тема: The Site
SwedenVaruuna25 days ago

Thanks for the input, all of you! Really appreciate it.

Yeah I'm basically in the spot where I've been questioning some submissions by practicality alone. Like SioN mentioned regarding Google Drive vs. YT that's been my thought process too, especially since I consider videos very valuable and anytime a video expires (has happened before, think it was a YT channel that got deleted for some reason) I typically remove those runs when I notice because even though I may have verified the video at one point, I can't go back and re-check it if it's been removed in case I felt something was off the first time around, but those situations are very rare.

Those submitting do usually provide a timestamp, so that's why I'm still lenient on this even if the video is long or is used multiple times for multiple submissions. But, yes, that's where one user may have an intro or similar, which makes me question why not just use the YT editor to make 3 seperate, focused, videos for your runs? That's when I almost want to reject the submission because I feel like the runner is being lazy not making my life a tiny bit easier, but I feel like I'm turning into a hypcrite with this statement haha :D

тема: The Site
SwedenVaruuna26 days ago

Greetings! Sorry if this has been asked somewhere before or is in the wrong place.

One of the boards I moderate often has fairly short runs (Daytona USA, a racing game, with some bonus categories being longer but still the same game) but occasionally I get submissions that sometimes is a 20 minute video that contains a single ~2 minute submission. Other times that same, unedited, video can be submitted on 3 seperate categories because they are all part of a single recording session or stream.

I think it's mostly a "me issue", but nowadays these type of submission have been annoying me, especially when I can tell it's already been edited to add an intro or whatever but still decides not to cut it down into shorter video that focus on the run. It also is annoying to view these videos after the fact for the same reason.

On a somewhat related topic, how do we feel about runs that are just dropped on a Dropbox or Google Drive and linked to the submission? I personally don't like these either, but have accepted nonetheless so far.

Am I just being unreasonably "lazy" here with my complaints? (Absolutely looking for opinions here, so don't hold back if you feel I'm wrong)


RaggedDan нравится это
новости: Daytona USA
SwedenVaruuna1 month ago

A fair thought. Do you think it's necessary? Typically Arcade mode is favored anyway because you can't gain speed through drafting on Time Trial mode, so I expect runs on Arcade Mode.

For runs on Saturn, I can see the benefit of restricting to Arcade Mode only cars for All-Tracks runs, but I also feel like there is some fun "bonus" competition if I also allow the special cars.

тема: Daytona USA
SwedenVaruuna3 months ago

Personally I don't agree with consolidating Manual/Automatic (at least not for non-Saturn runs), as not only do the vehicles have different max speeds but the way you manage that speed is also different.

I don't play Lap Mode myself but I'm not opposed to including it as a leaderboard (although it would probably not have seperate categories for AT vs. MT or modes)

Mirror I don't find a strong reason to include as its own thing.

FartDaily нравится это
тема: Daytona USA
SwedenVaruuna4 months ago

Checked it again. Sounds like there will be more than than just the standard 2 cars, so unless this gets its own leaderboards (since it's technically its own game) I would accept this as a new category

тема: Daytona USA
SwedenVaruuna4 months ago

From what I can recall, Daytona USA 2 (or I think it's called Sega Racing Classic 2 or something like that) that is inside of Yakuza is allowed to be played, but that's for the Daytona 2 leaderboard mods to decide and I am no longer one of those moderators.

The game you link on Steam is kind of funny to me. Looks like they did the same "recreation" for Sega Rally as well.

When it comes out, if it feels like Daytona USA, I'll allow it. If it's close but still different enough in terms of speed, mechanics, physics etc. then I might allow it but under its own category, like with the Sega Saturn version.

Unless, of course, someone creates a completely seperate leaderboard for it. Then the runs would probably go there.

тема: Daytona USA
SwedenVaruuna8 months ago

Which versions are you thinking of? If you want to submit the game under a system that is not listed, I'm probably willing to accomodate.

For example, we haven't had the Dreamcast version on here (I believe known as "Daytona USA 2001") because nobody was running it to my knowledge, and we've also treated it as a completely seperate title, similar to how the Saturn Version known as "Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition" has its own leaderboards.

SwedenVaruuna9 months ago

My stance on this is that I agree that with how the Saturn works it's VERY hard to tell an edited one from another. Plenty of times the game cuts out all animation and sound while loading which could be used to splice footage together.

This might be frustrating for some, but personally I don't put that much weight into Saturn runs when compared to Arcade. That said as an additional comment, I did go through each of the times and added them together, and that's really the best I can do in this situation.

рекорд: Daytona USA 2
SwedenVaruuna1 year ago

As per submission notes, I will add Grand Prix to the leaderboards after New Years.

тема: Daytona USA 2
SwedenVaruuna1 year ago

As an update to this previous discussion, I will be seperating the 2 versions in the near future

тема: Daytona USA 2
SwedenVaruuna2 years ago

I was apparently never made aware of the fact that there had been activity here, so apologize for the lack of an answer.

I think the overall activity, and community, is quite low that seperation of the games for the Advanced stage is not necessary, but I do hear what you're saying.

тема: Daytona USA 2
SwedenVaruuna3 years ago

Also gonna hijack my own thread so say that I plan on adding categories for 100-500 miles as well in the near future. For anyone interested in tackling a more enduring challenge!

Risenth нравится это
тема: Daytona USA 2
SwedenVaruuna3 years ago

I decided to add a new category to the boards.

