chris_chungus2 years ago

I swear people can never say why an emu category would be bad and they just say we don't need one. What is there to lose from adding this? A new category with cut loading times and easy accessibility, god forbid. Do we need an all purple shiny objects category? or the socks category with nine submissions? No, but there is no harm in it and its fun so the category was made. I run the game purely for fun I didn't even have an account so I made one just for this post. But one of the reasons I have never taken the game seriously is because I am not buying an xbox + cap for one game. I am not saying I'm 100% right and maybe some of my points are invalid or simply meaningless but I believe there is something to gain from this.

chris_chungus2 years ago

I am sorry but why can't emu just be its own emulator

  1. It is the easiest way to get people into the game and its never going to beat xbox anyway so I really don't see the harm. Mario 64 has an emu category and you can say this game does not have a big enough playerbase to justify it, however, I would argue that a lack of an emu category is exactly why the game has such a low playerbase. As much as Shift might spit on my grave for saying this, not everyone wants to buy an xbox for a top 25 run!! "people shouldn't play for WR, they should play to have fun" i am sorry but going for wr is the whole point of speedrunning and it is why many get into it in the first place. A simple fact is that if you know you can never PB below 55:00 or hit WR without spending money than less people are going to speedrun the game period.
  2. If emu was to have its own category load times could be cut out completely for the category like rehydrated.
  3. Even if you were to go through the WR route perfectly on emu not only would it be slower but it wouldn't even be allowed on the boards for being below 55:00. LIKE WHAT??? If you're not going to let us post PB's than just give us are own category to run pls!! "its so you can't splice" As other users have stated before me splicing this game is super hard to do do to animation cycles and icons being 3d and spinning.
  4. This game literally has an all socks flagship category that has NINE submitted runs but we can't get an emu category? That just speaks for itself really. Its like the mod team just doesn't care to expand one of the most untapped parts of the community. Not everyone has an Xbox + cap card + certain hard drive, almost everyone got a pc. If the category ends up being a flop full of cheated runs like mods seem to think is innevitable or something than delete the category but lets just please give it a shot .
О chris_chungus
2 years ago
1 year ago