Spire still at level 1. I have only gotten this to work once, and I didn't restart the game between attempts. It seems it may have something to do with setting up memory values or confusing the game as to your character's or the loading zone's actual location, but that is total speculation on my part.[/quote]

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

Currently no mods are allowed for any of the categories. There have been several people interested in seeing a run of the restored content mod, so I wouldn't be averse to creating a separate category for that run - as long as the mod version could be recorded for each run.

What game issues have you been having? Hopefully, we can resolve them without the need for mods.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

Until there's a need for additional categories, I'll probably keep it as is (unless there's a more appropriate name for an existing category.

Additional restrictions to existing categories are somewhat hard to place, which can be seen with Syzx's NG+ run (solo assassin, no items). I could create variables to express those restrictions, but that could lead to a very large number of possible variables.

South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

Please use this thread to let me know if you have any suggestions for further improvements to the leaderboard.

I've been making improvements to the leaderboard over the past week. Below is a list of those changes.

Category Changes

  • Name Changes

  • The names of three categories have been changed to be a bit more clear.

  • ...NG+ Any% is now Speedrun Mode (NG+)

  • ...Dark Arisen DLC is now Bitterblack Isle

  • ...Dragon% is now Dragonslayer

  • Rule Changes

  • Rules have been added for Speedrun Mode, Any%, Bitterblack Isle, and Dragonslayer.

  • The 5 portcrystal limit has been removed from Speedrun Mode.

  • Time Changes

  • All runs in Speedrun mode have been updated with Real Times.

  • The preferred timing method has been changed to in game time.

Theme Changes

  • Added DDDA's favicon (this feature has been disabled on SRC for now).
  • Added a custom logo.
  • Added a map of Gransys as the leaderboard background.
  • Added dragonforged rank icons for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

Metadata Changes

  • Added Japanese title: "ドラゴンズドグマ:ダークアリズン"
  • Added game genres: "Action role-playing", "Action RPG", and "Hack and slash"
  • Added game engine: "MT Framework"
  • Added developer and publisher: "Capcom"
South Carolina, USAglasnonck7 years ago

Done. I'm the new moderator. Thanks to Syzx for his help with the situation.

О glasnonck
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