тема: The Site
MakkerDon4 years ago

@Liv No problems, its vacation after all, thank you

тема: The Site
MakkerDon4 years ago


I would like a page created for a marathon that is in the making. We are working on it as we speak.

UCry Marathon ( - A marathon for speedruns of games either published by UbiSoft and/or running on a version of CryEngine. The idea is to bring together communities and games that otherwise have nothing else in common and have some good old fun.

The marathon will be an online marathon and will not have a charity involved.

The idea right now is to have the marathon take place Fri 22 Nov - Sun 24 Nov (if enough gets submitted then we might also add the thursday and monday, a long weekend)


lekolega ( Chickenb0h ( and myself

Thanks in advance

тема: The Site
MakkerDon4 years ago

I am starting to like this site again :)

тема: The Site
MakkerDon4 years ago


I would like to be made moderator for the game OutDrive:

-The current moderator, and only person on the leaderboard, has not been online on SRC for a year now: , Also his last activity on twitch has been 9 months ago. I can not get into contact with him

-The only run on the leaderboard, by the person mentioned above, is not valid: the video is shorter in length than the time claimed to have been achieved, this doesn't add up.

-The rules for this game right now are horrible and can lead to some terrible situations where people can make a meme out of it, I would like to fine tune the rules to make the game competitive and fun to do.

-I have a lot of experience in moderating and I am very active on SRC.

-My run that is pending (and will probably be pending indefintely if the situation stays the way it is):

-I have been able to find a few more people who want to do this run and it would be nice to have an active moderator for this game.

Thanks in advance

тема: The Site
MakkerDon4 years ago

Thanks a bunch man :)

Imaproshaman и HowDenKing нравится это
тема: The Site
MakkerDon4 years ago

Do I need to make 2 variables then ???

тема: The Site
MakkerDon4 years ago

How do you create sub categories? I want to have Crysis Any% split into Any% Old Patch and Any% New Patch. I dont want two seperate categories, I want one Any% category with two sub categories: Old Patch and New Patch. How and where can I do this?

тема: Crysis
MakkerDon4 years ago

I copied my folder of crysis (steam) to my desktop, then I copied all the crysis (downloaded) files to the folder that I put on my desktop. Where it asked me to replace I selected: yes, where it said it could not find something I selected: skip.

тема: Crysis
MakkerDon4 years ago

Hey Amberdrive, the difficulty can be whatever you like, just like in the any% category. As for the above being prohibited or not, would you consider that a glitch? is running around something a glitch? to skip a cutscene ? The idea is to not input things that create glitches, but the game being buggy/glitchy when you input normal inputs/behaviour that any player could is not the runners fault.

тема: The Site
MakkerDon4 years ago

Go to the top right of the page, click the little envelope icon, what does is say? How long has it said that? How long and how much manpower has this layout change taken? So then you question: is the goal user-friendlyness or exploiter-friendlyness. There is always an end, it is always the same, it is money.

Imaproshaman нравится это
тема: The Site
MakkerDon4 years ago

@JCog, The language comes from the british isles and they write: labour, neighbour and colour for example. The english across the pond is seen as a downgrade lol

Imaproshaman, Swagorath, и Yoho9000 нравится это
тема: The Site
MakkerDon4 years ago

Really awfull, please change this back. But you never will. It looks as cancer as this websites messaging service. When do we get that? Put some time and effort into the messaging service. Not this vomit coloured layout. Thanks for fudging up one of the last website that was pleasant to look at.

But it is all about the money people.

^ "Apart from that, you can make the site use whatever colours you want using Night mode and the theme editor."

It costs money to be able to do that. I can imagine who runs sites like this. disgusting money grabbing tactic.

ZoeTbh, Refy и 14 другие нравится это
тема: Crysis
MakkerDon4 years ago

After having studied most runs from both categories and the video below and my own attempts I have come to the conclusion that a slight change of the current rules for the glitchless category is in place.

The glitches not allowed in the glitchless category are the strafe jumping, circle jumping and save/load glitching to get through barriers or OOB. Also if anything like item duplication glitches or infinite ammo glitches or anything of that nature exsists or are to be found then these are/will be also prohibited.

This does not mean that OOB by itself is banned. If you manage to get ontop or over something using your regular abilities and not any glitch then it is perfectly allowed to go anywhere on the map.

Therefore the video that I have mentioned before and will link here at the bottom is the current route as far as I can see. But this video will not be added to the leaderboards because of it being cut up by the uploader and can not be timed correctly, nor can it be proven that it is not segmented.

If anyone has anything against this then please let me know. So the new rules shall be henceforth:

No strafe jumping glitch, No circle jumping glitch, No quicksave/quickload glitch

OOB allowed if done glitchless

тема: Crysis
MakkerDon4 years ago

The category has been made I am eagerly awaiting your runs

тема: Far Cry 4
MakkerDon5 years ago

it does, the credits start rolling after so it is an ending.

But ok, so the only argument you have is: that you dont like it

тема: Far Cry 4
MakkerDon5 years ago

Why do you need another reason than: it is faster? This is about speedrunning, so about being fastest

тема: Far Cry 4
MakkerDon5 years ago

I can understand what you mean. And I agree with you to an extend. But when it comes down to it, any% means finishing the game as fast as possible in any way possible, and even if it is an easter egg run, it is the fastest way of beating the game.

тема: Far Cry 4
MakkerDon5 years ago

It is, just because you dont like it doesnt make it so. Any% is any%. And you dont even run the game, so what do you care.

тема: Far Cry 4
MakkerDon5 years ago

I agree with HappySwedishGuy

The idea of any% is the fastest way possible, no matter if you might think it to be a meme, it is the fastest way

О MakkerDon
6 years ago
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