IsraelOreo3214 years ago

I explained it in another thread, but made this video to show how it works:

Gaming_64 нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

I don't know if anyone is gonna see this, seeing that the game is super inactive, but whatever.

I was interested in trying to speedrun this game, but then saw that the world record itself IS A PICTURE, and it killed my motivation completely. I can maybe understand if you allow submitting picture proofs up to a certain threshold, but this is completely preposterous.

To understand the problem, check my super duper awesome new world record, which only took me about 15 minutes to get! https://i.imgur.com/V9tlYU9.png

Is it fake? Yes. Can you tell by looking at the picture alone? probably not.

Gaming_64 нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

I'm curious. In the games list, or in any series, you can filter the search by "Show unofficial releases".

I noticed that some of the games I moderate are "official", and some are not (all are web games by the way). I also didn't mentioned anything about being "official" when I requested the games.

Gaming_64 и Pear нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

I use OBS to record my runs from PC, in 1080p resolution with 60fps framerate. I just noticed that on many of my old and recent videos uploaded to YouTube, those videos still look kinda blurry in some places, even when you watch them at the highest quality on full screen (even the part of the static Livesplit text is affected).

Why does it happen? And how can I ensure it won't?

Gaming_64 нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

RTA time is used in the leaderboard instead of IGT, because it is much simpler to compare between runs. To quote the developer:

[quote] The timer goes up whenever the player is playable. So it starts when the first small cutscene of the game is finished, and ends when the final little cutscene is triggered (so that's a bit after the yellow arrow). The timer is paused during all cutscenes and textboxes, and it still saves when dying or quitting the game. [/quote]

Gaming_64 и Desquik нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

I noticed that when a moderator locks a certain thread, we can't reply in it anymore (obviously), but also the thread gets down from the main forum, and the only way to access it is through a reply in a user "forum posts" page.

Is that intended?

Gaming_64 нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

This question is mainly for the site mods out there.

Recently, a game I requested was denied. Now, this is not a complaint post, I'm just curious about the process for deciding if to approve or deny a game request for SRC.

Now, some background: The games I speedrun and moderate right now, are (mostly) 2D side-scroller platform games, on the web, from varying types, lengths, and eras. God knows how many of those exist out there on the internet, and on SRC in particular.

Quote from the request games rules: "At this time, we are not adding the following: Short/Trivial Games... If there are 100 flash games with similar content, we're probably not looking to track them. ...". I understand and respect that, but it's still kinda ambiguous. This rule I quoted was probably not really enforced in the past times, I guess, because the site is full of such short and trivial games. Hell, even 2-3 of my own games will probably not be accepted today as well.

Now, for 2D side-scrollers, they can be in different types and forms, of course. There are some very short games (1-5 minutes), medium length (5-15 minutes), and some very long ones. They can come with 15 or 30 short levels with each one lasting 5 seconds in average, or one giant map filled with enemies and obstacles. Some games have some gimmicks into them (like upgrades and powerups you need to collect, or some cool weapons and gadgets), and some are more simple and straightforward. However, at the core of it all, all those games still have one similar objective - to walk and jump to the end goal, and that's it.

So, I guess my real question is, what is the threshold? How long a game should be, or how "interesting" should it be, or a combination of both, for it to NOT be regarded as a "short/trivial" game?

If we take "extreme" cases, you can think of a game with a "revolutionary innovative gameplay mechanic" but can be finished in only 3 minutes, and another game with 100 short levels which lasts for 15 minutes, but all you can do is walk and jump over platforms, and is (probably) super boring to watch.

I know that there is no one definitive answer, but I would appreciate if you could share some of your personal thought process regarding this.

(I also realize than when a game I request is denied, I kinda feel bad about wasting the staff time :) )

Gaming_64 и Laika_the_Spacedog нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

This game is free for download (Windows) here: https://gamejolt.com/games/light-the-dark/140938

Gaming_64 нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

I think this feature came out some months ago, but personally didn't see any games with a sub-game. What do they mean, and on which cases you should add a sub-game instead of requesting a new one?

Gaming_64 и Pear нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

I play the game on Kongregate, but I found out that the game has slightly different versions in other sites. The most important difference is the in-game timer for each individual level. In Kongregate, for example, the timer start right when the level is loaded and ends when picking the puzzle piece. In NotDoppler for example, the timer is reset on every death. Thus making the in-game timer unreliable in case of a checkpoint-death in a level.

Also, there may be differences in the levels layouts themselves (Kongregate and NotDoppler also differ by the layout of level 3)

So, to make it easier, all runs of the game must be ran exclusively on Kongregate, to make a fair competition between all runners.

Kongregate - https://www.kongregate.com/games/TawStudio/mr-bree-returning-home

EDIT: Recently I found a very useful program for playing many of the flash games out there. It downloads the SWF files locally, and play the game locally on the computer (even offline), but it makes them think they are being played on the browser. "Mr. Bree Returning Home" is there too, and I checked that version, it's identical in gameplay to the Kongregate version (although some of the logos are different). Playing the game on this version is allowed, if you want. https://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/

Gaming_64 нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

I have the game at version v2.1.0.3, which only have normal mode (not hardcore). Can I submit runs on this version? I don't know if between this and the latest version there are other changes as well.

Gaming_64 и MrSlamz нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

As a mod of some games, I have two questions regarding IGT settings:

  1. For a game which has different Real time and Game time, is there a way to submit a run with both real and game time, but make the game time as the primary time for that game? Right now, the solution I found for the site to tell the game time everywhere, is not posting real time at all.

  2. Might be connected, is there a way to sort runs by the game time, in case both real and game time are present? The best example I found for this is "Robot wants Kitty" (https://www.speedrun.com/rwk) There are different categories for RTA and IGT, which require different strategies in the game. But the submissions for IGT are still ranked by their respective RTA time, results in the leaderboard being in a "wrong" order

Gaming_64 нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

I am not entirely sure about that. I observed that it doesn't track time while being in any sort of dialogue, and while in the main game screen. It does track time if you pause the game and wait in this stats screen.

However, there is still a gap of some seconds between the RTA and IGT in my videos, which I couldn't explain (yet).

Gaming_64 нравится это
IsraelOreo3214 years ago

I decided to not make a 100% category (which requires getting all the in-game achievements, as well as all items in the game), because there is one achievement which requires you to play for 20 minutes, and well...

You can finish the game at least once, get all items and other achievements in LESS than 20 minutes (I managed to do it in ~15-17 minutes of game time).

This makes you idly wait just for the last time achievement, which will make all top potential records for this category at exactly 20 minutes.

Gaming_64 нравится это
IsraelOreo3215 years ago

I did a TAS run of Overlord's New Mansion, here:

In the time of making this, I realized the floor clipping in the start of level 8 can easily be done manually, by positioning the camera and then mashing 4+5.

This also works sometimes for the start of level 7, but it is much less consistent for me (If you fail, the enemies give you a ride).

Late edit: In level 15, you can also skip most of the level if you spawn 4 bears manually inside the wall (from the starting position), and then they have a chance to catapult you though the ceiling when you approach them and jump at the right time.

Gaming_64 нравится это
О Oreo321
Mathematician, web developer, and a 20+ years gamer. I mostly speedrun 2D adventure/puzzle platform games.
5 years ago
19 days ago
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