EnglandStevenMayte7 years ago

Why did someone randomly think it was a good idea to start splitting categories? we already discussed the full game leader board layout in detail in another post and it was agreed by the community that the layout was fine.

Pretty sure i know who did it, i reverted the change because it wasn't even mentioned or discussed.

That's not how things work, it should be a community decision and nothing should be decided and changed based on what one person thinks is best.

SephJul и Darazanjoll нравится это
EnglandStevenMayte7 years ago


As some of you already know, we found a bio2 China version about a month ago, myself and dara tested the version and found A LOT of things wrong with it.

For example.. http://puu.sh/rXLdx/957c32ec39.png This is a BAT file that is used to start the game. to start Leon or Claire you have to input either 1 or 2 to start the game. Seems really dodgy and at this point most people will be presented with the same error box as Sourcenext "Failed to initialize Direct X" since no patches exist for this version most people can't even run it.

The installer is the same as the original JPN PC version (and mediakite?) and it's buggy as all hell.

http://puu.sh/rXHBU/f4329e4ebc.png Here are all of the files that we got, the file called "Biohazard2.reg.fix" from what i can tell is supposed to fix the installer but it gave me an error, although it did work for others.

Texture Bugs http://puu.sh/rXMdN/58bb49e9d9.jpg http://puu.sh/rXMha/ec3a183dec.jpg

MIssing Ladder... After lowering the ladder and descending down the ladder it will go back up, But it can still be used. http://puu.sh/rXMf2/da189c777a.jpg

Plenty more texture bugs but i think these are enough, the ladder is just dumb.

Main Menu This is the Main Menu screen to the version that we have, another exists that looks exactly the same but has green text instead. Both of these versions look the same (ladder still missing and all of the texture bugs) http://puu.sh/rXHJA/fbd460263f.jpg

Darazanjoll tried out Claire A and it crashes at the Annette cutscene in the lab, from what i remember this also happens in the mediakite version

Text Speed Very slightly faster nothing huge. To be honest it's not even that noticeable.

All of these problems and all we would gain is VERY slightly faster text, it doesn't seem like a version we could ever add to the leader boards and take seriously.

We won't be sharing this version as there is no reason to do so.

the main purpose of this thread is to share information about this version of the game, not to discuss whether it should be on the boards.

WitchRain нравится это
EnglandStevenMayte7 years ago

So with the new TwitchFix chrome extension i decided to go through each game in the series and check for broken links. In this game across all categories/versions there are 23 Broken Links thanks to Twitch messing up all highlights.

I made a list of all broken runs and found the working link and put them into a paste bin. Some runs don't exist anymore because the twitch channel has been deleted/banned so i made a note of this in the pastebin.


i would happily fix all of the links if given mod for an hour, if not it's just a simple copy & paste job now i've found all of the links for you guys.

EnglandStevenMayte8 years ago

Hi, so i think it would be a good idea to choose one emulator to go with for PlayStation runs.

What are most people currently using to emulate play station? when setting up to do some mess about runs on this category i was told to use psxFIN as it was the best and to me this emulator seems the most stable and simple to set up.

Please comment which emulator you use below and let's see if we can all come to agreement shall we?

RaccAttack ~

EnglandStevenMayte8 years ago

Sup guys

This glitch has been known of for quite some time but was kinda pushed aside. Recently i have been experimenting with it and i've soon realized how much of a disaster this could be if someone used it to get a good time and cheat there way up the leaderboards undetected.

so how is it possible to manipulate game time? Simple, you press F8. This forces the game into full screen but it's not until you press F8 again to go back to windowed mode that you realize wtf just happened(if you have an SRT open you will notice the time has gone down) Time will literally vanish.

Here is one example on Leon A Time Stamps 0-40 seconds. 2:18-2:25 At the start of that video i was rolling back the timer by just a few seconds but that could be the difference between a WR and if edited correctly for example on a instant skip door when the screen is black anyway it would go unnoticed.

i originally planned to record a run and use the glitch to get a believable Sub 50 run(without SRT on screen) for the purpose of this thread but i died to final birkin so i scrapped that and ended up continuing the run from the first example.

Here is the result of a timer manipulated run http://puu.sh/lYLw4/c67d543d0f.jpg Baring in mind if this run was almost perfectly executed and IGT was not on screen i could be the WR holder of Leon A

how do we prevent this ? i think it should be made mandatory to show the IGT on screen at all times either by Live Split(tied to IGT) or an SRT program made by Dchaps, Both of these are available here http://www.speedrun.com/re2/resources

just a Disclaimer i am not accusing anyone currently on the boards as cheaters. I just think this should be cleared up before it evolves into something more in future.