This category only allows submissions using the Hornet played in Battle on the Edge ("BotE").

This might raise some questions as surely the Hornet is only a Power Edition vehicle? Turns out, it's not, but I didn't know about it.

Some research after the first "secret" submission was made, I found out that the community building the supermodel emulator were aware of the hidden Hornet in BotE as early as 2013 and was able to "unlock" it for a race using a hex editor to modify savestates. If you want to submit to this category, finding and using this method to "hack" the Hornet into the selection screen IS ALLOWED.

This does not make this a "hack" category, as there is a legitimate way of playing using the Hornet in BotE. This, however, as far as I know, is a secret only known by the Marubaku group, but I can confirm I HAVE seen it been done, so I can verify it is very real.

Using the hex method does not allow the car to be tuned as the legit method does, but I'm allowing both either way because this is just a misc category and it also not considered allowed for records by marubaku. So in essence this is a "meme" category.

HornetP и Labracktime нравится это
тема: Daytona USA
SwedenVaruuna4 years ago

This is something I greatly miss. It was awesome to play 8p races.

тема: Daytona USA
SwedenVaruuna4 years ago

Just as games with thousands of players still discovers new tricks from time to time, this too is no different. "Neglected to figure out" is a strong choice of words because, frankly, I don't care much for the Saturn version of the game due to its flaws in comparison to the arcade version of the game. If the Saturn was the way I also played the game in my childhood, as well as others here, I'm sure it would've been a different story.

Yeah, all the Saturn runs can be improved, it's just not something that I think most of us here care for, so if you want to give that a shot, I think you'll find it easy to improve these on. Blasco and I have fun for a while battling back and forth on the Advanced track for the first place but eventually I stopped and went back to the "normal" game. If I get bored, I'll go back to the Saturn version again.

Blasco нравится это
тема: Daytona USA
SwedenVaruuna4 years ago

The submitted run was PS3, so apparently so.

тема: Daytona USA
SwedenVaruuna4 years ago

I just verified a run for Time Trial. The game reported a final time of 2'35''64 but when I add up the times manually, I get 2'35''60.

Anyone spotted this sort of timing error before? This is the first time I see it.

SwedenVaruuna4 years ago

The version released on PSN for PS3 and XBLA for Xbox 360 counts as "Arcade" as they are virtually the same as the Arcade version in every way (with enhanced graphics and other game modes).

Beengus нравится это
тема: The Site
SwedenVaruuna4 years ago

Request to remove users Lolkiu64 and The_Scrivener as moderators for Daytona USA. The former is just about approaching 1 year of inactivity on the site, and the latter is already at 2 years of inactivity (with 3 coming up in january). They also have no way of contacting them as Lolkiu64 is not active on his YT channel and The_Scrivener has deleted his Twitter and YT, and is inactive on Twitch.

тема: Daytona USA
SwedenVaruuna4 years ago

I wrote this post in an old thread here moments ago:

(TL;DR at the bottom)

"I am fairly confident that Saturn's "Very Hard" for AI cars is the same as PS3/X360's "Arcade" difficulty setting.

Though I don't normally play on the arcade emulator due to the fact that I prefer the X360 version; I can quickly boot the Arcade up and see what changing the difficulty actually does to the game. If that, too, is only about AI cars, it should behave similar to the ports.

As for the difficulty regarding the timer in the game, I feel like it is pointless to discuss as even when the timer is set to the hardest/lowest; your run is simply not good enough for submission if you can't beat the timer."

With that, I wanted to spark some interest of anyone who is still around and read these forums; Should a difficulty be enforce for a run to be valid? Should we add different categories for the other difficulty settings?

As I mentioned, the timer can be ignored, if you can't beat it, you didn't complete the race, and your run is not valid. Simple as that, I'm sure we all agree. (Yes, you can increase the timer, but anyone beating the race on the hardest timer setting will automatically get the better time)

But what about the CPU vehicles? I've only ever played on "Arcade" (Very Hard) since the very beginning. It should come as no surprise that the actual arcade cabinets are most likely set to this option as well, as the whole point is to milk money out of customers (it's a business, what did you expect?) Anyone who's played Daytona knows how frustrating it can be when AI cars are getting in the way constantly and interrupts that otherwise close-to-perfect run you had.

So I've seen a lot of submissions lately (none rejected) playing on an easier setting. Sometimes "Normal" and sometimes all the way down to "Very Easy" (or is is Easiest/Hardest? Can't remember...) To me, personally, it does make a difference. If you play Beginner Endurance (80 laps) on the hardest difficulty, you know that a small mistake like bumping into another car, while not a big problem to you, will cause the AI cars to catch up super quickly, even if you took 1st place 20 laps ago and never made a mistake since. Then you have to deal with them all over again.

This is already a long post, so I'll round up for now. I might be the only one with this opinion, but I feel like lowering the difficulty setting of the game to anything other than the hardest is a "dishonest" act against all the arcade cabinets that we (all?) enjoyed in the past.

Please do tell me how you feel about this. Should the game always be played on hardest or should we continue to do as we please? (My vote is on making/keeping the game hard)

TL;DR: I want to enforce a new rule that Daytona USA has to be played on the hardest difficulty setting (for AI cars, timer doesn't matter). This because I feel like the easier settings (on the same leaderboards) complete makes the harder runs irrelevant (easier = usually faster/better times due to lack of AI car interference). I want your opinions.

Thank you for reading.

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