тема: Talk
PANICOREPT7 years ago

Well, of course you can, TASing isn't limited to SF

Have to say, you're really the worst, i've seen cancer before but that's just a totally different level. You keep on lying, rejecting proofs from others, changing topics whenever you feel like you've been proven wrong (well, "feel"... you HAVE been proven wrong, multiple times).

While i am not the admin of this site, i think i have the right to ask you to leave this site. You're nothing but cancer. I kinda want to say more, but it's pointless, even if i say something constructive you're just gonna do any of the followings;

-dislike vids like a 8 years old -change topics to something probably irrevelant -ask for proofs

Also, you can keep your "stay cool" and "respect", you have no idea what respect is and you shouldn't even have the right to write that word.


PS: While i can't prove if the dislike is actually you or someone else, you've been disliking others vids, wich is why is mostly belive you're theone responsible for all the dislikes i'm getting as well, plus they're recent, wich doesn't help your case.

i disliked your videos? it was not you who got 79 deslikes in 1 week, i removed some of the videos because of that! Do you see me acusing anyone here or saying it was you or Token? I think you dont, i am a cancer? And you talk about respect? sure lol , no comments GTO ??? i am not GTO i am RTFO , do you know what it means? it means i am runing the fuck out as soon as possible, this is by far, the worst and most stupidiest and useless community i have ever met in my life, and i am 34 so i have been around other communitys! Just thinking when i joined i was this close to donate makes me puke! You people really have a great imagination! i have more interesting stuff to do then searching everyone videos to dislike them! you and token are even more ridicluous then what i tought!

About you Token, do you know how many versions there are on MAME just for World Warrior ??????????? 32, including versions with unlocked bosses, and like stated in your rules, " ALL PERMITED PORTS INCLUDING MAME" , since there was no rule it means you can use MAME and any version inn the emulator, simple isnt it? you post a comment and that comment anwsers for me, like its marked there, i posted a run with KEN and it was still refused ( World Warrior ) what are you going to tell me Ken is the newest boss on this game and i never knew it? About your videos, no comments, like i said keep your reason you havent provided a single proof to esplain why my videos are TAS, your only proof is " this is obvious a TAS" rofl, i am not arguing anymore, i just want my account to be deleted thats all, keep your crap with you and leave me alone punks!

Drhelix, do you know what respect is? If i remember right, you were the first coming here assaulting me, insulting me, and you didnt even had anything to do with this, you even admited it! childish? Look yourself at a mirror punk! Cancer? i hope you never get that in your life, because cancer is really something bad, but you are so fucking stupid that you cant even realize how low your comment is, you both ask Santa a brain for Christmas please, and leave me alone!

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT7 years ago

S. theres no need to talk about this in here, i have twekead user.ini and unrealtournament.ini to make my game run faster and brighter this also tweaks loading times, like you said patch 451b indeed reduces the loadings times compared to 436 on a litle more then 2 seconds, it also removes the name of the map opening ( the small frame that makes the name slide when you unlock a new map) and this doesnt happen on 436, the diference you see on my video is around 1.5 seconds due to the .inis i am talking about, human mistakes happens to everyone, and in this post i just really mention the fact about the patchs, there is no intention on anything else then clarify things and share some knowledge about some tweaks that are completly legal to touch and modify to make the game look bettter, faster and more stable, if i use high settings i get a bit longer loading time ( around 1 second ) and like you can see on the video i used all settings on low, wich also helps to reduce the loading time, i can still provide the .inis you want and esplain the changes i made to them, so next time if someone uses tweaked .inis , you guys are aware of this, however theres no need to reconsider my run, because i am really off from here, due to this Street Fighter Drama, stay cool, respect.


The reason he thinks the SF3 run is TAS by the way, is because of the inputs and not because all perfect. The inputs in the menu (particularly in the unedited sendvid you linked me) cannot be done by a human being (or on console/arcade period, it is impossible), they're basically all perfect to the frame. They're done using a TAS tool called frame advance. If that sendvid of the SF3, as you said, is the original unaltered version of that video it is undeniably a tool-assisted speedrun. There's no way to argue otherwise.

what you see there i can do on any game including Mortal Kombat, like i said i am not arguing anymore, you guys keep your reason


that rules line forbidding bosses on WW, werent there when i submitted my video, so someone changed them AFTER i submit my run, it doesnt make any diference anyway, keep your reason!

stay cool, respect

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT7 years ago

Ok Token, stay cool no need to argue anymore, i am the cheater, the liar, the stealer, the youtube mass disliker, the racist, the everything bad you can possibly imagine. Cheers man good luck.

