Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman4 years ago

I'm sure this has been recommended before, but in case it hasn't/has been forgotten, I think it'd be awesome if we could rearrange the runs we have in our profile.

I know it might sound stupid, but many of us run a lot of games and use our profile link when people ask our PB's etc. Personally, I like having my bread and butter games up top for people to see first. In instances where I run an obscure game or two when I'm goofing off in between B&B games, my good runs can get buried, forcing a new PB to get them back to the top.

Though my reason admittedly doesn't seem worthy to have other people do work to achieve, I'm sure there are more people who, for whatever their reason is, would like to see the same option.

Love, Todd

Laika_the_Spacedog и Finalflame нравится это
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman5 years ago

Hey everyone, I hope your new year is starting off strong!

I think I am allowed to post a link here and let you all know about the upcoming KDL tourney.

Entry is here: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/nfIA5wvNfi

If I broke any rules, I appologize in advance :)

Rioyner, Realer и 5 другие нравится это
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman5 years ago

Mega Man 11 released today (super hype, looks fun)! Even though I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question, I'm going to ask it anyways so it's on record.

Is there any purpose in me submitting a time and requesting a leaderboard or are we going to defer again to MML?

I'm not trying to open up a debate on why we should or shouldn't, or beat a dead horse since the subject of the rest of the series has been covered ad nauseum. I'm only trying to figure out if we are going to start tracking this game from day 1 to eliminate the need for technical stuff from MML.

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman6 years ago

Happy Friday all!

I was wondering what game mod's do to catch cheaters submitting runs. I'm not the most tech savvy person in the world, so I require video (with sound) proof with of a run (which seems to be pretty typical) and I watch and re-time the runs with my timer to verify length. I keep my eye open for anything that looks/sounds out the ordinary. However, past that what options do I have to catch cheaters?

For instance, in the game I mod (Street Fighter II Gameboy) between every stage is a brief silence and black screen, which I suspect would be easy to splice. How would I go about investigating further into that?

Thanks for the help, and I hope you all have a good weekend!

(edit: Grammar)

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman6 years ago

They are live in case anybody missed the memo. Anybody have any cool ones set up?


Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman6 years ago

I wanted to put an open invitation for anybody sitting on the fence thinking "Man, I really want to learn a new game for the 12 Hour Challenge(July 27-29, 2018), but I just don't know what to/unmotivated to learn."

Go no further, @speedman @FuzzyGames and I will be learning Final Fantasy 4 Paladin% ( https://www.speedrun.com/ff4#Paladin_SNES ) since it has a healthy amount of runners AND a handy dandy beginner's guide (cue the horns) ( https://www.speedrun.com/ff4/guide/vg8o7 ). As an added bonus, that Sunday(or Monday July 30th depending on my hotel's Wifi strength) we will be having a race for bragging rights to see who learned the game better.

Any/all of you are more than welcome to join us ( noob discord: https://discord.gg/ZNYZuRp). If you aren't sure what the rules are for the challenge, it's simple. You have up to 12 hours during July 27-29th to learn the run as thoroughly as possible, honor rules apply, don't cheat and go over your allotted time! Afterwards, we'll have a good old fashioned race to decide a winner.

Hope to see you grinding this classic out with us, and you never know, you might fall in love with the game and learn the rest of it.

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman6 years ago

Hey everyone, hope your week is going well!

This is going to be a stupid question, but I'm curious why my obsolete run is still appearing on the https://www.speedrun.com/sf2gb leaderboards. I have the setting turned off, so it should be hidden. I assume that it still a "recent" run so it will appear there for a defined time before disappearing, but I want to double check and make sure it isn't a mistake on my part. Thanks all!

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman6 years ago

Hello SF2:GB Runners, I'm glad you found your way here and I welcome you to this fun port of a classic!

I wanted to make a post for new runners to familiarize themselves with the rules and be transparent about the reasons they are in place.

To begin, the rules I have implemented are. . .

  1. Gambatte or BGB are the only allowed emulators

  2. Standard difficulty settings (difficulty 2).

  3. Timing starts after confirming character selection and ends on "you win" after M. bison.

  4. Sound is required with your video for verification reasons starting for any submissions after 7/25/17.

The reason these rules are in place currently. . .

