Pessimism4 years ago

You do not fight Super Tyrant on Knife Only in Remake. It's treated as Any%. Rocket Launcher is not required at all and that category should be renamed "Knife Only"

Pessimism4 years ago

I believe having an Easy and a Normal tab is fair. Easy can be for single segments and Normal for segmented. Removing Hard is warranted in my opinion. Tracking RTA runs with IGT runs on the same leaderboard is a bit silly. I also believe that since Easy will be for single segments, it should be the "main" Knife category.

RapixOnGaming нравится это
Pessimism4 years ago

Oh yeah. I didnt think about that actually.

Pessimism4 years ago

That's fair Yami. That gets my vote.

Pessimism4 years ago

Precisely Anderson. It would just have PC, PC Doorskip, HD Console, and SD Console.

RapixOnGaming нравится это
Pessimism4 years ago

Greetings. I have an idea I would like to run by the community. I propose that this category should lose the Easy/Normal/Hard tabs and the default difficulty should be Easy. This idea came to me when I went to route the health pickups for an Easy run. My reasons are the chances of a single segment run being completed are drastically increased on Easy compared to Normal/Hard. I believe that this could bring in some Knife runners as well. Considering people won't have to constantly reset on the Train, Facility, and the Bat in hopes to get a very good segment. I understand Yami and Liv have put effort into their times, but I believe this is a good step forward regarding this game for speedrunning. I believe this should definitely be considered and discussed between the community. Thanks for your time!

RapixOnGaming нравится это
Pessimism4 years ago

You can delete it yourself. KEKW

Pessimism5 years ago

I would also like to take the time to apologize if I've come off as aggressive or insensitive in this thread. That's definitely not my intention. The thing is I give a shit about this game.

GrowthKasei, MrDweirdo и 2 другие нравится это
Pessimism5 years ago

Yeah Moe. We are pointing fingers and laughing at people with disabilities. Is that a joke? We are totally not bringing valid responses and trying to keep this games integrity. Get a grip.

None of you seem to acknowledge the fact that doorskip already helps people who can’t mash.

MrDweirdo, impasta, и ReportWroteByLeon нравится это
Pessimism5 years ago

Turbo is generally banned throughout RE anyways. Allowing turbo because your arms or your whatever hurts is nothing short of ridiculous. If skating is a problem, you are more than welcome to meme and remap your controls to skate with a PS4 analog stick. Risking this games integrity to keep a few people happy? Miss me with that shit. How do the mods guarantee this wont spill over to vanilla categories? Don't you see the potential problems?

I've said it once and I'll say it again. This is NOT a MEME speedgame.

Starwin, Zero и 7 другие нравится это
Pessimism5 years ago

My vote is no.

Zero, MrDweirdo и 2 другие нравится это
Pessimism5 years ago

New Game+ not being on the main board is silly. That category is all about going fast and will show the fastest times possible without using OoB. Not to mention, New Game+ is by far the most popular category is most RE games outside of the first 3. Variable and 60 is also silly. Speedrunning is a hobby and just like any hobby, you put money into it if you take it seriously. If those 7 seconds or whatever it is mean that much to you, time to upgrade. I get life doesn’t allow that sometimes, but that doesn’t change the fact that PC speedrunning is PC speedrunning. Powerful machines give the best times.

SirVoyaflex, Tanky и 4 другие нравится это
Pessimism5 years ago

Hello. If the other super mods could find someone to replace me that would be great. I've already unmodded myself.

Pessimism5 years ago

Thanks for the response friends. If Yami is unable to do it, I have a few people in mind that can probably work on a health viewer. I will be returning to the PC port of this game early next year sometime and wanted to use the heatlh viewer. Cheers friends.

Pessimism5 years ago

Greetings. Does anyone know if they tool works with the Chinese update? If not, does anyone know if Yami will update it? Thank you for your time.

Pessimism5 years ago

I have the update on my PS4.

Pessimism5 years ago

Yes. Pump cancelling.

Pessimism5 years ago

I don't see a point in doing anything except improving ones times. HD Remaster is not a meme speed game where all these little variations on the boards need to happen.

Voxgizer, NyxAvatar0013 и 3 другие нравится это
Pessimism5 years ago

I am strongly against new boards for Chinese. I grabbed a few items using traditional Chinese and it definitely feels faster.

NyxAvatar0013, itz_dono и 2 другие нравится это
Pessimism6 years ago

Hello. Welcome to the community. The rocket launcher and Samurai Edge are only legal in New Game+.

MrHutchTheClutch нравится это
О Pessimism
9 years ago
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