Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4683 years ago

I forgot to respond to this for awhile (was hoping to get insight from other mods too), but the general sentiment from bread and I (howell and matt haven't weighed in yet) is that if they remake all of them in the same fashion as they are currently (forced wait in between clicks) a conversion between the two isn't really possible. Obviously the new version is much slower as well so I think the general idea that we had was, if people wanted to continue playing the new versions on the site, a new category (different page all together because heaven knows we have the greatest level leaderboard of all time here) would have to be created to accommodate that and this page would become the SWF files for the "old" version of the game that plays ""normally""

EdMBM нравится это
Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4683 years ago

With the unfortunate death of flash coming to the internet shortly, we have to make some adjustments to keep playing the game that we all know and love. It seems that the folks at SSG have taken some precautions to avoid this (seeing that they've changed the current usa L1 to this which is a massive downgrade). Assuming that they keep downgrading instead of keeping the game as is, I've made a folder of the swf files to play in the standalone (found here: ). To play these, there are a few tutorials that I've linked below, find something that works for you and you can keep enjoying the game as it was truly meant to be enjoyed!

EdMBM, Markelobitx, и Cabinet нравится это
Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4685 years ago

As a tribute to the original runner and mod (the one who publicized SSG), we have decided to keep a legacy category dedicated to him. His record will stand in Europe Lakes as a way to say thank you for giving us the game that we know and love.

тема: The Site
Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4685 years ago

@Dangerless Twitch and Discord have been linked to my page! Hope those are good enough!

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
тема: The Site
Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4685 years ago

@Dangerless The problem isn't sorted? The only supermod for the game is inactive and has no interest in the game anymore. If it isn't possible for me to become supermod that's fine, but that's what I'm wondering about.

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
тема: The Site
Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4685 years ago

Just requesting supermod for the game sheppard software geography ( ) as the current super mod has gone inactive, and even claims to be retired. Hoping that as one of the two remaining active mods in the game that I would be able to receive supermod so that I can make some of the other mods into supermods as well. Attaching some messages from the discord about the current supermod howell going inactive. Cheers.

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4685 years ago

Just coming back to this as I have a bit more evidence as why pictures aren't accepted. Levels such as African countries level 9 and european level 6 are broken and resemble different levels than they actually are. The end screen of Africa level 9 shows it as a level 8 end screen, while the europe level 6 shows it as a level 4 at the bottom .It's not so much the fact that we don't trust the runners, its the fact that the levels themselves make it impossible to determine on their own.

DzienDobry47, Cabinet, и Bogdan_mk нравится это
тема: No Touch
Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4685 years ago

The version difference is explained here, howevere there is no difference whatsoever in gameplay. Hope to see some runs in the near future from you :D

Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4686 years ago

Sorry but no. Only video evidence is allowed.

Bogdan_mk нравится это
Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4686 years ago

Just in case you missed it, your run wasn't accepted because it had two mistakes in it. Rules are that you need 100% in the level for the submission to be valid.

Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4686 years ago

I changed the URL from Sheppard Software Geography down to ssg just to make it easier (you can now type in ) so its shorter. If this is "out of line" please do change it back and comment: "Quit trying to change things numbskull"

MattHazelnut нравится это
Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4686 years ago

There's a web archive from November 11th, 1998 of the site if that helps at all

MattHazelnut нравится это
Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4686 years ago

I figured it would be a good idea and set something up for it. Would be nice to talk to people or hear thoughts on the different topics!

Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4686 years ago

Would require perfect RNG (all of west coast pops up before all of the east coast pops up or vice versa) but it is theoretically possible.

Ontario, CanadaSharpeye4686 years ago

Along with my run already on the leaderboard, both eastern and western are down to 4 seconds now.

4 Second Western:

О Sharpeye468
6 years ago
1 year ago
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Sheppard Software Geography
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Sheppard Software Geography
Sheppard Software Geography
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Последнее действие 5 years ago