Kentucky, USAKefka142 years ago

Hey all,

Against all odds, The Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction has been accepted as a bonus incentive for ESA Summer 2021. This will be the games first major marathon appearance (assuming the incentive is met). I'm honored to be doing the run and hope to do us proud.

I will be doing Buttercup 100% on N64 console (not EMU, as ESA has a strict no EMU policy). It will be directly after my Sneak King run. When a schedule is finalized, I will share it to this thread.

Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

I've made a new IL category for the cart racing mini-game. Both courses can be found under the "Level Leaderboard" tab.

PD4FR нравится это
Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago


In the past few months I have started running Doraemon 2 and 3 for the N64. During another runners research into Doraemon 3: Nobita no Machi SOS! the runner BDLCrusher came across this article detailing a debug menu in Doraemon 3 that allows for access to an unused map and a variety of other features.


More curious though is that according to the same website, evidence exists in the code of Doraemon 2 for a debug menu as well. I thought this may be useful to archive here as well for those curious.


Lastly, I understand that much of the Doraemon community does not speak English. As such, those who do please reach out. I would love to start a dialogue about these two highly unexplored games with other Doraemon runners.

Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

I added one new category. TKO. I decided to run it for fun and it seemed fun enough to include as an Individual Level category.

I am not able to remove the option for TKO from Full Game runs. Any Full Game run submitted using TKO will be rejected or altered to be in either Ring Outs or No Ring Outs. (as you can't win in full game with TKO anyway).

Knock em dead guys.

ralphwiggums1 нравится это
Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

I would like to request a Max% Category (All crowns, hearts and carrots).

Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

Hello everyone. To celebrate some new world records set recently in the Ring Outs categories by EarlHickey, I have decided to add two individual level categories below the full game categories.

There you can find Special Match - Battle Royale. A 4 person and 40 person match both have submissions now open in Ring Outs and NRO. Enjoy!

Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

Hey everybody.

In the rules for Pitch Perfect, it was never specified if the levels had to be done in any particular order other than beginning with Level 1 and ending with Level 8. For clarification, I have updated the rules stating that any order a runner chooses is fine between levels 1 and 8.

Next and more importantly, there is now an Individual Level leaderboard underneath the Full-game Leaderboard. Currently only Pitch Perfect Individual Level runs are open for submissions, but that may change if the community desires.

Lastly, I was not able to make the Pitch Perfect IL leaderboard display the high score rather than a time. If anybody knows how we might accomplish this, please enlighten me. Thanks!

Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

To those that find your way here, welcome.

PD4FR нравится это
Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

Im active again. Just saying hi. I added some infromation to the games main rules due to a descrepancy I noticed that hasn't been discussed.

Have all submitted runs up to this point used RTA timing? I wanted to comfirm this as it has always been my assumption that we all used RTA. If that's incorrect, we can adjust the rules and retime runs as needed, I just want to clarify. Thanks!

Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

I requested this game as part of the aeries and my request vanished. Was it rejected for some reason?

Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

Hello. I requested a new game as a part of the Doraemon series earlier today. I checked back in, and I have no notifications stating that the request was rejected or approved, but the request has vanished from my "Pending Actions".

Did I do something incorrectly in my request form? If this is a very obvious question, my apologies. Thanks.

Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

Somebody do it. Even if its a 20 hour run.

Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

Hey everybody. Long time runner of Sneak King. Just wanted to post the innagural thread saying welcome. It took 14 years, but there are finally runs of all three games. Happy to unite the leaderboard as a series now that we have runs of them all!

SpeedyFolf нравится это
Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

I have not checked this leaderboard in a long time. Its amazing to see so many runs of Pitch Perfect. Do you all have perfect pitch? Just curious lol. I can recall running pitch perfect at online marathons in 2014-2015. Im just blown away to see so many.

Th3on3C и cyndifusic нравится это
Kentucky, USAKefka143 years ago

Hello everybody.

I'm a speedrunner from KY in the USA. I got out of the hobby about 5 years ago due to IRL things. Mostly a busy career. The pandemic has made me come back to it pretty hard.

For those who don't know me (which I'm assuming is a lot of people) I used to run a large variety of games. I was most known for Chameleon Twist on the N64 and Sneak King actually running both at GDQ events. Now, I've been grinding out some more up to date Chameleon Twist times as well as Sneak King. Wanted to learn something new too.

At any rate, its good to be back. I really missed running.

Kentucky, USAKefka147 years ago

Is the Wii edition of the game out of date for speedrunning? Just curious as I notice not a lot of times are on the Wii version.

Kentucky, USAKefka147 years ago

I've made some changes to the categories and rules for the game. These make a lot more sense (or at least as much sense as you can make of this game).

О Kefka14
I run.
9 years ago
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