HealingMind8 years ago

I was trying the DK 5 stock V. easy difficulty.

HealingMind8 years ago

I've tried several times now, and link sometimes doesn't go far enough to go off the ledge to jump, nor does he go far enough down to do the attack for him,

HealingMind8 years ago

Mostly the title. The guides appear to imply that I know things I know nothing about at the moment.

If it helps, the most I can do casually on Classic is somewhat Normal difficulty, though I might need to use a continue there because of Fox/Master Hand.

тема: Speedrunning
HealingMind8 years ago

Would I need to learn all the fighitng moves and combos and stuff for smash bros? The only melee guide is for very hard, which I can't really do.

тема: Speedrunning
HealingMind8 years ago

why would I hate you for recommending me a game? And I'll look at it, thanks!

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тема: Speedrunning
HealingMind8 years ago

I originally followed the "Run the games you enjoy" but the game I picked for my first speedrun (Undertale) ended up being too difficult for me to continue (though, the speedrunning community did try their best to help me out).

Now I'm at a point where any game I'd like to run sort of meets the point of " I'd like to run that, but either the skips are brutal, or general movement is probably a bit much for me, or -most often- I couldn't even beat this casually, so there's no way I'd be able to run it."

So, I wanted to ask if there was anything I could run in the meantime while I figure out something else I might be able to do.

О HealingMind
8 years ago
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