Ontario, CanadaDisclude7 years ago

As Spiraster said, it's always fun to look into this stuff. This game is so strange, it's easy to overlook things, and having people from the outside giving fresh ideas and thoughts on things is always interesting.

Was fun to mess around with testing out frame rules, bounces and frame counts for these horseheads. Maybe one day something will be found to make them less annoying. :P

DiskJunky1 нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude7 years ago

Well, been trying it for a bit, and talking with others in discord, and we definitely don't see how this works, or maybe just none of us understand what you're getting at.

From my experimenting, I tried removing the pots in the room, setting a save state while holding the horsehead. I've looked at physical bounces, as well as just changes in the sprites orientation, and both ways I was able to find frame timings where same numbers of bounces produced different outcomes, 1 bounce physical bounce against a wall landing up and sideways depending on the time I threw it only 1 frame of difference. And 7 sprite orientation changes throwing sideways landing up and sideways by throwing the 2nd attempt only 7 frames after the first attempt.

So maybe we're not understanding correctly. The explanations are kind of vague and don't go into detail or thorough examples to help understand where you're going with this, at least for what it would take for me to understand.

BambooShadow нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude7 years ago

Honestly, I'm not sure how what you're explaining would work. From what we know of horseheads, they're based on a global frame rule. As in, you can throw a horse head from the same spot, the exact same way, and throwing it 1 frame later or earlier can change how it will land.

For example, say you enter the room on frame 1000(exaggeration because you'd be much higher on a real run), and you throw a horse head on frame 1020 against the wall, it lands straight up. If you throw it sideways so it doesn't hit a wall on frame 1020, it still lands straight up. But if you throw either of them at 1021 or 1019, it lands sideways(That's not always the case, cause it's not perfectly every other frame or whatever). The rng stuff is complicated involving global frame timings, link's position on the screen and other things of that sort.

Maybe we're misunderstanding your explanation, but I don't see a way to overcome global frame rules from all the testing I've done with horseheads.

A more indepth explanation with video or pictures might be helpful if you still think your strategy works out somehow.

BambooShadow нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude7 years ago

For the second year now, we will be holding an LADX Any% No S+Q/WW/OoB Tournament. The format has been changed from the double elim bracket we used last year to a group stage round robin leading to a single elim bracket.

The tournament signups are currently open until August 15th, 2017 and the tournament will begin August 28th, 2017.

To read all the information about the tournament, it's format and rules, head to this page:

To join the tournament discord, use this link:

SerelepeMarsupial нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude7 years ago

LOL Credits Warp on LADX is Gambatte only, so it's not doable on any console. But there's timing to it. Make sure you're pausing in the screen before the chest screen, and make sure you're doing the run quick enough in general.

Ontario, CanadaDisclude7 years ago

The problem with "All Essences" or "All Dungeons", is D2 skip would still be the fastest route for the game lol and completely glitchless would be an awfully boring run :(

People can run whatever they want to run though, so just do whatever run you want to run.

Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

bomb triggers and super jumps won't work properly on 3DS vc, which means some of this route wouldn't work properly, since 3DS VC uses v1.2 of the game, instead of v1.0

Velatoget нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

Yo, welcome, and grats on your first run. It's always nice to get more new runners for this game!

I've seen you around in Zorlax's stream a few times I think, good to see you've taken the time to learn the game. I'm sure you'll have a good run in no time.

Feel free to join the discord if you want; there's a sticky on this forum with the link to it. Pretty much all the runners hang out in there. We chat, have fun, organize races for the game, etc.

Otherwise, have fun with the game, and welcome once again~ :D

WesCopeland нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

Lava Juice Kreygasm

Spiraster нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

Streaming learning or runs can also be very helpful to learning, because runners usually drop by LADX streams and help people out when they're learning.

I for one enjoy watching new runners learn the game, and giving tips for things I see that might be helpful.

TheAlmightyLucario03 и Spiraster нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

This category/route is actually pretty recent. It was created and routed by VelaToget. It's only like a month or two old now.

If you want to see more stuff for this run, like older stuff, you could probably check out Vela's twitch at

dmonye и Velatoget нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

Yea, being able to do that trick would mean needing to allow a lot of other similar tricks, which would break this category a lot more. The rules for main category are very strange and quite arbitrary, but we have them to keep an interesting category because this game is so RIDICULOUSLY broken, it's pretty insane.

Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

Yea, Any% No S+Q/WW/OoB is the main category for this game, and run by the majority of the community. The WR holder, ZorlaxSeven who did the SGDQ run today has a full run video tutorial on the run that is REALLY good, and pretty much completely up to day on the current route. Would strongly suggest watching it, even if you're learning 100% to learn the tricks and a lot of the more intricate parts of the run. There are links to it in the guides section here.

Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

We told you why it's not allowed in your 2nd topic you made that got locked. It's not a legitimate trick. That is why it's not allowed in Any% anymore.

Warr90 нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

Yea. I myself have done unbuffered rooster skip since I started running this game since there was no consistent buffered method then. I used to get 3-6 try rooster skip sometimes.(Hell, it can still happen) But it's definitely something you'll keep practicing, even when you think you're good at it, just to keep the skill lvl up on it.

Now that we have the consistent buffered method, I use it only for races and ONLY if the first jump is bad, or if bow-wow is getting in the way in that race.

As for practice amounts, there's no number that is 'enough'. It's something you'll be practicing all the time, just work on it as much as you feel comfortable doing.

Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

As was mentioned in this thread and the last. ACE only works on Gambatte. Therefore it can't be a legitimate category until someone is able to prove it works on console, and therefore, Any% is the true any% still, and ACE is just a misc category that is only doable on emulator.

Warr90 нравится это
Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

I thought this thread was "things you're renowned for doing in a run", not "Things you're renowned for never doing, but being framed for doing" OpieOP

Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

I've never seen someone do a run on 3DS yet, so it should be cool to watch when you decide to start doing runs :P

Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago

I have no experience playing this game on 3DS, but a hard reset is a hard reset, so I assume it's fine. It's not like it gives you an advantage over a GBC or GBP that resets immediately.

Ontario, CanadaDisclude8 years ago


WASD movement, J,K for B,A. V for Select, Space for Start

О Disclude
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