Thoughts? RaccAttack /

Piltzy, GunHeadLes, и Darazanjoll нравится это
EnglandStevenMayte8 years ago

just added Claire B and Leon B auto splitters to the resource section that myself and Darazanjoll made.

They can only be used with 1.0 PC version

The script uses predetermined splits if you would like to add your own or change split names check out this post http://www.speedrun.com/re2/thread/0k37e

Currently the "End" split will split 5 seconds earlier than when the IGT stops but hopefully this will be fixed soon, it's not a big issue really.

Thanks to Dchaps for the help in creating these! BrokeBack

~ RaccAttack

Supergamer57, GunHeadLes и 2 другие нравится это
EnglandStevenMayte8 years ago

sup guys so i have a question.

i don't have a capture card but would like to speed run this game on xbox one. i can stream my gameplay to twitch but i can't show splits. Can i either record my splits separate or add them into my submission as text?


EnglandStevenMayte8 years ago

I had a look in settings and didn't see an option for this, is it possible? Thanks

EnglandStevenMayte8 years ago

Me and Trance were glitch hunting yesterday and we looked back at an old video from x_streamer_fever_X where he got hit by a door in the promenade deck got hit into the floor and down to the level below, everyone always thought this wouldn't lead to anything. So we played around for a while and i got this Oob in episode 6. Time save depends on difficulty but each difficulty saves 1 minute or more. 2 Ooze and a sploder are also missing from the air vent you use the ladder to get into on infernal which is just Kreygasm. Also the skipped key is only used to open 1 door and that door has been skipped :D

We also managed to get Oob in the promenade deck on episode 3 but this Oob is currently useless

The following video is the OOB on infernal for Episode 6

EnglandStevenMayte8 years ago

I won't provide a link to the game here, only a much better way to get the game working.


Create a folder called "CAPCOM" in Program Files (x86) or (x64) which ever you have.

Inside "CAPCOM" create another folder called "BIOHAZARD 2 PC"

Open up your Biohazard 2 ISO/RAR file and open the "data" folder DELETE Bio2.exe and replace it with "bio2 direct x fix" from Resident Evil 2 Resources on Speedrun.com.

Copy EVERYTHING in the data folder and paste into the "BIOHAZARD 2 PC" folder you made earlier. ( if you don't do this you can run the game but you are unable to save or run B scenarios)

now run the game.

This should stop any sound issues and game crashes people are having.


CarcinogenSDA, the_dude2618 и 2 другие нравится это
EnglandStevenMayte9 years ago

what i mean by 'old skool' is like a knife run of resi 1, 2 ,3. i think this is the only new gen resident evil game that has been done like this. I done this without scanning enemies for herbs, using grenades or using melee attacks(kicks/punches) it's a serious challenge and i couldn't find a completed run anywhere on the internet other than mine. A Japanese guy started a knife run but it seems he gave up. There are 2 places you cannot use the knife and these are in ep10 while carrying parker you must shoot a gas tank to progress further. Other than that you need to use rocket launchers at the episode 11 fight, as you cannot reach the tentacles with a knife.

I hope someone else will take up the challenge (probably not) but either way i had alot of fun routing this and finding random ways to kill enemies with the knife

Grandmasta, CarcinogenSDA, и uhTrance нравится это
EnglandStevenMayte9 years ago

Sup guys.

I have added a variable to choose between inf ammo and non inf ammo runs to the full game runs leaderboard.

Inf ammo runs will still be 1st place by Default, i don't want to devalue any runs submitted prior to the change. Also in no way am i doing this to claim more "World records" for myself. I've done this because we had a run submitted for Claire% without inf ammo, it was a good run and was unfair to be categorized with rocket spam runs.

Moving Forward..Do we add a variable inside the level leaderboard for non inf ammo runs?(current rocket and future rocket runs will still show on the level page as 1st place assuming they will always be fastest) but when entering the board to see times other than first place the option would be there to choose between inf/non inf.

Let me know what you think.

~ RaccAttack

EnglandStevenMayte9 years ago

when i was editing the comment on a co-op run i submitted i accidentally resubmitted. I'm so used to being a mod i totally forgot this was going to happen. FailFish


EnglandStevenMayte9 years ago

I decided to make a thread dedicated to all of the known Glitches/Skips/Strats for revs2. Not everyone will check the guides section. i will lock this thread and add more videos to it when more stuff is found.

