Alabama, USAScottyD2 years ago

How do we find out what Vehelits's hit box looks like? This is something emulator's can do right? It feels like the consequences of collision with Vehelits are random. I've been playing long enough to learn things that mostly work, but I don't understand a lot of times when Max's attacks miss. Does Vehelits have periodic I frames or is there something I don't understand about his hit box?

retro_smitty нравится это
Alabama, USAScottyD3 years ago

So anyone of you that know me probably have guessed that I spend a good bit of time trying to spruce up my overlay and improve audio and camera and all that. I'm trying to research what it takes to capture your inputs (playing on console) and display them in obs. Anyone know who makes the hardware to do this? Google isnt helping me so far. Thanks in advance!

Alabama, USAScottyD3 years ago

Hey, im sorry if this has been covered im just having a hard time finding any info. Is there any detrement to running on switch? Im a SOR2 guy but love streets 4 and dont have a computer that could play this game much less while running obs. Anyhow just curious if theres a reason people might shy away from running on switch. Thanks.

Blaxas322 нравится это
Alabama, USAScottyD3 years ago

So I'm trying to talk to my fellow SOR2 runners about controllers. This is the best place to do so as far as I can tell. If you don't know I'm a Max guy and I play on console. I learned the game on one of the smooth plastic dpad controllers (3 button). It's really loose, has a long throw and wears due to bad design, so my dpad is pretty much a floppy mess but aside from a few dropped inputs I play well enough with it. I ordered a few controllers from ebay and they are the matte black dpad (3 button as well). So the dpad is really tight and responsive, has a shorter throw, and doesn't wear due to a steel spherical pivot point in between the plastic parts. Seems like it would be the superior choice but after several hours of attempts it's like I have to re-learn the timing for all of the punch locks and boss strats and so forth. So my questions are:

What do you guys like?

Should I go back to the worn out dpad that works for me?

Will I be better off in the long run learning the game with the superior dpad?

Are there other controllers I should look into like the 6 button variations?

I've talked to Philly Joe who runs Skate and his take was stick with what works but if it would be better in the long run to get used to something different I'd rather do that.

I know I'm probably overthinking this but SOR2 is my hobby. Other than family and work it's pretty much my main focus lol.

Alabama, USAScottyD3 years ago

Hey First off I submitted a run earlier today and the time was 24:09. Just reject it if you like I'm about to submit a better time. That gets me to my question. If i'm grinding a category is it uncouth to submit a run everytime I get a PB? Would it be best if I wait until I get a run that advances my position? I ask because I know someone has to review all this stuff and I want to be respectful of their time. I'm Scott by the way and I played this game a lot as a kid and just recently picked it back up. I'm grinding Max very easy and hope to eventually go for WR if I can stick with it. I got into speedrunning SMB about a year ago and just started running SOR2. It's a lot more fun lol. But yeah nice to meet yous guys and feel free to say hi!

P.S. the time I'm going to submit tonight/tomorrow morningish is 23:46. Please don't reject that one lol.

King_iOpa нравится это
О ScottyD
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