baneen5 years ago

I dont know if they are on here but his youtube name is "apple" and he posted his 3:4:25 run on youtube and you can clearly see a jump but his timer stays constant. If you look close you can catch it,on the youtube video not his timer watch from 22:23-22:33 the meeting room is on the bottom floor but as soon as the cutscene is skipped he enters the rest room with clif UPSTAIRS no running up the stairs just instantly there.

тема: Talk
baneen5 years ago

I dont know it they are on here but a star ocean till the end of time speedrun on youtube by "apple" time is 3 hours 4 minutes 25 seconds but at 22:23-22:33 you can see a problem. Meeting room cutscene is downstairs, but the save room with clif he enters is upstairs but he's instantly at that door after the cutscene is over this is not possible.

О baneen
5 years ago
5 years ago