New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming4 years ago

hammed burger :(

cakejerry, fleur_bleue и 2 другие нравится это
New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming5 years ago

Just wondering, for the purpose of retiming runs to the frame, Id just like to know a couple of the specifics for how this works. How do you determine the frame on which the game starts? is it the first frame of the files wiggling animation when you select it, or is it based off an audio cue? I know that the ending frame is the frame mario hits the ground after hitting the switch, and you lose control. Also what is the exact framerate of the DS? Is it 39375000/655171 FPS like most 60fps NTSC games?

Otterstone_Gamer нравится это
New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

if you optimize your movement fast enough you can go a cycle faster than in the 27:57 and enter the door at 72 rather than 68. I have a vid of it somewhere. harder than TAS cycle 1-T NSMBDS IMO

Bogdan_mk и blueYOSHI нравится это
New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

I have added the snowball minigame to the misc categories on the extension leaderboard https://www.speedrun.com/New_Super_Mario_Bros._Category_Extensions Post runs there, Video proof is mandatory for top 3, photographic proof is mandatory for a leaderboard placement

Imaproshaman и Bogdan_mk нравится это
New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

Basically, after much investigating possible timesaves, I figured out that you can use Mini Shroom in RTA to save nearly 20 seconds in 5-Ghost, and it only overall requires 1/18 RNG. this might seem really bad because with shell RNG added in, it totals up to a soul crushing 1/144, we are extremely close to finding RNG manip that works 100% of the time for the shell, which puts the RNG of this trick down to 1/18, which isnt too much worse than grinding shell before manip. I honestly think once this is used to get better any% times, we should split the any% leaderboard into no Elevator Skip, and Elevator Skip, because frankly, the category would be better off without this discovery. Opinions? suggestions? Id love to hear some feedback about this. and yes, sub 23 is RTA viable with ES strats.

New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

I am goin to begin work on a human theory TAS today, and I expect to be done with it by mid/late summer, what should/shouldn't I include in it? I will have it include a 462 1-T, which ive gotten once ever in practice, fast 8-2 first try (with the setup ofc), Cycle skip, which perfectly executed is probably a 460 door, probably will include shell route because fire route doesnt save any time if shell route is executed perfectly. probably will pick up shell in 8-T1 from the red block and do damage boost 8-3. any more suggestions? I shouldnt include anything really dumb like deathwarp early or elevator skip on 5-G, shoud I? I dont want to put a ton of effort into something just to have it unappreciated cause I left out something vital, so please comment any suggestions, thanks.

TicTacBean, Klagarn и 3 другие нравится это
New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

At the end of runs Ive pulled out every bowsers castle imaginable, from a low 698, to a high 705, even during an offline no reset run, a low 706, so my gold on bowsers castle is quite strong, and in my PBs I have a wide range or BC splits to look at. One thing I noticed, was it seems like the RNG in this level would be more influential on our runs then previously thought, in both my 23:56, and my 23:40, I did bowsers castle in a split time of 2:16, both with optimal RTA door entries. But in my 23:56, I got a 704 on the IGT, an excellent time to do at the end of a run, whereas in my 23:40, I got a 700, Which I personally find to be a revoltingly bad castle, but I still got a great split. I thought the bowser cutscene RNG could only delay 2 seconds at the most, so this is very confusing for me, I have no idea where all this time is coming from.

New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

It seems like so far, 95% of blindfolded movement within this game has relied upon buffer strategies, and for good reason. the many timing ques most runners have muscle memory built around in single segment rely on vision and quick reactions. it would appear that since blindfolded has basically hit its realistic limit with the mechanical movement of buffers that encompass multiple patterns, what must be done to push the times further? I mean, with any reasonable amount of effort im sure the punchout community could make a sub 16 blind segmented SS run, or a sub 19 RTA segmented run, but that would be like getting a mid 14:xx in single segment. Not even remotely within the realm of basic realism. To beat the current record is it more realistic to do more SS type strats, or just muscle through the RNG. (also salt, on runs that are dead if sandman gives the bad delay, just do the buffer the IL does because the run dies either way)

New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

I was just wondering, in this game, in terms of time losses/saves, is it like NSMB DS where time is often saved and lost in chunks of 3-5 seconds, or more like NSMB2 where timelosses/saves are often half seconds or full seconds? this doent look like the kinda game to have a bunch of crazy exploits but I could be wrong

New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

https://www.speedrun.com/nsmbds/run/zq6lwjry As you all may know by now, My goal time in any% is to get the WR and than push it to a mid/high 23:1x. I practice the final few levels a lot, like a stupid amount. I severely fucked up 8-8, 8-T2, and 8-BC in this PB. for arguement sake, lets stick in a 372 8-8, 360 deathwarp, and a 703 bowsers castle, which I get EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME in practice, we have a 23:27, new UWR. I am having trouble forgiving myself for this run

New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

Ok, I know king hippo is the official name of this obese twat that kills most of your runs, but I think a more proper name for him would be Hippototamus Rex ??

New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

lmao the forums are flooded with people suggesting new extension categories, but this is the main leaderboard. if you want to suggest a new meme category DM one of the extension moderators, contact the community on discord, or make a forum post on the Category Extensions page.

Exciton97 нравится это
New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

Ive improved in any% significantly over the past month and I feel really motivated to run the category. my SOB has been dropping significantly and Im considering putting in the attempts, because I know that I could get WR. Ive learned all of the hard strats (cycle skip, TAS cycle with shell, ect...) but I end up losing time elsewhere to just unoptimal movement. Should I go for WR, and if so, could you please tell me where my movement needs the most work (look at my 23:56 and 23:54)

Exciton97 нравится это
New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming6 years ago

I am TASing potential skips, and while we've all seen TASers do walljumps glitches on 7-C, the walls of both world 8 towers, the walls of the ghost house elevators. I need to know whether or not mini mario can walljump glitch on any wall material (of course excluding spikes). If he cant walljump glitch on all wall surfaces, than what surfaces can he not walljump glitch on.

New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming7 years ago

https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=gyBIgIj5vF8 is this glitched one cycle useful in any way? im just wondering because ive seen a lot of bad lakithunder battles in cannonless. the setup for this trick is extremely consistient and easy to learn. if this trick is useless just tell me and ill remove this thread.

New York City, NY, USASandwichTiming7 years ago

ive been trying to do a 1-t sub 40 IL run, and incorperate TAS cycle into my any%, but i only made the trick once, and choked immediately on the jump after. does anyone have any tips, visual cues, mental rehearsalos, ect that can make this trick more consistient? or do you just have to white knuckle the many consecutive frame perfect inputs?

О SandwichTiming
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