тема: Thrusty Ship
Alberta, CanadaMikklo4 years ago

Summary: Be the first to perfect the first 72 stages in the game with any ship. Challenge ends on January 1st 2020, at 12:00AM, Mountain Time

Rewards: $1,000 USD Credits mention with the moniker of your choice

Your tasks:

  1. Get a copy of Thrusty Ship on Steam (buy it or get somebody to gift you a copy) -
  2. Join the Thrusty Ship Discord -
  3. Review the game on Steam, do so honestly.
  4. Get Perfect in all 72 Core Hunts while connected to Steam, so there is a leaderboard entry with your time.
  5. Post a video on YouTube of you getting perfect on level 71, "For Prepared Minds".
  6. You must complete the challenge before January 1st 2020, at 12:00AM, Mountain Time.


  1. At least one entry in the leaderboards for all 72 level with any ship of your choice.
  2. Link to the video of you perfecting level 71, "For Prepared Minds". It will need to show the level start to finish and the end level screen with your Steam profile appearing in the bottom left corner alongside the Perfect caption in the middle of the screen. The time recorded in the video will have to match the leaderboard entry. Example of how the video should look like .
  3. Your Steam review of Thrusty Ship must exist on Steam.
  4. You have to be in our Discord, with the #player role assigned to you.
  5. You must be the first!

Note: If in Principle Games finds evidence of hacked results or similar, in our own and sole discretion, you will be immediately disqualified.

Good luck gamers.

О Mikklo
4 years ago
4 years ago
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Thrusty Ship
Thrusty Ship
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Thrusty Ship
Thrusty Ship
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Thrusty Ship
Thrusty Ship
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