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT7 years ago
  • Sagat is only a boss character in WW. Wasn't made available until CE
  • Gil wasn't available to the player until the console edition of said game
  • Trials in SF4 were ALWAYS in Super up until USF4, where they were changed to reflect the mass amount of changes the characters have undergone
  • You don't cut load times out of runs.

All this wasnt marked on the rules, why do you keep talking about this? Rules should state " Bosses are not allowed" there are clean roms on mame with all the bosses unlocked i dont know why do you want to keep pushing this if this was allready discussed, you even admitted this when we argue about the rules!

i am indeed off there is no possible conversation here, about your videos i didnt mass dislike your videos like you said what the hell you talking about, another thing to make me look bad? i give up on this really, there is really no point or arguing anymore so i am really going to give up! how do you expect someone to behave normally with you, if you keep invalidating everything shown come proof? have you read the hate comments i got all this days and never said a word about it? , i am done, really done this time.

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT7 years ago

Token you posted this

Why didnt you post this?????

23 september the same day i updated the thread

Why do you keep pushing me? How do you expect me to behaviour normally with you with this acts? Who are this people you are talking about that have so much SF knowledge to proof this are TAS? Who told you all i wanted was to see my runs accepted? If the first thing i talked about the very first days i arrived here with TheKombatKing was to become moderator of the SF series because i know EVERYTHING in the games, what the hell man, why keep and trying to push me and try to make me look bad? do you know how many dislikes i got on my videos when you guys started to spread claiming i cheat and stole videos? i tell you 53 in 3 days, jesus.

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT7 years ago

you can also start removing that pictures right now, because in case you didnt notice, you are violating personal information right now! just in case dumbass

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT7 years ago

Hey idiot like i said, this is all posted on my first post, second i allready asked to be deleted, because having to deal with brainless fucks like you, who keep their idiotic logics and supposed proofs, you can grab all that and stick it up your ass, I rather waste my time anywhere else while you are the moderator of the SF series, a guy who doesnt even fucking know wich fighters belong to wich version! have fun! Your statement also proofs how much one sided this was during all the time, and honestly i didnt expect anything else coming from you, again grab your fairness and stick it up you ass!


I don't know what I'm doing.

this indeed fits you on every aspect!


Both of the runs are clearly Tool-Assisted Speedruns. You also removed the video in question from your channel.

lol i am not even going to bother, this just shows how much pathetic and clueless you are, and your proofs for this statement are? 0, if you cant do runs doing all perfects, doesnt mean others cant, and also doesnt mean they cheat, go practise punk, what i said i meant it, you can die in hell with your "fairness" all you did is wasting 1 week of my time for nothing, so yeah fuck you "N" , good bye!

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

Token your acusations are false , read first post all the links for the videos you asked are there, since you dont care, i dont care too, have fun with your twisted rules series! Cheers keep it up! I also sended you Twitter messages again! Dont make me take more screenshots to proof it! Thank you and good bye

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

Can you read first post please? All the proofs are there since friday, i am not wasting any more time with this man, he has been online so that means he doesnt care, and he belongs to the group i was acused from, so why should i care? I allready proofed enough , i never stole anything , i provided all the original links from the supposed videos that were " stolen " i allready provided 2 new runs, and i have more ready, i am not gonna waste more Time and energy , i joined this community to have some fun, not for this , so i am really exausthed being unfairly accused, so you guys keep your logic and your acusations, i am defenitly off from this. Stay cool

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

It doesnt matter i have officialy requested to be deleted, i dont wanna be part of a series with retarded mods like Token who doesnt even have the balls to admit his mistakes , so yeah i am defenitly off for good until people like him doesnt have a clue what he is doing, cheers

тема: The Site
PANICOREPT8 years ago

Hello after the recent events and even after providing all the proofs, some people still keeps acusing me, so i honestly feel this isnt my place at all, especially with your retarded SF moderators , so i would like to request to be deleted, thank you and stay cool

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

i allready provided all the proofs, i also have new runs allready done that break your times in any platform, this is a example for it

this ones will have gameboard and scores so everyone can verify times and score match, so there are no doubts to who the footage belongs, i also have all the new runs marked as PAN , this way there are no questions about this too.

this time breaks any of the current times in your leaderboard, i also have others but like i said i will wait on Token!

