AustriaPhaero7 years ago

It should be still 15 kills. A common mistake that many people make is right at the beginning of the fight. When you shoot the first Ganado you have to make sure you have the correct distance to him. Look at some shadows on the ground, they should mark like a big X. Thats a good visual sign on where to stand. If you are too close to the guy, the next wave will spawn in a different spot. So you will kill less enemies with your grenades. Only thing I can think of why it doesn't work for you.

Democritus3, Insomnia87 и 3 другие нравится это
AustriaPhaero8 years ago

Jcstrickland is great.

AustriaPhaero8 years ago

Mercs is great.

AustriaPhaero8 years ago

It's cause you play on easy. A few areas in the castle are not available on easy mode.

Castle key area in 3-1 Dog Maze in 3-2 Knights room in 4-1 Clocktower in 4-1


AustriaPhaero8 years ago

1.) Stay on the farm in chapter 1-1 and wait for chickens to lay them. If the eggs stop spawning just re-enter the area.

2.) Kill a snake, hope to get a golden egg from it. If it doesn't drop the egg you want, reload the checkpoint. The egg color is always random, so you can just retry.

Golden eggs have a chance of like 5-10% to spawn.

AustriaPhaero8 years ago

The handgun has a 10% crit chance. The first shot normally hits the guys head. So if you get lucky enough, you only need a single bullet to take him out.

Edward_Stryfe нравится это
AustriaPhaero8 years ago

Morse found out a while ago, that the japanese Gamecube version is actually a bit slower than the PAL version. Jap version also has the weird Ashley camera angles, which makes it harder/slower to navigate. If you have the choice, get a PAL version for whatever console you run.

Naywyn нравится это
AustriaPhaero9 years ago

I personally dont mind easy mode. It's nothing super serious in my opinion but it's an option in the game. So if people wanna play it, let them do so. There is nothing wrong with it.

In theory it's the fastest mode of the game. Just cause some areas are not included should not ban the whole category. New Game easy would be actually kind of interesting. You dont get the 19,5k Ptas from the knights room, so you have to use a different money route. I'm sure there are more differences to find out than just this, if someone would really route it.

Also if easy would be a real category it wouldn't change anything for other categories. I see no real reason against it.

AustriaPhaero9 years ago

If you would "ban" the option menu, 95% of all runs would be not legal anymore. The option menu is on the same button as the skip option for cutscene. So, would a run not be valid anymore, just cause you hit pause on incident when you try to skip a cutscene?

The checkpoint reset was always a legit option in this game. Yes the menu itself pauses the timer, but you still lose time from reloading over all. The timer continues again while the loading screen that you get. Also for New Game runs resets like this are very important cause it changes the outcome of same room. For example: In the Water Hall in Chapter 3-1 you do the checkpoint reload after Ashley tells you about the 2 cranks. You could do it without the reset, sure. But have fun protecting Ashley from the Zealots going after her AND dealing with the scythe enemies that just spawned moments ago.

I guess the checkpoint reload is more an option that you can take, if you wanna be more safe in an upcoming area. You trade in a few seconds with the reload for a much saver run. The game is already random enough, so I'm really happy about this option.

Hope that explains a bit why we are totally fine with such "resets" :)

AustriaPhaero9 years ago

The ganado wave should spawn, if you are not too close to the first 2 enemies when you kill them. This strategy is probably the most consistent one, but not the fastest anymore.

Most runner use this strat now:

You kill the first ganado and run into the house right after. Turn left and throw the first grenade outside the small hole. Turn around and wait for the cutscene, skip it and walk upstairs. I walk upstairs slowly cause it gives the enemies time to group in front of the window. After I grab the shotgun I start running again. Grab the grenade and run to the window, throw the grenade outside. Try aiming a bit to the right and also very far down, so you also hit the enemies on the right side of the house.

This strategy is not super consistent, but it saves around 5 seconds over the old one.

I'm NOT the one who invented this strategy, I think it was a french player but not sure tho.

