тема: The Site
Massachusetts, USAHakua4 years ago

Can (Rabi-Ribi Category Extensions) be added as a Category Extension Sub Game for (Rabi-Ribi) ? Thanks.

R0main нравится это
тема: The Site
Massachusetts, USAHakua4 years ago

Hello, I am requesting the removal of Super Mod, CupNoodle from

They have not been apart of our community in over 3 years and only have Super Mod status because they were the first to complete essentially a "Day 1" speedrun and claim the leaderboard. They also have not verified or made any changes to the leaderboard during their time on this website as well, and by the looks of their profile, they have also not done any speedruns in 2 years.

Upon visiting their profile to attempt contact, their Twitch channel has been deleted, their Discord username has also been deleted, and their Twitter has been inactive for over a month. Attempts to contact have been unsuccessful as you may have guessed.


Massachusetts, USAHakua4 years ago

The new end timing rule is as follows: Timing ends on the frame the health bar disappears after defeating "???".

Please see the following two screenshots for the frame before and on this new end timing:

This is the frame before the timer should be stopped.

The time that displays on this frame should be used.

iwabi74 нравится это
тема: Rabi-Ribi
Massachusetts, USAHakua6 years ago

You may have noticed the rules mention a few glitches and how they are banned. These are some of the most game-breaking glitches in the game and have been patched out of the most recent updates of the game. If you are playing on the latest update, then you shouldn't worry about these glitches too much.

Reverse Cutscenes // Patched in version 1.70 Reverse Cutscenes is a glitch that allows you to bypass cutscenes that would normally prevent progression. By entering a cutscene trigger in a particular manner, you can cause cutscenes to reverse your direction, which will allow you to bypass these triggers.

Parallel Universes // Patched in version 1.80 Parallel Universes are out of bounds areas that replicate a certain area. It replicates the items that exist in the area but does not have any collision. It's a bit difficult to explain, but by entering a Parallel Universe, you can collect all the items in the area extremely quickly by bypassing all collision that would normally exist in the area.

Spring Exploration // Patched in version 1.91 Spring Exploration is a collision glitch activated by jumping on a spring as it screen transitions. Currently there is only one known spring where this glitch can be activated. While in Spring Exploration, all collision can be bypassed allowing you to pick up any item and skip nearly every boss in the game with ease.

In a speedrun, these glitches are exceptionally broken, allowing things such as skipping to the end of the game. These glitches are still used in legacy speedruns, which can be found under the miscellaneous section, but since they have been patched out of the recent versions of the game in addition to being completely game breaking, they have been banned from the main categories.

For more information, feel free to visit the Rabi-Ribi Discord server and ask.

riktoi нравится это
тема: Rabi-Ribi
Massachusetts, USAHakua7 years ago

I know that I keep making more and more threads regarding various categories, but I promise this will be the last one I make. Further threads will just consist of me updating this one.

In any event, after a long discussion on the Rabi-Ribi Discord, we have come to some terms regarding some new glitches and sequence breaks. As such, this thread is to fine tune all the categories.

Please vote/decide here:

Results will be recorded on the community Spreadsheet.

Thank you for your participation, and happy speedbunning!


Currently, the leaderboard only contains categories for the "Casual" and "Normal" difficulties. However, everyone is welcome to run on any difficulty they desire.

Other difficulties are not present on the leaderboard in order to keep it concise. Because there are no video recorded RTA runs on other difficulties, including the other difficulties would just add a bunch of "(empty)" sections on the leaderboard, which would make it look quite messy.

If you are running on a different difficulty level and would like to submit your time to this leaderboard, feel free to post your runs in this thread, and the appropriate categories will be added as soon as possible.


I hope this clears up any questions regarding this topic.

Veloalopus и CupNoodle нравится это
тема: Rabi-Ribi
Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago

I decided to keep a log of changes made to categories in order to keep a history of Rabi-Ribi's progress. Things are always changing, so don't be shy to ask about new categories or difficulties.


