тема: Downwell
Florida, USAPolterGhost6 years ago

Wow, that's very fast. I wish I could have seen how the rest of the run went, I wonder what results that the rest of the random seeding would have produced. How many times did you retry to get such a good 1-1? I also don't seem to understand the "not 23s" in the video title? But good job at that time.

тема: Downwell
Florida, USAPolterGhost6 years ago

As the person who vocally brought up the possible illegitimacy of the run in the first place, I'm going to note that the past few weeks has been a lot of practice on the parts of multiple runners as part of a speedrunning tournament. Some of us have been comfortable with seeing how regular we can get with arm spin (seeing that the goal of the tournament is to be the first to reach the boss between two players RTA,) a few of us have been outright pushing the boundaries of just how fast we can possibly go.

Finn was the first person to come up with a reasonable explanation as to how the world record run could have been obtained, given that they had been playing on the Beta branch of the game due to the standard branch having incredible slowdown (which would have been disastrous to play with during a RTA race.) They achieved a run a few seconds shy of the previous WR simply playing casually with the slowdown.

Given their feedback and the feedback of others that were experiencing slowdown with the game during their play, it has been proven that the sound continues playing normally while the framerate drops significantly. I personally found it suspicious that there were no clips on Twitch displaying the run, which would have otherwise solidly proven that the run was being legitimately run at full framerate. After discussion of the possible evidence, Finn contemplated the best way to approach the moderators about the run status, incidentally achieved a #2 time during this period, and then posted here.

In the light of the records set by Billy Mitchell, Todd Rogers, and recently Lee_SDA (Yoshi's Island record holder) being exposed as fraudulent, it's hard to assume that any records are proof without sufficiently solid evidence. Acting this defensive doesn't help the case any.

О PolterGhost
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