тема: Fallout
FranceOkahey8 years ago

Hello ?

No reaction ? No comment ?

Anyone interested ?

тема: Fallout
FranceOkahey8 years ago

Hello again.

Here is a google sheet for sharing comments or suggestions regarding the possible route :

I only put marked quests, I guess that's the easiest option for a first attempt. Everything on this document is open to discussion.

Current idea for a global route is :

1 = Mariposa - destroy 2 = Shady sands (stop radscorpions) 3 = Raiders (rescue tandy) 3 = back to vault 13 (water thief, rebel faction if necessary) 4 = Junktown (rescue sinthia, bust skulz, kill gizmo) 5 = Hub (missing caravans, kill hightower, necklace, jain, help irwin, rescue initiate) 6 = Necropolis (kill mutants, repair pump, get chip) 7 = Glow (get ancient item, turn on power) 8 = Brotherhood (become initiate, fix broken armor) 9 = Boneyard (fix farms, exterminate deathclaws, get weapons, free adytum) 10 = Cathedral - destroy


I hope that will help you. Good luck for this run :p

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тема: Fallout
FranceOkahey8 years ago

Heya !

I'm very interested in a 100% run of Fallout. I've considered it myself many times without the ability or the time to really work on it. I know pretty much everything about this game so I guess I can help you for the route.

So, you are doing a "All quest" run ? What is your current quest list ? Are you only considering "marked" quests (in the pip-boy) or do you want to include some of the "unmarked" quest as well ?

I guess we have to start with some sort of segmented run first. And I'll be glad to help. What are your current plans ?

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