AustriaPhaero9 years ago

Just look up the guide section :o Auddy and JTB made guides for the two categories you are looking for

AustriaPhaero9 years ago

You can always just aim at his feets, if he moves slowly to secure the kill. Sometimes he takes his time with moving in your direction, so with the incendiary already out you can speed that up, cause you stun him.

So the incendiary is not a must have :)

AustriaPhaero9 years ago

How annoying is Ashley really?

Speedrunner or casual player - at some point pretty much everyone blamed Ashley for something that happened in the game. But does she actually deserve all the hate from us? Let's find it out~

First let's check out in how many chapters of the game Ashley is actually on Leons side.

Chapter Ashley? 1-1 No 1-2 No 1-3 No 2-1 No 2-2 Yes 2-3 Yes 3-1 Yes 3-2 No 3-3 No 3-4 Yes 4-1 Yes 4-2 No 4-3 No 4-4 No 5-1 No 5-2 Yes 5-3 No 5-4 No Final Yes

She is technically part of chapter 2-1 and 5-4. But her appearance is extremely short in both chapters. So I didn't count them. In the church from 2-1 you just let her behind right after you got to her. And in 5-4 it's pretty much only one room with 4 enemies.

The Game has 19 Chapters - Ashley is part of 7. Thats around 37% of the game. Of course some chapters are longer than others, but just for the statistic.

Now lets take a look on the chapters Ashley is with Leon.

Chapter 2-2 The first area in front ot the church is not a problem at all. The village can be a bit tricky if you play on pro, and she likes to get grabbed at the farm. At the Cabinfight she hides in a locker, so she is not a big deal here.

Chapter 2-3 If you are slow at the El Gigante part, or the giant decides to just go through everything - Ashley can be a problem here. I dont consider here a big problem on the gondola - on NG+ she has her armor and the enemies tend to focus Leon anyway. Neither is Ashley part of the mendez fight.

Chapter 3-1 This Chapter is a pain with Ashley. Catapults, many monks can grab her easily and she gets stucked all day long on dead bodys. Smart girl. Maybe the hardest Chapter with Ashley.

Chapter 3-4 First you defend Ashley - then you play as her. I dont see problems with this chapter. Ashley doesn't move until all enemies are dead, and in the second part of the area you are in full controll of her. Her AI can't screw you here, neither can something else. Easy Ashley Chapter.

Chapter 4-1 She's not with you for the Lava room. Also you can just leave her outside for the fight with the six knights. At the drill machine she doesn't move again, so again no AI problems. Only hard part of the chapter is the long hall with the monks at the end. She can get grabbed and attacked here. For the rest of the chapter Ashley dissapears.

Chapter 5-2 Second hardest Chapter with Ashley. She can get stucked in enemies in many many rooms. The starting area, the Iron Maiden room, the lava room, the Regeneradores corridor. Sometimes she even dies from random plaga on the truck. Annoying chapter.

Final Chapter Only the start can be a problem if she gets stucked on the enemies from the end of the last chapter. But this can be easily avoided actually. The rest of the chapter is only running with Ashley and catching her once.

So from the 7 Ashley chapters I only see her as a real problem in two of them. Which brings us down to 10.5% of the game. Besides Chapter 3-1 and 5-2 she is only a problem in a handful rooms. Maybe 3 or 4.

What do we learn from this? Ashley is not the problem, you are just bad at videogames Kappa

Do we hate Ashley and does she deserve all the blame from us regardless of all this? Hell yeah. Sry for bad englando.

AustriaPhaero9 years ago
  1. You can get the clean Pearl Pendant while it's flying down. But it's almost a frame perfect thingy, so not really useful for Single segmented runs. I just tested it~

  2. You are not on the same level with the trap. So you actually have to aim at it. Which is slower in the end, I guess. Running around the small house is not really a big deal. Actually you have to make a pretty weird turn if you wanna enter it.

О Phaero
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