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

I can, the reason i havent done it at least for all games , i just dont wanna waste time, before all this mess is cleared up, Token hasnt said a word yet, but keeps liking the hate comments, so i am waiting for his toughts before i do anything else since he is the mod at sf series, i dont wanna see more valid records rejected by conspiracy theories, stay cool weapon

WeaponLord нравится это
тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

Dont take me wrong but, even a statement like that wouldnt invalidate my proofs at least on court, you would have to proof that statement and not just offering what is a reasonable Logic in your perspective, i ended up deleting because like i said before i am redoing them again with more quality better times if i continue here, etc all the others are still online i am just organising everything , there is also a second video of urien with the same game play style , just in case for the doubt, that one doesnt proof anything its only a extra, about the image i did change it to upload on YouTube the intro and the settings for english , because i have a " logo" now and wouldnt make much sense not having it, about the other one on sendvid thats the old stuff i placed as intro in all my videos because i didnt have a youtube channel at all, they are crappy because its old stuff, stay cool

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

I understand and respect your opinion FurryWulfz , i from my side tried to provide everything i could to try and proof my story, i also proposed some solutions to proof , i dont need to take someones work and post it in here, also this for me doesnt make any sense, because that would kill all the reasons and the point on playing here in the first place, at least thats what i think , also consider what i did wrong i admited, but dont expect me to admit things i havent done, that sir i cannot do even if there is 200 people with the same opinion like you, just because you guys claim so, and that i think is unfair. Also in a court case the proofs you provided would be considered, but my proofs would to, with or without timestamps.

@YW1 @Ozotuh

Your comments are indeed constructive, typical from a 12 years kid, keep it up and stay cool you 2

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

mine video

user video i " steal " from

See yourself with your eyes, 4 December 2015 date of the upload, can you give me a valid esplanation for that? How your timestamps proof anything in a situation like this, how all the dates even of their uploads matches what i allways said from the begining? i cannot control their uploads or the dates on youtube, unless there is another logic for that, people never believed me in the begining and tought i was full of shit and stupid enough to come here and post other people work to get records ( thats a crazy logic honestly, one must be really dumb to do this) , some people also never had second toughts i could actually be speaking the truth and that was the whole problem from the begining, now you have obvious proofs more damn obvious, not to talk that i can reproduce all the gameplays from all the street fighter games again and this time you will have " PAN " in all the records, can any of this guys do that? Hmmm, stay cool bud

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

Problem with these is there's no time stamps, and time stamps are the only way you could prove your video came before Astaroth's, his TAS being uploaded in 2015 - the problem here is all you do is state Astaroths TAS, but you havent understand yet we are talking about 7 videos not just 1

Our website was officialy closed 31 December 2015, and this can be proven, so until this date anyone could just download and upload it to their own channels, second how do you esplain the huge difference between the views? Unless you come with a new logic claiming i fake views! that would be a new one hahaha, first it was the website, when i said i could request to reactivate the website, the website couldnt proof anything, after that it was the videos with new gameplay, when i proposed that it wasnt also a proof for anything, after this i proposed new gameplays and streaming them, that also wasnt proof for anything, now i got the links from a OLD website thats exists since 2005 called "shared" and after 2009 "sendvid" , more than half of the videos were uploaded from the " shared " time wich means they were upload before 2009, and some others after 2009 when it became " sendvid " and now you come with the timestamps logic? I can use the same logic as you, assuming my videos have more views, they were the firsts coming up online ( and i am also being totally straight here and following your theory ) you also have to think all this links were " inactive " since this was posted only on our website and shared by some people who know our team wich means after 31 December 2015 they didnt get the same flux compared to when the website was online wich means all the other youtube videos have 9 months advantage on views compared to mine videos, so what your next logic? Pigs fly, and chickens rolls on the floor? Be honest, you never tought i could actually provide any proof, because i let you talk everything you wanted and now you are just trying to search a valid motif to justify your FALSE acusations and dont look bad, how about that? It looks more logic if you ask me, your proofs arent also good enough, because they cannot proof i stole anything, even with your timestamps, assuming this was a real trial case, your supposed correct acusations wouldnt even advance in the first place, because you cannot provide any proof that i actually " steal " anything from anyone, even with your timestamps,also following yours logics, then any proof is not good enough to proof my inocence! So yeah the question is, whats next? i even know the meanings of each one of the videos in the final part! i bet any of the persons who upload this videos to youtube doesnt even know the meaning of the letters that i wrote in the end of the videos!