  • Bunny Hell Mode added to the leaderboard.


  • Total Playtime removed from the leaderboard.


  • Cocoa added to the leaderboard.


  • End timing rules for all categories updated.


  • Added Legacy and Extensions categories.


  • Any% changed to X Town Members and moved to miscellaneous.
  • Pacifist updated with Main Game and Post Game.
  • End timing rule for Post Game categories changed.


  • 0% updated with Main Game and Post Game.
  • All Collectibles removed from the leaderboards due to a game update that obsoletes previous runs.


  • 0% moved back out of miscellaneous.


  • Any% changed to 10 Town Members.
  • Rules updated for all categories.
  • Any% added to the leaderboard.
  • Pacifist added to the leaderboard under miscellaneous.


  • Map requirement removed from the 100% definition.
  • 0% moved to miscellaneous due to lack of activity.
  • All Collectibles added to the leaderboard under miscellaneous.


  • Post Game added to the leaderboard under miscellaneous.


  • All Town Members added to the leaderboard.
  • 0% rules updated.
  • 100% rules updated.
Cerberus нравится это
тема: Rabi-Ribi
Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago

We are quite happy to answer questions if you join our Discord community. A link can be found in the other forum posts. There will generally always be someone active who can answer your questions there.

тема: Rabi-Ribi
Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago

You're actually right on the money for both of those! The Alius glitch requires you to just kill Alius 1 while positioning Erina (and possibly the direction she's facing) in a specific location, which will trigger an auto-save once you beat her. I can kill her in a specific location with the use of Amulet. That said, it's most likely better to get to Alius 3 the intentional way so you have 3 Amulets! Money is surprisingly important and tight.

For the Pyramid Zip, just hold up and right and perform a jump at the right time. You'll damage boost into the ceiling and zip across to the trampoline room.

Tamatsu нравится это
тема: Rabi-Ribi
Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago

I added Any% (Post Game) to the leaderboard as a miscellaneous category due to requests from the Japanese community. If it does turn out more popular, we can promote it to a main category, but I thought it would be best to leave it as miscellaneous for now.

Welcome, Japanese players ('ω' )و✧

Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago

^Commenting on this, Orima recently submitted a run here. He was grinding the game with autofire; however, he stopped using autofire, so that he could submit his time here. The LADX JPN community is tiny and practically non-existent, but they know that there is a leaderboard here and respect the rules here.

Also, text skip is allowed, so our runs would be valid on their leaderboards.

Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago


SQ has a faster WR, so I have no idea what you're looking at. Also, I just PB'd today, if you're looking for activity. Continuing on that argument, activity for SQ is more recent and frequent than Any%, so using that as an argument doesn't hold ground.

Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago

Agreeing with Rapid and dragon.

Move to miscellaneous: -All Instruments -Legacy

Keep as Main: -Any% (No SQ/WW/OoB) -Any% -100% -Any% (No WW/OoB)

Whatever happens, nothing will change for me. SQ will remain as the only category I care about.

тема: Rabi-Ribi
Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago

The general consensus seems to prefer banning eggs in 0% and having them optional in 100%. As such, I've updated the categories to reflect this. Not permanent, but it's a good place to start.

тема: Rabi-Ribi
Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago

In case this was a TL;DR, the basic questions are:

  1. Should 100% include collecting Easter Eggs despite not being accounted for by the game's percentage tracker?

  2. Should Low% avoid collecting Easter Eggs despite not being accounted for by the game's percentage tracker?

  3. Should the "Defeat Irisu" category just strive to defeat Irisu ASAP, fill out the Town Members menu, or include fighting all bosses including optional ones? (Post Game? All Town Members? All Bosses?)

тема: Rabi-Ribi
Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago

Recently, Rabi-Ribi has received some updates that make the definitions of some categories questionable. Even without some of the updates, some of the categories were still questionable. This post is going to address this topic of categories and offer arguments from multiple points of view. We need to talk about this as a community sooner rather than later, and also discuss any future changes in categories.

