
I just added the category with some subcategories! I will add on things if needed/requested! Also added 99 Runs as a category!

Hello gamers! I'd like to have a space to talk about the Handheld Spyro games and possible categories that can be added! CDRomatron and I have raced a category that has us beat both Season of Ice and Season of Flame back to back. Its an easy category to pick up and do runs of, even if you arent familiar with any of the games.

Video of Race -

Thanks for reading and your feedback!

GingeSwagTia нравится это

Hell yea! I just casually 100%ed the game. I think the only thing I'm curious about why there are different leaderboards for Woodle Tree Adventures, Deluxe, and Woodle Deluxe if they seem to be the same game. Maybe they could be combined and separated by subcategories depending on the game played or somethin along those lines? It might not matter that much and I'm just overthinking it, I just found it interesting that there are 5 games in the series but they aren't really different games.

not to be intrusive but I have plenty of free time and an unhealthy obsession with speedrunning and leaderboard accuracy, so I am willing to help however I can! Would love to expand the leaderboards and differentiate this game from the others in the series. I'm just now learning about these games and I'm confused by how a lot are just the same game but a little different, but I wont complain for more content I suppose lol

Pokespartan нравится это

Hey gamers, I recently got this game cause it looked cute and fun and was wondering if we could discuss adding other categories to the leaderboards? Maybe like All Apples or All Enemies or something like that. I'm still playing through the game, but am very much intrigued by the speedrun.

Pokespartan и Jaggybabs нравится это

Do you know what the stats were for your mons? GG! :)

тема: Mario Party DS

good question, some Mario Party leaderboards dont care about the mini-game and just use the fastest option, but some make it sub-categories, so its more so up to the community

тема: Snood (GBA)

This run includes a Manip that makes it so that you play the same map in the first stage (Child) every run. This isn't the fastest possible map and the snood (that you shoot) rng is still random (except for the first 2, which are usually both Zod(Red), but it makes for a much more consistent start to the run, and is a neat new feature!

  • Soft Reset the Game so you go to the Main Menu Screen
  • Go to Options and Select Journey and whatever character you want to play as (character is not necessary for the manip)
  • Back out and Start the run, the map that appears should look like the Map in the video provided.
  • This only works if its the FIRST Map loaded from the Main Menu, to get the same stage again, Soft Reset and repeat the process.

Feel free to let me know if this is a version exclusive manip or something of the sort, but it is 100% consistent for me on console.

тема: Snood (GBA)

Rad, yea I can Enforce Milliseconds in the Classic categories, and I think millis could be useful for Journey if the times get close enough to each other to need millis to specify which is faster.

I added you as a Mod @kyletx500 and I was also thinking of adding ILs for Puzzle Mode, since its too difficult to do a full run of the mode, breaking up each level into 1 run makes it at least a little more enticing/easier to do.

JankedJesus нравится это
тема: Mario Party DS

Additional Notes: I added "Enforce Misc" to the categories that would need it and added Individual Board runs!

I also added a new variable in the IB runs that makes it so you can either choose to have to win on the board or just finish the board as fast as possible. I thought this would be a fun twist to add, but if it is not wanted or cared about I will remove it lol. But this could also be added to the "All Boards" and "All Minigames" categories respectively and make sense and be somewhat interesting to see the routing.

I also changed "Easy" to "Any" since the rules say you can use any difficulty, and cleaned up the rules for all categories. Enjoy!

Pear и ZoomyDeclan нравится это
тема: Mario Party DS

Hey gamers, just wanted to pop in and talk about the changes I made recently.

They are small but if you are interested in/have runs on the IL leaderboards, you might have noticed your placement being a bit higher than before. I was going through the runs and seeing that there were multiple runs that either had expired links for proof or just no proof and to keep things as fair as possible I made the proof requirement more enforced, since it's VERY easy to take a picture of your best times, etc. So going forward, proof is always better, doesn't have to be a video, any is better than nothing.

I decided to look at the shorter categories on the Full Game Leaderboards and noticed quite a bit of runs that are either not timed accurately or no milliseconds are given when its needed. So I went ahead and retimed/edited a couple of the runs (Step It Up, Default category), to make the leaderboard more accurate and specify when you stop the timing. I think top 5-6 should be pretty accurate for most categories, especially when its under 20 minutes, so I'm gonna link a website that helps me framecount videos.

Editing and helping out is my job and will be doing it where its needed, but I wanted to give the resources to make submitting and getting your PBs as accurate as possible! I will also be adding Individual Board runs so I hope you guys enjoy the small updates and always feel free to suggest or point out things that need to be fixed/added!

Joeypals, Pear, и ZoomyDeclan нравится это
тема: Mario Party DS

I will add Individual Board runs as misc categories! Thanks for the suggestion!

тема: Snood (GBA)

Hey everyone! I cleaned up the leaderboards and wanted to list the changes and also ask/openly talk about other possible additions to the leaderboard.

  • Added a Character Variable to specify which character you played as.

  • Combined Child-Evil runs to "Classic" with Child-Evil being a "Difficulty Variable"

  • Moved times to appropriate categories and added Character Variable if shown.

  • Added Rules to the categories so you know when to start and stop timing.

If there are any other changes or fixes, suggest them!

JankedJesus и TheTimeWalker нравится это

You're welcome, feel free to leave suggestions on things that can be improved!

Hey Gamers! I think this is a good forum to make a little announcement about an update to the rules, I decided to give the categories more strict ruling on having video proof, it only affected 3 runs, so if it did affect your run, and need help getting a way to record your runs, reach out and ask! There are many ways to video record runs.

Hey friends, to make a complicated story short, I personally along with a few other runners were series mod for Mario sports, thus making us mods for all of the sports games. I don't mind helping out at all, but I haven't played this game specifically, so I would love to have another couple mods who know their way around src and also this game as a speedgame. Feel free to post questions/concerns about the leaderboards and thanks for reading!

hm, im going to try and replicate this. I would assume it'd save time if you can go to a different level lol

im not even sure what happened here lol

KingSheaun нравится это
тема: Mario Party 5

I can do that for sure, sounds cleaner

Gimmie a name/ruleset and you got it

О RubberDuckyAssassin
Speedrun Addict
9 years ago
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