EnglandStevenMayte9 years ago

in this post i will cover the benefits of syncing your game with Residentevil.net


REP is a form of currency on Residentevil.net you gain REP by logging in daily, completing achievements in game, and gaunlets in raid mode.

REP allows you to buy stuff for your website profile but the main point of this thread is the benefits you get in game from this website using REP.

REP can be exchanged for Gold in raid mode and also custom part boxes see picture below http://puu.sh/gK9Wz/682a0b69c5.jpg

For 1k REP you can get 50k Gold in raid mode. i gain about 600 REP just by logging into the site daily. that can then be spent on Gold or custom parts that's a nice bonus for doing nothing even inside the game, Especially if your like me and upgrading level 100 weapons beyond their limits. every little helps.

-Custom part boxes I'm not sure as to what the limit is on the level of the parts you can gain but the "parts chest(gold)" is something else worth buying. i bought one earlier and gained a soul eater 5. Although it is random which custom part you will actually get.

  • Transferring from website to game. From the picture above you should see the "transfer items" icon once there you will see this screen http://puu.sh/gKaqy/f9d472cb8b.jpg on this picture i'm in the process of transferring some BP(GOLD) and a custom part just for an example. Add items to the list and hit SEND.

to get to the unlockables page go to profile>overview>unlockables.

RE.NET is also good for online raidmode events to compete in which start early april. Rewards are also dished out for 1st 2nd and 3rd place in these events.

good luck have fun and happy spending

~Ste RaccAttack

XTerminator, PaxtonMega, и uhTrance нравится это
EnglandStevenMayte9 years ago


It's time to create this raid mode leaderboard and i want everyone to voice their opinions and give suggestions. each section will have a strawpoll also so please vote on these then i can get a rough idea from those and also comments.

Please remember any ideas that i have are subject to change if people want it differently. That stands for before its created and even after.

If you don't like some of these ideas please tell me why and suggest a different way of doing it.

==Categories/General Ruling==

  • Gauntlets instead of each individual stage. (Idea)

So i've seen people suggest that the categories should be split into Gauntlets instead of each individual stage which i agree with, Since each individual level would just clutter the hell out of the leaderboard and honestly be impossible to follow for the most part. Not to mention it would need to be split into solo/co-op for EACH STAGE. http://strawpoll.me/3928105

  • Recommend level

I think each stage should be played at it's recommended simply because it makes it more interesting than just destroying everything at lv100 on a low level stage. http://strawpoll.me/3928118


Just No. i think everyone already agrees on this point. http://strawpoll.me/3928126

-RTA VS Sum of IGT

This is a tricky one because if we are to use gauntlet% not everyone is linked with residentevil.net and it uploads after every stage. so someone that isn't linked will automatically have the better time and of course we cant force people to link up with RE.NET because people(for what every reason) may have pirated the game and therefore cannot link with the site. Sum of IGT also stops the issue of loading times. I NEED SERIOUS OPINIONS ON THIS. http://strawpoll.me/3928134

  • Any% VS Trinity(All medals on a stage)

Again, another one i need some serious opinions about. in my opinion there's barely any difference between any% and all medals most stages you have to kill at most 10 more enemies and just use no herb and be a recommended level. do we really need any% AND all medals%? or should we just have all medals? http://strawpoll.me/3928145


It's down to the player to inherit skills from other characters to make their own builds. So i think we should have the attitude of 'Anything goes' for inherits. You earned it you use it. http://strawpoll.me/3928157

  • PC VS Console

Seperate Categories for PC and Console? i would say yes but maybe make a completely different board to split them to stop clutter. http://strawpoll.me/3928166

  • Co-op runs

in a co-op run both players should record their game play to ensure all is legit. http://strawpoll.me/3928173

If anyone can think of anything i've missed out please tell me and i will add it to the list with a strawpoll also when replying to a certain part of this thread please quote the title such as "-RTA VS Sum of IGT" this will make it easier for me to understand the section you are talking about :)

I will be gathering ideas and suggestions until monday. since monday is my day off work and i will dedicate the day to the leaderboard

Thanks for reading and please voice opinions/Suggestions below

~Ste RaccAttack

MASH и X_Streamer_Fever_X нравится это
EnglandStevenMayte9 years ago

for anyone who is wondering yes this glitch is still possible on infernal. it may even be possible to do it the normal way without swimming on the surface at the start of the glitch like i did.

Currently routing NG INFERNAL so i will do a full speed run of it soon :)


О StevenMayte
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