We still have to go on your word alone -

Well why dont this supposed people i stole from provide proof then? Why dont they esplain to you the meanings of ending boards? why some of them didnt even care to change at least the ending part? Yes because if you watch SF2 Sagat , the user who upload the video has 300 views compared to mine that has almost 15000 views, great diference hun? what does your timestamps proof in a situation like this? Not to talk that all he has about Street Fighter is 4 videos all ending with WWF wich by coincidence is one of the teams i played agaisnt and dedicated videos too, and wich also by coincidence are exactly the 4 bosses i dedicated too, how your timestamps will proof anything agaisnt a 15000 - 300 situation? Nothing. Honestly no one will believe that crap, i speak for myself i wouldnt. Because right now all you can do is search theories that defend your acusations, but you cannot take a real and honest look at the proofs wich are more then evident even without timestamps, also if you take a look at all that videos , they were all posted before 31 December 2015! hmmm so many coincidences don t you think? But all it matters is getting a logic to keep acusing what you cannot acuse even without all this proofs i provided now, also dont forget you have a second gameplay with the exact same gameplay style of Urien and doing a second perfect run, why dont you watch your friend channel to see if he has that video too? stay cool pal.

PANICOREPT8 years ago

cheat out? lol, if you rememher PrT you know what our team was made of, also have you guys tried out patch 451b? loadings are a bit more fast, but hey i will redo this one with patch 436 to have the 5 seconds on the loadings between the maps no problem with that damn, deadrobots and token should also provide the other side of the story instead of coming here and keep claiming assumptions they cannot proof at all, after i posted all the proofs i had! just in case! I also dont remember telling you i would come here crush all the records, all i said was, " i dont need luck, i just have to practise to get my aim and mine shock rifle back " if i remember right, no need to be aggresive based on false acusations from another game, not to mention there is no need to put words in my mouth i never said, also why do you assume it is you? there is still some runners around here apart from you, i dont even know you in the first place, stay cool.

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

have you even read the first post? stop hating and fighting straight proofs! i actually have done more runs, but after the proofs i provided i dont even need to post any of them at least in here, if it does look like a TAS, proof it is a TAS instead of continuing with your supposed acusations, my videos were also supposed to be stolen but no one does mention it now right? Grow up all of you and admit your mistakes the same way i admited mines about editing 2 videos, not to mention the 2 videos in question the edits had nothing to do with the run and the time itself! also if you think its so easy to get all perfects, you can allways try yourself and see how much time will you take to just perform 1 , if i remember right you even talked about mine credibility right? Your acusations right now and the credibility are equal to 0, probly most of you who were the firsts coming here attacking and insulting, would be the firsts running away from the situation and refuse to face it agaisnt everything and everyone, otherwise me, stay cool buddy

proof of inocence 1 - proof of inocence 2 -

read before talking both are right there in front of your face, if you dont wanna read it, not my problem son.

oh btw, @FurryWulfz tbh his credibility is already gone, him saying that he actually stole/cheated is never going to happen, he's in too deep now @i am dead lmfao

yeah me too i am dead right now with your credibility lmfao.

тема: Talk
PANICOREPT8 years ago

WeaponLord thats exactly what i have been trying to esplain for 6 days allready, there would be no reason to play here then, and the person in question is me, i am the acused one, i am waiting on your judgement Token, i would like to see how fairness you are regarding this situation!

8 years ago
7 years ago