тема: Rec Room
Canadadan9er4 years ago

Locked due to inactivity.

Act_ нравится это
тема: Rec Room
Canadadan9er4 years ago

Locked due to inactivity.

Act_ нравится это
тема: Rec Room
Canadadan9er4 years ago

Locked inactive thread since question was answered.

Act_ нравится это
тема: Rec Room
Canadadan9er4 years ago

Sorry for not getting back to you! The rules have been updated a long time ago. Walking locomotion is now allowed.

Act_ нравится это
тема: Rec Room
Canadadan9er4 years ago

Runs need to be verified by a moderator before they show up on the public leaderboard.

Act_ нравится это
тема: Rec Room
Canadadan9er5 years ago

Locked since the question was answered

Act_ нравится это
тема: Rec Room
Canadadan9er5 years ago

This was back when the only way to get walking in a quest is to use a custom room. Basically anything that wasn't possible in a public lobby was banned.

But now with CBM and the LS update, yeah this rule needs serious updating.

This place is currently undergoing a change in management, so expect it to be up and running again soon.

E: grammar

Act_ нравится это
тема: Rec Room
Canadadan9er5 years ago

I've moved on to other things, and I can no longer actively moderate this page. I am retaining my SMod rank, however since it appears I'm the only one who does any work here I'm looking for a successor.

What I am looking for:

  • Willing to actively mod this page
  • Must act mostly professional and not be rude to other users ^1
  • Have a good amount of skepticism (and not just accept runs blindly)
  • Has knowledge of splicing and how to spot it
  • Talks to the community before changing rules

Please reply here if you want to be considered.

[1] Here are some examples of good professional reject reasons:

RADSLIME1 и Act_ нравится это
тема: The Site
Canadadan9er5 years ago

I am a SMod for Rec Room, and I'm about to blow my top over this.

One of my variables is a Build variable, and it is 50+ items long. It's sorted by newest first. Well, it's supposed to be.

The 10th ("Aug 30") and 11th ("Sep 7") items are supposed to be swapped, HOWEVER: Every time I try to do so, it moves TWO spaces instead of one for some unfathomable reason.

Imaproshaman нравится это
тема: The Site
Canadadan9er5 years ago

So I'm trying to reject this ( ) run for "Suspicious video: No audio after 6:41 (video time)". But every time I hit OK after typing the reason, I get an HTTP 500 (Internal server error) error.

PS. I just noticed... editrun.php php >PHP How To Use PHP: 1. Use something else

Edit: Fix formating Edit 2: Jesus christ, you guys didn't need to make a flamewar out of this. Also rejecting the run works now.

тема: Speedrunning
Canadadan9er5 years ago

After reading about splicers that recently got caught, I decided to do a splice "audit" of the game I'm moderating.

I have all the tools I need:

  • A control video (my crappy run)
  • Audacity (for spectrogramming)
  • A YouTube to audio converter (supports many audio types, which one do I use?)

I'm a complete noob when it comes to finding splices. Can anyone give me some advice?

тема: The Site
Canadadan9er6 years ago

@Quivico The previous build runs have had the variable assigned to them. Trust me, I checked.

тема: The Site
Canadadan9er6 years ago

[quote=Dan9er]Major bug here, I need urgent help!

I'm a SMod on the Rec Room leaderboard. I just switched the Legacy subcategory group to a variable due to popular request. However, all of the runs except the ones from the current build of the game no longer show up on the leaderboard! Also, the filter shows three different Build variables, even though I set it up so each main category has its own Build variable (for flexibility later on). Viewing runs from a player's profile or via link works 100% fine, even showing the correct information. It's just the runs are not appearing on the leaderboard!

Please help, as a lot of people will be mad if I lose all of these runs.[/quote]

[quote=Dan9er]I just moved all of the runs from the old converted build variables to a brand new one that is shared across all categories. And it's STILL not working! Only runs from the current build show up! What the fuck!?

The only way I could get all the builds to show up is by manually clicking Filter -> Build -> Any. But no one will think to do that. Why isn't Any selected by default!?

There is no other explanation, this HAS to be a site bug. Please fix this...

EDIT: Fix spelling and missing space EDIT 2: Yes, I set a default value to all runs via the button. Didn't help.[/quote]

I just forgot to deselect Default on the current build. I'm an idiot .-. BTW strikethrough is broken

тема: The Site
Canadadan9er6 years ago

The run in question:

This run is 1 second faster:

Exact same players, exact same categories, obsoletion method is set to "All players, any order". So why isn't the first run getting obsoleted? I'm am utterly confused here.

тема: The Site
Canadadan9er6 years ago

I tried applying BB Code and Markdown in the same message, and then I couldn't edit the rules for my categories! Clicking the text resulted in it disappearing with no text box. I looked in the source code, and it looks like when there are unclosed BB tags, the text box gets incorrectly placed inside the <span> tags. I worked around this by inspecting the page code and moving the <textarea> outside of the <span>; after that, it worked fine. Can you fix this? Not everyone is as tech savvy as me...

тема: The Site
Canadadan9er6 years ago

I'm a Super for this game:

This game is cross-platform, is there any way to disable the Platform column? Thank you!

тема: The Site
Canadadan9er6 years ago

Nevermind, it just took hella long to update :/

тема: The Site
Canadadan9er6 years ago

I tried to add a cover for Rec Room, but it ended up being stretched. I tried to change it to something else, but no matter what I do it ends up being set to the old stretched one. Even after deleting the cover and adding it back multiple times, the old one still persists.

Rec Room leaderboard: Old cover I'm trying to get rid of (from Steam): The cover I want (from Twitch):

О dan9er
7 years ago
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