  1. Visual Boy Advance has proven to be a reliable emulator for Gameboy Advance games only, and is inaccurate for original Gameboy/Color games. Please use Gambatte or BGB to avoid any chance of rejection.

  2. At the time of this, the only category is "Beat the Game". I keep the category as simple as possible, cut the game on, don't adjust any of the in game settings. The default starting difficulty is "2".

  3. Start the timer when you confirm your chatacter (there is an audio cue). End the timer after you defeat Bison (the second time) and the words "You Win" appear. I chose this as the end split to give everyone a chance to get to their split button after the fight.

  4. Please include the game audio with your submissions as they help greatly with verification. The start time is based off of an audio cue.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand the rules and why they are in place. Good luck on your runs!

*4/10/18- Edit for grammar corrections *3/6/18- Edit because I spelled "cue" queue. *6/30/19- Edit for aesthetics for the new site layout

tokko_tomcat и Mikerome596 нравится это
Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Grats Rho on winning it back (the video has sound)! That was a good run, Guile needs nerfing :D. Hopfully we'll have a few more people submitting runs soon.

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Hey everyone, I recently became mod of my first game! Thank you thank you, please hold your applause because I've already been thrown a curve ball. A player submitted a run beating my time (only other run in the game so far) so I went ahead and timed his run and verified it. While verifying the run, a few things struck me as odd.

Firstly, there was no sound, which raises a red flag immediately for me. Secondly, the account that submitted the run is only 7 days old here, and the youtube account used to upload the run is brand new and only has one video uploaded (the run in question). Lastly, the upper left corner of the video has "unregistered hypercam 3". I'm not accusing anybody of cheating, but I wanted to check with the community, and people who have more experience moderating leaderboards to see if there is anything I should be weary of about this run? To be transparent, I will tag @rho here so they know that I am seeking additional confirmation.

Game: Street Fighter 2 (Gameboy): http://www.speedrun.com/sf2gb/full_game

Run in question: http://www.speedrun.com/run/m3dgpxqz

Thank you for the help everyone, and sorry if this is the wrong forum to ask in! -Todd

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Happy Friday all!

On Monday I submitted a new game to be added to the site (Street Fighter II Gameboy). After further research, I realized that there is a section in Street Fighter II: The World Warrior for the Gameboy Color port and no runs, which I assume is for the game I submitted. Should I notify anyone, or let it become it's own separate leaderboard (since I have no problem moderating)? Thanks for the help everyone!

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Afternoon Everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

To my issue, when I'm trying to use OBS Studio to stream/record, Gambatte only shows as a white screen, displaying none of the game I am playing. The same is true for the Gamebatte Speedrun version (I'm attempting to learn Pokemon Red, and the community requires I use that specific emu for runs). When I capture the entire game window, you can see the outer window (file/settingsetc.) but still no game feed. Visual Boy Advance emu works just fine, however that emu is banned from runs. Thank for the help everyone!


Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Twitch unveiled a new program for streamers not at the threshold to become partnered! It will allow a streamer to become an "affiliate" which gives viewers the ability to use their bit to cheer! Later down the road, they hope to allow subscribers (although only allowing affiliates 1 sub-only emote) https://blog.twitch.tv/and-now-something-for-our-non-partnered-streamers-53a36a863bca

How does everyone feel about this? Anybody else excited?

Richmond, VA, USATheGreatToddman7 years ago

Hello everyone! I've been a member here for a while but just noticed that we had a forums a few days ago (I need to pay better attention lol). I figured I might as well say hello and see how everyone's doing. Based on what I've i look seen, this is a very productive and active speedrun community. What games do you all run? I normally run Kirby's Dreamland and Mega Man 2, but I'm learning some other games too that I'll stream at some point. I look forward to chatting with you all. -Todd

NOTE: I probably missed a sticky somewhere, but why are there no Mega Man 2 leader boards on the site?

О TheGreatToddman
8 years ago
25 days ago
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