Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

If you're referring to one of my runs, sorry. My youtube channel got deleted and so are my videos. Not sure about the others though

Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Congrats everyone : ). I'll join in the fun once I get them setups ;)

Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Ok so from now on here is how we prove that our run isn't "spiced"

-We either stream the run and use our hightlighted run to summit our runs. Hence twitch but youtube doesn't have that feature. -Put a timer/splits when you are doing the run offline. So we could make sure if the timer stays at regular speed -Stream the run on youtube and summit it as your run. No editing or what not. Just summit a 3 hour stream with a 2 hour run in the vid. (That's what I did with DE)

Also you don't really need to put the comment section on when you're streaming on the PS4. I mean you're streaming it, highlighting the video on twitch or using the stream vid as your proof and there you go. I know there's a timer and all but remember we have 1 proof for each which solve everything. 1. For twitch, hightlighted broadcast and 2. Stream 1, 2, or 3 hours ago. You can just go to the vid and see if it's publish or not.

For Renegade: We don't really care if the runner change the controls. I mean PvtCb did it multiple times in his runs with Nero/Dante and Vergil

thePuck77 нравится это
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

@TSLPrescott run has been updated. Well it's off from 20 seconds because I have to run some errands but there you go. It could be faster then my last run but errand keep me running and such. Marry Christmas ; )

Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Precott I watch your run and mostly your run is no difference then mine. I remember my run is glitch-less as well. But I only did a few small skips but they only add little to no advantage to our runs. However there is one thing that make a huge difference to my run and your run and that is mission 17.

Because you are playing in heaven or hell mode, you and the enemy die in one hit. But because of you getting caught of those red pit, you'll die automatically. For me since I'm on human difficulty I could skip through the fire pit and every fight the game give me cause I could spam the living shit out of health stars. Plus super dante give me regeneration. Unlike you, you have to wait til the fire dries out cause if you keep on going and the fire pit catches you, then you are dead meat. Then you have to restart the checkpoint the game gives you which it is kind of annoying. Because of this I have adventage over mission 17 thus making my time at sub 1:29. And you having the disadvantage out of all mission which it is kind of annoying cause heaven or hell should be a piece of cake.

Other then that movement should be precise a bit and DT must be on no matter what (Even though the run is about 3 month old). By this I meant you have to turn on DT and never turn it off cause if you do then you have to play the animation where Donte have a fucking orgasm which it waste time a bit. Other then that that's all I see in your runs

Sorry if this doesn't help you and such. Just wanted to point out the things that make our time little differences ^<

Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Yudhveer what's the point of not recording it in run? Time doesn't start at the menu or selection of Nero. It starts once the save file is created. I don't see why you don't include it in the video since it is POINTLESS just to turn it on and go back out just to record a run. I mean all we going to see is you turning on turbo, switch controller buttons, and select Nero/Dante runs. That's about it. Also do you have any evidence that back up with your loading screens Yudhveer?

zerodux нравится это
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

PvtCb first ask if Super Costume is going to be in the leaderboards. We thought about and talk it through. Then we decided it will be in the leaderboards. However if it doesn't get filled up after 4 months then it's going down. I understand where you coming from Yudhveer and I know doing Super Costume is boring and all but we are trying to bring the DMC community more to the public. Hence the reason the NG+/Super Costume is created. Besides people wanted to do the Super Costume run. I don't know their reasons why but we do it anyway. Trust me. It'll be a piece of cake to take down the NG+/Super Costume. Don't worry. After 4 months if a single run doesn't get summited then you won't see it anymore.

Yudhveer нравится это
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Yudhveer please take the time to read the forum of "Super Costume." We put NG+ for a reason. Please read it Here read this. This forum is the reason why we made this. Next time read other forums before making questions like this

thePuck77 нравится это
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

If we gonna do that we have to start the run and timer after pressing x to start the bloody palace. Otherwise start mission and end the timer at the last hit of Dante like Puck mentions.

Tbh there is a huge time difference in NG and NG+, and other different platforms. Having console having the horrendous time loading. I understand where we heading and all. Though in bloody palace I think time there is the same. Gotta do some research.

Other then that we need to talk to PvtCb about this and see if he change the rule or not. Rule for summiting out timer in game time.

Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Uhhh what?

zerodux нравится это
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Zero I got the category fix. You can summit the runs now

тема: The Site
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Hey, I was wondering if I could be the moderator for DmC: Devil may Cry and DmC Definitive Edition? For DmC Definitive Edition there are no active moderators in that game. I have to remind the moderator to verify my run after I summit a run 1 month ago. For DmC: Devil may Cry there are only one active moderator for that game. And he is struggling to organize the sub-categories. And I would like to help him fix up some things. Can you please? DmC : DmC DE :

YUMmy_Bacon5 нравится это
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Ok. Sorry for making you guys wait but here are the rules for S. Costume runs

  1. No items (Obviously)
  2. Skips use is allowed (PvtCb wanted to have skips so blame him Kappa)
  3. Beat the run as fast as possible
  4. On DMD mode (DMD must come first. Default difficulties will be settle later. Or you can just do Devil Hunter or something I don't care. Just do a run and PvtCb will add them as subcategory
  5. Have fun (Good luck with that)

That's it folks. Hope you have a nice day

DISCLAIMER: If there are NO runs summited to the leaderboards then we're taking it down. No matter how many times you guys ask. We are giving 4 months for a run to be summited. And if that doesn't happen then game over. We don't want empty leaderboards lay bare for all to see. Fill it up or something

¤Hzeroedux will be the first to do the S. Costume run. We're trying to bring the community into its place. And this will do. After 4 months and no runs summited after his place will be taken down.

zerodux и thePuck77 нравится это
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Also it is best to use stinger on stairs. Using evade and Angel glide won't add a boost to your movement when you're climbing the stairs

Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Stinger is the fastest move for platforming. If you use it correctly (going straight multiple times) you'll be faster than angel glide and angel evade. However if you mess up just one little stinger (aiming slightly off the track) then you're doom. Use either both of these tech movements and see which one make your hand comfort. Angel glide and angel evade = safe movement. Stinger = Good movement but once fucked up you're fucked

Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Yep. For now we're going to let PvtCb do the editing here. I can't edit the game or else I'll mess up. I got lucky with the bloody palace catagory though but I won't mess with other categories.

zerodux нравится это
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

If we are going to put up Super Costume category then it's best to set some limits on them skips. They have to go through battles they have to do. This applies to mission 12 skip as well. So skipping the things you can do in NG is prohibited. Also restrict them on items. Spamming holy water is annoying asf. There

zerodux нравится это
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Remember that Super Costume is going to make speed running no problem. Spamming Judgement Cut End or Perfect Judgement Cut over and over again just make the run boring. With Nero his Super Costume make his exceed filled up to 3 no matter what skill he uses. And his Max-Act sound is annoying whenever it gets spam over and over again. With Dante they could just spam the shit out of Omen and Multi-shot rocket thingy which make Dante cheap with his DT and his Disaster Gauge. With these kind of OP moves they could beat the hell out of "No Super Costume" runs. Also what is the point of having Super Costume. Sprint activates after the first or second step, Vergil have most of his moves OP asf and with Nero and Dante they could use his Charge Shot 3 and Distortion Real Impact. But then again adding Super Costume may brings DMC’s community up. Sure it is boring but hey we got what they wanted. I guess that they consider NG run boring and long while with Super Costume fast. In DMC4 Vanilla most of the runs have Super Costume on. HOWEVER if there are NO runs submitted to the Super Costume category then we're taking it down no matter what. It's just useless to have it up and then no one have the interest to run it even though they asked for it. Also if you want can you make item use banned. I don't see the point of having it on since you have Super Costume on. Spamming the shit out of holy water just make me question myself "Why we have Super Costume in the first place?" Since we have more defense power, OP moves, and sprint through first step it is best to make items banned.

thePuck77 нравится это
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

I don't want to be rude and all but there will be a chance you could fail some runs due to turbo mode having it off. All of us uses turbo for our advantage because it speed up our gameplay 20% I think. As for the timer it goes at normal speed. I understand that turbo mode is not a good use for you but speedrun is different from grinding up missions over and over again. Speedrunning means going fast and getting lower time record. It's best to use it as our advantage. All runners uses turbo giving us the current time now. It's best to get used to it once you're finished up mission 15 SoS. Wish the best luck to you.

thePuck77 нравится это
тема: The Site
Texas, USAFourTwoEight7 years ago

Hello. I was wondering if you could change my name to NirvanaZero000 please

Thank you very much

О FourTwoEight
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