Swedencurseddolls5 years ago

Can gladly write here telling that I'm going to work on my own routing of the game once I'm done with my first 100% completed playtrough.

Always feel free to drop by my stream now and then. I'm not going to look at others routs at first instead do my thing since the game is so big and complex that you can make a run in so many diff ways.

Looking forward to see your ideas of the game and I hope you will enjoy my take of it as well.

Stream is every day on pinkfluffyunicornTV As Arthur would say, cherio!

Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

can you please post the info to turn on all the boxes in the game. I used to have this but then I lost it a long time ago and i would greatly appreciate it for my derusting of the game.

Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

I have to say I find the leaderbords extremely misleading since the only ng runs on this page is run with glitches and the Crucible expansion.

This is sad since the fact I just started this but doing glitchless runs without the Crucible as a ng category and because of that has nothing to compare myself with.

Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

What first started as a small idea has latley grown bigger and bigger.

I'm going to stream from dreamhack this summer with a podcast type of way. Give people a chance too see how everything is from the place. Show how ESA and their speedrun place is made from behind the schenes. Interview other runners and players fromthe event.

I just wanted to ask if anyone have any ideas what to bring up on the podcast? Any suggestions of any kind etc.

If you want just reply, pm me here or on twitter etc.

What do you think? Do you think its a good idea to throw together? Thanks for an kind of input.

Dolls aka Lewdunicorn

Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

I'm new to this in general.. I have tried learning other games before but now I have finally found a game that I really enjoy learning.

And now im trying to find out how this comunity works. If theres anywhere where we can talk about these things etc. Because right now all I have is my discord, my twitter and my stream.

The game I have fallen in love with is the japanese RPG called SMT: Nocturne Hard TDE. Right now I'm learning the notes and the route trough my stream channel (pinkfluffyunicornTV) so people can follow my learning progress and help me if needed.

Any help is aprichiated about where to join in communitys and maybe even joining a group to stream trough on twitch. Also feel free to join in whenever I'm online to check how it's going for me learning the game. :)

О curseddolls
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