FLUSHI21 year ago


, goxaviergo, и StrangeSeat нравится это
FLUSHI22 years ago

nice one! however im inside your walls

StrangeSeat, Ostin8293 и 2 другие нравится это
FLUSHI22 years ago

Any% MS is a category in Any% because there are multiple, there is Any% Classic, and Any% NMS (No Mission Skip) Here i will try to tell you about all the categories

Any% MS (Mission Skip) you can use the mission skip feature of the game, any endings can be choosen, can use taxies (but the fastest is to kill Trevor so the A ending)

Any% NMS (No Mission Skip) You can't use the mission skip (but the fastest is the B to kill michael) feature of the game, can use taxies, any endings can be choosen Any% Classic You can't use the mission skip feature of the game, can't use taxies and must choose the C ending of the game

100%-MS need 100% completion of the game, can use taxies and can use the mission skip feature, any endings can be choosen

100%-NMS can use taxies, can't use the mission skip feature of the game, need 100% completion of the game, any endings can bee choosen

100%-Classic can't use taxies, can't use the mission skip feature, need 100% completion of the game, and C ending must be choosen

All Missions Need to complete all Strangers and Freaks, and the story

Segments are just different part of the game. Hope this Helps

goxaviergo, JJA, и Yamil_4x нравится это
FLUSHI22 years ago

Maybe to the category extension.... but i don't think it would really fit there too

BurntRL и StrangeSeat нравится это
FLUSHI22 years ago

i know, its a pain playing in windowed borderless

ieatpigeonss нравится это
FLUSHI22 years ago

Get a second monitor. Thats the only other solution, sadly

goxaviergo и ieatpigeonss нравится это
3 years ago
1 year ago