United StatesGamerTY1081 year ago

Really cool to see someone putting a lot of time and effort into the "Special Forces" categories! I've thought about doing it myself but I haven't really found the desire to learn the whole game again, since the higher difficulties really do change how you have to go about each level, and the potential frustration since it seems so easy to die :P Really cool to see these runs though and good job! ^ ^

United StatesGamerTY1081 year ago

Just wanted to make a little thread because I don't think there is any notification anywhere letting anyone know a new guide has been posted in the guide section!

The video guide is just the VOD uploaded on youtube from the GDQ show "How to train a speedrunner" that I was invited to on October 27th 2022! But it should be a pretty solid guide to learn and get into the game for anyone looking for a tutorial or guide!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! You can join the Battlefront community discord linked on these leaderboards, or ask me wherever else you like! (youtube/twitter/twitch) I will try my best to answer any questions! :)

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United StatesGamerTY1081 year ago

I know this is a pretty late reply here, but I wanted to let anyone know who was interested, this "Pre-Install" mode can be accessed at any time, it is just called "Tutorial" in one of the Singleplayer sections in the menus. You do not have to have the game half installed or anything.

I also wouldn't mind this as a category, it is pretty similar to the battle scenarios but a single replayable one. I don't think it would be a terrible category addition if people actually wanted it.

United StatesGamerTY1083 years ago

Mods are usually appointed on a needed basis, and since this game isnt too popular in terms of speedrunning, 1-2 mods is perfectly fine and no more are really needed. As long as the mods are reviewing runs in a timely manner (which they have been), there is no reason for anymore mods.

(Also, I know I am not a mod, for this game or any game. But usually asking to become mod when more mods isnt needed is a great way to NOT become a mod (at least in my opinion). Its also good for mods to be people who have speedrun the game and been apart of the community for a while.)

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United StatesGamerTY1084 years ago

If you mean the "Explorer", "Soldier" and "Special Forces" categories, It is the difficulty you play the campaign on. The higher difficulties are actually quite a bit tougher, in terms of the enemies killing you, so you can't just run past them as easily as you can on Explorer.

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