Illumina7 years ago

i almost understand

6infinity8 нравится это
Illumina7 years ago

@batonkal I'm not sure what could be the problem, make sure there are no spaces in it and you also have the "-"

Make sure you are on version 1.6.4 and have the latest version of java maybe?

Act_ и MinecraftGaming нравится это
Illumina8 years ago

my opinion is that you should just completely remove 2p because people who use it are white republican terrorists who are allowed to play games

Laxxius, PeterAfro и 4 другие нравится это
Illumina8 years ago

late response but it is -2063810908146531904 and you must be on 1.6 for it to work

Encripted, Act_, и MinecraftGaming нравится это
тема: Postal 2
Illumina8 years ago

"Milk shop glitch that Idiom has used in his run is very helpful but unfortunately it's not possible to do with your framerate below 40 FPS. When I try to do this glitch when not recording, it does work everytime but when I start recording with OBS with 30fps lock (my hardware won't let me go further) it doesn't work no matter how many times you try. "

Can confirm this. Recording in Game Capture on OBS causes lag for me which makes the skip impossible to do, but it works fine if I do it in Monitor Capture.

"I'm looking into a massive skip on Thursday at the moment that I've seen performed, but I couldn't replicate it on the Steam edition. And I mean MASSIVE. Maybe retail version will be the future of Postal 2 speedruns."

Hopefully we can confirm this as well.

Illumina8 years ago

You can't change versions during runs, including when you create the world.

Illumina8 years ago

who can spawn in lava pool first

OmegaFallon и BadassTurtlz нравится это
Illumina8 years ago

You are allowed to modify it but don't make it super bright, at least make it so you its obvious which places are suppose to be dark

Encripted, Act_ и 2 другие нравится это
Illumina8 years ago
  1. If you can't set up in-game time then a moderator of the leaderboards will manually do it, or you can do it yourself with an editing program. You can try to use one of the in-game timers from "Resources" but I think the links for CBenni's timers are broken, we'll see if we can try and fix that.

  2. Most people use OBS to record gameplay, I don't know how smoothly it runs on lower end ram but it's what I use.

  3. There aren't any auto splits for Minecraft, so you'd just have to get used to doing it manually.

I'm not entirely sure what problem you are having with LiveSplit, you can always ask wooferzfg1 or CryZe if you are having issues with LiveSplit

Noobyfools нравится это
Illumina8 years ago

Unfortunately I don't think there is other than CBenni's timer, and I'm not entirely sure why it's not working for you.

Illumina8 years ago

Alright then it may be some sort of bug, I'm not entirely sure. It isn't 100% automatic, you have to start and end time manually, but since it's in-game time it will be very precise anyway and you don't have to be exact with starting/stopping the time. If no In-game timer is working, then you can just submit real time but it will take longer for a moderator to verify because we'll have to get the In game time for ourselves. Or you can manually time it with some sort of video editing software.

Illumina8 years ago

Do you use splits? If so change all the columns to Game Time in layout settings

Illumina8 years ago

Try going to "Compare Against" and select "Game Time"

Illumina8 years ago

I am currently re-timing all Set Seed Glitchless runs right now to use in-game time. Many people complained that load times from loading the end/nether gave an unfair advantage for people with better computers, so now we won't count that to the final time of the run.

If you want an in-game timer, go to resources and you can get one there. If none of those work there is a LiveSplit In-game timer for 1.6.4 that you can use.

On LiveSplit, go to Edit Splits and change game name to "Minecraft". Game time should be available for 1.6.4 so activate it. Then edit your layout so that everything should be showing in-game time. (Set Timer to Timing Method: Game Time and do the same with the Splits Columns if you use splits. Also go to "Compare Against" and use "Game Time"). If any of the timers absolutely don't work, you can easily re-time your runs using a video editing software.

When you submit your run, please provide both Real Time and In-game Time. Doing this is a lot more convenient for the moderators.

If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please reply to this thread or private message one of the moderators.

KilleDragon, Jaro024 и 4 другие нравится это
Illumina8 years ago

There is a way to get in-game time from LiveSplit.

Go to Edit Splits, change game name to "Minecraft". Game time should be available for 1.6.4 so activate it. Then edit your layout so that everything should be showing in-game time.

If you have any questions please ask.

Illumina8 years ago

If you want, you (or another person who does RFW speedruns) can privately contact one of the moderators, and we can add you to our Skype group so we can talk about adding it as a ROM hack. (I say this because you probably have more knowledge on RFW than any of the moderators here)

Imaproshaman нравится это
Illumina8 years ago

If you absolutely need to be running on a server to speedrun RFW, then we can make a rule stating that you should do it on a server. But for vanilla speedruns and most Custom map speedruns we only allow singleplayer. Although we can make an exception for this.

YeetMasterYoda нравится это
Illumina8 years ago

@PikminWarrior F3 is allowed, although some people don't use it.

@sickmind33 All runs are singleplayer on the leaderboards, but we might make multiplayer categories if there is enough interest.

Encripted, sWinTuZ и 5 другие нравится это
Illumina9 years ago

Coolinator isn't active at the moment, but I'll try asking for the seed when he comes back. Although it's his decision if he wants to give the seed.

О Illumina
9 years ago
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