United Statesescaperoftheend2 months ago


When I watch speed runners, every time they load a new world their settings automatically reset to find the buried treasure. I used the mod "Standard Settings", but it takes me back to the default settings like FOV:70 and Render Distance: 16. Does anyone know how to make it that you get the settings like Render distance: 5 to find a buried treasure right after spawn?

Thank you!

Zanum нравится это
United Statesescaperoftheend2 months ago


Since speedruning has changed a lot, I want to know if there are any practice maps with modern techniques like mapless treasure and F3 practices. Also, how do you zoom in more than FOV 30, because I can't see enough with just FOV 30 and I see other runners zooming in more than 30 (I don't know if it is a mod that they use).

Zanum и Kalaphant нравится это
United Statesescaperoftheend6 months ago

Two Questions:

  1. When I watch speedruns on twitch, every time they enter the nether, they are always very close to a Bastion, and it pops up in their entity screen very quickly. It feels like that is always the case for these streamers, but when I speedrun, the nearest bastion is something like 700 blocks away. Same thing with ravines. Do you know why this might happen? I run in 1.16.1, just like others.

  2. Are there any mods that are allowed that can make the game less laggy?

United Statesescaperoftheend11 months ago

Thank you.

United Statesescaperoftheend11 months ago

These are very good videos. I saw the first one a few months ago and it was all I needed. I recommend downloading the map mentioned in the first video, which's link is in its description.

United Statesescaperoftheend11 months ago

I've been speedrunning with a trash pc, and I saw top runners like doog and zylenox who's pcs can handle load chunks and the wall. I was wondering if any of you know what pcs they use or which you reccomend.

United Statesescaperoftheend11 months ago

You have to actually go through the exit portal for the run to be counted, and if you die while the dragon is in its death animation, you will have to go back to the end and walk into the portal for the run to be completed.

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