United StatesJustAPig4 years ago

Hello, im new to trying out this game for speedrunning and I wanted to make sure that all my files and everything is up to code and in order. I have the emulator FCEUX 2.2.3 and have a Dig Dug ROM from romhustler, but it turned out to come with a bunch of different Dig Dug ROMs... so I want to see if there is one definitive one that runners here use? Or if I have to have a specific version? The one I have been trying glitches out at Round 4, thanks for all the help!

Crash77A нравится это
United StatesJustAPig4 years ago

Im new to the scene of speedrunning, I have seen many runners do amazing strats and attempts and so I want to try it myself. I found a game and got the recommended software, but still have some questions regarding what to do. Like, how do I set up the timer to switch during levels? What recording devices are good? and more game specific questions. Glad to try anything and happy to be here!

Carbasi_Sucks, RetroPacman, и AquaBlake нравится это
О JustAPig
4 years ago
4 years ago
Игры, за которыми следят
Dig Dug (NES)
Dig Dug (NES)
Последнее посещение 4 years ago