Some background information: Categories were previously established, but now they're a bit shaky. Recently, the game was updated (on Easter) and added a brand new collectable: Easter Eggs. Since this is a new collectable, the question is whether or not this should be included in the definitions of 100% and Low%.

There are two main arguments when considering 100%: 1) 100% should be defined by the percentage counters displayed by the speedrun stats tracker on the top of the screen. 2) 100% is arbitrary and should generally include all possible collectables.

The case for argument 1: A) This game is continuously receiving updates, so we should not cater to new collectables being added every update. 100% should be cut and dry: only include what the game counts in its percentage counter: map completion and items completion. B) Other games use their in-game percentage counters to track 100% (think Kirby or Metroid), so we should follow suit and do the same. This is especially evident on the save files as seen here:

c) Easter Eggs and potential future updates should not be included as they are not counted by these counters.

The case for argument 2: A) There are many games that do no have a percentage counter, and 100% is defined as all possible collectables. Following suit, we should try to collect everything possible, which means collecting Easter Eggs (and possibly future updated collectables). B) When you look at the map, Easter Eggs are included as a collectable, and they are in static locations. As such, we should include Easter Eggs even if you don't want to use "arbitrary category" as the argument. Since Easter Eggs appear on the map, they are not arbitrary collectables. You can see that here:

C) Future updates that add collectables don't need to be considered at this time because they may or may not adhere to some of these previous guidelines.

There are two main arguments when considering 0%: 1) Low% should be defined by the percentage counter displayed by the speedrun stats tracker on the top of the screen.¤ 2) Low% is arbitrary and should generally attempt to collect the least amount of collectables possible.

¤Regarding the map completion tracker, given the restriction on movement options, map completion is generally N/A for Low%.

The case for argument 1: A) Similar to other games, we should only consider the in game percentage tracker of 0% item completion. As this game is a Metroidvania, this is a simple comparison to make. Beating the game with 0% items is possible, so that is what we should use. You can see that here:

B) Eggs are not tracked by the item completion counter. They are tracked by the map, but they generally do not serve much purpose and can be treated as money as very few will even be collected. If these should be counted, then so should the map.
C) This draws a simple comparison to the Steam Leaderboards, which does not include eggs, especially as they are updated content.

The case for argument 2: A) Since Low% is basically "collect the least amount possible", we should honor it as an arbitrary category and not collect eggs, especially since eggs ARE tracked as seen here:

B) Arguments defending collecting eggs as some are "hard to avoid" is invalid because there are some main items that are hard to avoid.
C) Since collecting 0 eggs is possible, it should be a valid part of the definition of Low%, much like they should be a valid part of 100%.
D) Each egg gives you 1500 EN, which gives you an unfair advantage and allows you to abuse purchasing Cocoa Bombs and speed up boss fights.

There are many ways to look at this category. This category started off as "All Bosses" because the community believed that Keke Bunny was required to reach Irisu and that skipping bosses such as Fake Rita was impossible. Now that we know that some bosses such as Keke bunny and Fake Rita can be skipped, we can no longer easily call this "All Bosses".

The idea behind this category is to show off strats for all the boss fights, which means that bosses such as Keke Bunny, Shadow Rita, and Shadow Pandora should all be included. Whether or not the Ex-Bosses should be included is still in the air. Most people argue "no" because they are post-post-game content and are just harder versions of existing bosses.

The idea behind this because this is what the Steam Leaderboards track. As such, the only requirement of this category is to defeat Irisu as quickly as possible. Consequently, this means that Keke Bunny, Shadow Rita, and Shadow Pandora will all be skipped.

The idea behind this category is using the in-game Town menu as the basis for this category as seen here:

We should attempt to just fill out this menu. This means that Keke Bunny should be fought, but Shadow Rita and Shadow Pandora can be skipped.

тема: The Site
Massachusetts, USAHakua8 years ago

I'd like to change my name to just Hakua. Thank you in advance.

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