Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

100% category consists in killing all the enemies, no matter the way. There is no other constraint but glitches are not allowed except combo reduction.

You know, about the reason to add categories, it's up to the players. If you don't find any interest in a category, you don't have to run it and therefore to do this kind of remark.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

For me, I think it is because you go through it even if collisions are checked.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

Actually @DeH4uK mentioned a few days ago when they scenes were first skipped. If we understand well the behaviour of the SDF file (what it seems), if you ever success to skip a scene, you can skip it until the end of time if the SDF file remains the same after that. In other words, the ability of a scene to be skipped is not only function of what you're doing in an actual level but also of what you've done before. So if you watch a run and someone is skipping the scenes in Kelbegen or Ianna, you cannot tell if it comes from a real manipulation which was done before or an edition of the SDF file. So if you can prove I'm wrong I'm listening, otherwise SDF file edition will be used and discussion is closed.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

I agree many cutscenes are no skippable but we're not talking about all cutscenes, only two of them. From the beginning we are not saying all cutscenes are skippable, far from that.

Concerning the one from Kelbegen, Cubeface skipped so there's way to do it in a different way. So for this one it exists a way to skip it without the file.

For the Ianna's one, I don't know yet because he didn't skip it.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

This was indeed mentioned by DeH4uK and the answer was not to use it to stick to the categories.

<< About airclimbing in the temple of Ianna, I think we should stick to the rules, this glitch is imba, it is only allowed in "any glitches" >> DeH4uK, 01/06/22

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Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

First of all, the old category "No Physics Glitches" has been changed to "Allowable Glitches". If you want we can create a "Glitchless" category and I already thought about that but there is already much work to fill the leaderboard currently.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

As you noticed if you took a look at the runs, it allows to skip 2 cutscenes on the overall game ... (For me at least), it does not sound to make such a difference. If you want, you can work on how to skip cutscene, in this way we could implement it.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

Hi everyone !

So it seems freeze clip can be used almost everywhere in the game, I recently ran Shalatuwar and time is going unexpectedly down. In my most recent run I used a second freeze clip downstairs. The key you get from the big guy upstairs is needed to unlock the portcullis to go downstairs but also the Knight cell so you don't need to bother with the second key.

I also found an other thing which is quite strange ...

I manage to access the Knight cell without the key and to kill him which trigger the Ork appearance with the key needed to end the level. Unfortunately, it didn't work again but I guess it can be done again.

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Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

Indeed, it works quite well ! Thanks for the tip !

In my recent Marakamda run, I used the attack and jump simultaneously. To make it more easy to do, I allocated new keys of the keyboard to it. In this way, you don't have to touch the mouse which will not turn jump into dodge.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

You don't but it's a bit faster (if we'll executed I think) than this strategy. However, it does not allow to gain much time, so it's not worthy to interchange Orlok and Nemrut to get the stool.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

For the use of stool in Nejeb :

The actual route through levels is Orlok --> Nemrut --> Nejeb. In this case, you have to interchange the Nemrut and Orlok levels to get the stool from Orlok. But as you mentionned it, if you gain some time in Nejeb, it's not as much as you loose during Nemrut without the Crush Bo.

Great discovery for the final boss ! I agree with DeH4uK, airclimibing corresponds to the "Any Glitches" category.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

Hi! I checked in the Steam version but the Tell Halaf skip does not work for me. Maybe it could come from some graphics options. I tried to change some but without success.

Concerning the use of stools, they could probably be used somewhere else. my IL run of the Oasis of Nejeb uses a stool but you have to interchange the Gorges of Orlok and Fortress of Nemrut so it does not help to gain time overall.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

I only collected one but I'll try it again tomorrow and I'll let you know. Maybe I have done something wrong, I don't know. It could be good to have both cutscene skipped! 🙂

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

Hi! This morning I tried to add your part of code in the SDF.txt file for the temple of Ianna but it didn't change anything. I could skip the same cutscenes as usual but not the last one. Do you have an idea why?

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

I recently run Al Farum and there is also a cutscene at the end which can not be skipped. Do you think your method could be applied to this level as well?

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

Concerning the full game categories, it sounds clear to me even if I don't like the "Allowable Glitches" name, but I don't have anything to suggest right now. Concerning the "Good ending" (The Abyss), for me, it is not a 100% category. I was thinking to do maybe a "true" 100% run someday (killing all enemy and get the secret items). So I just prefer "Good ending" / "Bad ending" or "The Abyss" / "Tower of Dal Gurak" instead of "100%" / "Any%".

For the individual levels, it can be changed as "Any Glitches" / "Allowed Glitches" but as I said, we could also add "With rune" or "Without rune" option for the levels which contain a rune.

I will continue on the Discord server after that.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

I don't agree with the removal of the "Segmented" category because the game easily allows it, moreover it allows to present strategies that sometimes can't be implemented in "Single Segment" because they are not reproducible enough. I don't think people will ever run it if it is relegated to the "guides".

Concerning the too many categories, there are two ways to consider it. Avoiding too many categories to avoid categories where nobody plays, or creating new categories to motivate people to play (I personally prefer the second point of view).

Concerning the individual levels, to avoid the "Good ending" / "Bad ending" problem, a solution would be to add the version "With rune" or "Without rune" only for the levels containing one.

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

I think it's a good idea to split categories into new one but doing it according to the characters will generate a lot of categories. Maybe it can be grouped in a tab manner such as the actual ordering with "Any%" and "Any% No Physics Glitches" in the "Single Segment" and Segmented tabs.

I have modified the mail authentication, I hadn't seen this option.

Discord server sounds good for me !

Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

E-mail authentication ?

There's no rush for the leaderboard but I wanted to discuss it with you. I agree, I think it might be nice to separate the "true" Any% from The Abyss.

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Auvergne, FranceSupergussman2 years ago

Hi! We still have lots of skips to find, I'm sure about it! I'd like to help you even if I won't have so much time before Christmas (I'm moving). After what, it will be easier (I hope so at least). Talking about mod, I noticed that the leaderboard of individual levels is strange. There are classical "Any%" and "Any% No Physics Glitches" categories in which same categories can be found again. Do you think it could be corrected easily? If you're running again, waiting to see that! Even if it's not the same thing, I run IL as it is less time consuming than the whole game and it’s a way to train as well. Have a good day!

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